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11.09.2008 | 三連飯局

呢三日連續放工之後都有飯局, 本來應該係去健身中心報到嘅, 但係相反地讓身上啲卡路裡變成「有入冇出」, 覺得有點罪惡感, 不過飯局嘅引誘力的確係比做運動強勁得多喎.. 肥!肥!!肥!!!
  • 前日星期二, 新加坡兩位大老細過嚟巡視業務數日, 例牌都會夾埋SG同DV帶佢哋去食飯架喇.. 而且好興去食韓國菜, 唔知點解, 大家都對呢間韓國餐廳非常之有好感.. 其實事先都諗住唔去架喇, 不過最後始終難敵同事慫恿, 所以就下海喇..
  • 噚日星期三, TB由愛爾蘭返嚟, 約埋FN同CY一齊飯局, 去返前日去嘅韓國餐廳, 連續兩日食返八成同樣嘅嘢, 不過仍然食得好開心, 因為實在都有一段時間冇見面喇.. 同之前餐比較, 呢餐係為咗聚舊, 食咩反而成為其次..
  • 今日星期四, 友人之前托我喺屋企附近買DVD(認識我嘅朋友, 都知我住嗰區賣DVD係賣到出晒名啦), 佢等唔切要睇所以就約咗放工後兜去我公司攞.. 咁橫掂都嚟到咯, 咪就順便一齊去食飯囉.. 放心喎不過, 今日唔係去食韓國菜, 呵呵..
out having dinner with colleagues and friends for consecutive three days, was supposed to drag myself to gym to burn out calories, but indeed i have them only input but no output at all.. feel a little guilty about it, but then how could i resist food when i'm to choose within food and workout?? fat! fat!! fat!!!
  • tuesday, two big bosses from SG came down to visit our office, and normally will tag along SG and DV to bring them for dinner after work.. it's like a norm that we will be going to THAT korean restaurant, i don't know why, everybody seems to like that food there very much.. was thinking not to join this time earlier, but just could not do away with colleagues persuasion and hence there i went..
  • wednesday, TB came back from ireland for some family events, and we got FN and CY to join for dinner together.. went to the same restaurant and had 80% similar food, but still enjoyed the dinner very well.. mainly because it's more of a gathering with some old friends and get updated with each other's recent getting-on, the food has indeed become of secondary importance really..
  • thursday, a friend of mine asked me to get him some DVDs from a shop near my house (those who know me should have know how famous the DVD shops are at my area).. can't be patient anymore to wait, he set an appointment to meet me up at office after work to pick up the discs.. and since we were meeting up, spontaneously we decided to go dinner together, but no worries it's not korean again, hehehe..


  1. Never date me out for dinner.. so sad.. :P

  2. haiz..... lets go dinner tonight again...

    hahha... fat fat fat fat......

  3. lifebook:
    later when you got your PMP title, you belanja me dinner laa.. hehehe :p

    william h:
    hmmm, if like that i'm not fat, but indeed becoming obese already, hahaha!!

  4. since you already have the PMP title, you should belaja loh. How about the Korean place?

  5. I want Japanese food. I must go Jogoya one time while I still have my money, before I spend them all.

  6. good! I know somebody who eat a lot this month too...so that I am not so guilty when I eat in Hong Kong next week.

  7. lifebook:
    haha, i got it like half a year ago, so the celebration period has already lapsed lu.. will wait for your turn, hehehe!!

    well, if you have not tried Jogoya before there's no harm going.. i've tried two times and think the standard dropped already..

    well, there's no point you don't eat as much as possible when you're in HK.. eat already then feel guilty later lor, hehehe..

  8. Really?! Then where should I go for good Japanese buffet?

  9. 哗! 大佬,呢排好多饭局喎!

  10. eat while you can. there's always tomorrow for EXERCISE & DIET.. lol

  11. legolas:
    yeah, it's true.. but depend what type of Japanese food you like - buffet or a-la carte?? buffet i heard there's one in Equatorial, a-la carte you can try Kampachi in Pavilion..

    係囉, 食到我邊癡肥喇就嚟.. 細佬你都唔弱吖, 你何尚唔係經常飯局呢?? 呵呵..

    haiz, the problem is.. there is always a tomorrow after tomorrow leh.. hahaha!!
