記得生平第一次食浦飛係小六嗰一年, 嗰日畢業典禮之後, 三五知己因為唔捨得所以留返喺學校談天說地, 之後有人提議去hi-tea.. 當時呢家嘢其實非常唔普遍, 我哋幾個黃毛丫頭竟然膽大心細, 走咗去學校附近間酒店hi-tea, 我記得當時13歲以下兒童收費只係七蚊, 好扺食囉.. 就咁見識到浦飛原來就係擺咗一大堆食, 任由你攞任由你食, 食物有添冇減嘅一回事..
之後升上中學, 依稀記得就係得嗰一次班上搞嘅活動就係hi-tea, 冇乜印象.. 不過升上學院, 大學畢業, 踏入社會工作初期, 應該係食浦飛得最多嘅階段.. 當時有個同樣好喜歡食浦飛嘅朋友, 時不時都約埋一齊去大開殺戒, 我覺得全城大大小小酒店嘅浦飛都差唔多畀我哋食勻晒架喇..
我鐘意浦飛呢家嘢, 其實係因為有多種類食物可以一次過品嘗, 其次係鐘意個氣氛, 大家可以好relax咁不停一邊食嘢一邊傾偈.. 雖然而家已經冇當年咁勇, 食少好多(通常第三round已經開始飽喇), 不過我仍然係好鐘愛浦飛囉, 哈哈..
still remember the first buffet meal in my lifetime was back in my primary 6, on that day after the graduation, a few of the closer us stayed up late chit chatting in school, when someone suggested to continue the session to a hi-tea.. the buffet style dining was not really that popular back then, but yet we few kids just ran into the hotel nearby and paid for our own hi-tea.. still remember it was only RM7 for children below 13, kind of cheap.. and that was when i learnt that buffet is something about unlimited food supply and eat as much as you can for just a little amount of money to pay for..
went up to high school later, and i remember there was only once, a hi-tea session organised as a class event.. moving on to college, university and then being fresh grads, that period would be the stage in my lifetime that i have had the most buffet in my life.. remember about a friend who likes buffet as much as i do, we would always get along to go for buffet dinner and crave for unlimited supply of food.. if i was not mistaken, we have invaded more than half of the hotels in town really..
i love buffet, mainly because there is a vast variety of food that i can get a taste of, and secondly it's because of the atmosphere, everyone can just eat and chat non-stop, being so laid back and relaxed.. now i gotta admit that i am not as good as before, could just easily get filled up after the third round, but anyway i'm still a buffet lover no doubt, hehehe..
i oso miss my 5 rounds days... not dare not eat too much... very洩底啦
ReplyDeletei dont remember my first buffet experience, could be the same experience as yours worr -- did i join? was it at the holiday inn just outside CKS? dont recall...
ReplyDeletehaha, i miss my more-than-five rounds days too.. perhaps you can split the little amount to more rounds now to feel better?? hehe..
i only remember it was Holiday Inn, really can't recall who joined the hi-tea actually, it was 20 years ago leh..
ReplyDeleteI love buffet too! Especially Japanese buffet.
ReplyDelete對對對!! 我喜歡吃自助餐就是因為那個可以天南地北和時間由我的氣氛.. 不過久不久吃一次好了, 肥~~
i love any kind of buffet, as long as the food is decent and edible.. hahaha!! i love the desserts section the most anyway, hehe~~