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10.09.2008 | 老友相聚

頭先放工同幾位老朋友聚一聚, TB由愛爾蘭返嚟有搞作, 所以約埋FN同CY一齊飯局.. 係啊, 又係去嗰一間韓國餐廳啊, 噚日已經高調事先聲明啦, 不過唔會覺得悶, 因為都係志在同好耐冇見嘅老友相聚啫..

TB係中四認識嘅同班同學, 坐埋兩隔離, 開始都好friend架, 但係呢, 記得當時曾經發生某些誤會(不過又真係唔記得發生咩事喇), 之後竟然唔秋唔睬當對方透明, 一直到大學之後先逐漸自自然然咁冰釋前嫌.. 而家呢, 雖然少聯絡, 不過佢每次返嚟都一定會約我出嚟見吓面嘅..

FN係小五就認識嘅同班同學, 數數吓今年係第20年喇, 嘩, 真係唔講都唔覺囉.. 上一次喺商場撞見佢係四個月前嘅事, 當時見佢孕味十足(佢嗰時係未知自己有咗), 今日再見已經係5個月身紀.. 做老友嘅梗係戥佢呢個準媽媽開心啦, 不過見到佢仲著住對三吋高跟鞋, 我真係忍唔住要話吓佢..

CY係中二認識嘅同班同學, 如果要數同我一齊參與活動同埋一齊去旅行次數最多嘅老友, 應該就係她莫屬喇.. 好記得每次朋友間有啲咩旅行項目, 佢都一定有份嘅, 我哋每次都會同對方講「喂, 我哋又一齊旅行喇」, 覺得好鬼搞笑囉..

went to meet up some old friends after work just now, TB was back from Ireland for some family event, and hence we got FN and CY to join us together for dinner.. went to THAT korean restaurant again, as i have high profilely announced yesterday.. was nothing wrong, as the main reason behind the dinner was to gather everyone for some updates..

knew TB since form 4 in high school, and we were sitting beside each other.. was very close until suddenly we got distant because of some misunderstanding (well, i have absolutely forgotten what was the cause), not until during university time that we got closer back again.. we seldom keep in touch, but when he is back home, he will for sure ask me out for a meet up..

knew FN since grade 5 in primary school, giving the years a count, this will be the 20th year i've known her.. wow!! never realised if never count for it.. last bumped into her in a shopping mall 4 months ago and she looked a bit mommy (though she didn't know she's pregnant that time).. today she was pregnant for the 5th month, but i was shocked to still see her stepping on her 3-inch heels, can't help but i really talked to her about this..

knew CY since form 2 in high school.. if i were to choose a friend that joins me for activities and trips for the most number of times, she would definitely be the person undoubtedly.. i still remember whenever there are trips organised amongst friends of ours, she would sure be participating, and we would always tell each other "look, we are going on trip together again", funny isn't it?? hehehe..


  1. i miss you guys! what is FN doing wearing 3'' with a big belly???? aih no eye see ...

  2. hehe, we miss you too!! yeah, she told us she has not go time to go buy new shoes.. i thot wow, she's already 5 month pregnant, no time??

  3. 我同老同学都已经冇乜联络喇。

  4. It's good to have close friends. They can make you feel happy.

  5. chris:
    哎呀, 你好差啊, 點解冇聯絡啊?? 你高竇唔睬人啊??

    yeah, you are right.. good friends are indeed treasures..

  6. 唔系啊,系冇佢哋嘅电话。

  7. 其實呢, 我都係喺facebook度遇返好多失去聯絡嘅朋友架, 你有冇喺facebook放大頭相?? 哈哈..
