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30.07.2008 | 神機妙算

唔記得由幾時開始, 本地收費電視Astro開咗個新台叫做「歡喜台」, 係專門播台語劇集同台語節目嘅.. 自從有咗呢個台之後, 長年掌管Astro遙控大權嘅潮州嫂(亦即係家母喇), 已經遺棄之前一路追捧嘅「華麗台」.. 每日工作返到屋企, 每逢星期一至五晚上九點半, 電視螢幕一定見到呢套《神機妙算劉伯溫》(下圖左起: 皇帝朱元璋, 皇后大腳婆, 劉生紅顏知己阿秀, 劉伯溫, 丞相胡惟庸).. 其實都播咗好耐, 一個單元幾十集, 總共八個單元噚晚先做完第五個, 真係有排睇..

初時對呢啲咁嘅台語劇集冇乜好感, 因為印象中係拖泥帶水, 芝麻綠荳一件事都可以做個十集出嚟, 所以當時飯後一齊睇電視嘅時候, 真係覺得有啲@#$%^*.. 之不過久而久之, 竟然開始覺得幾OK喎, 劇情可算得係曲折離奇, 而且往往叫人好想追睇落去, 因為個結果好多時候都叫人意想不到嘅, 唔似得時下一般劇集咁, 睇三集就可以知道結局係點.. 所以而家呢, 全家人居然大受感染, 開始迷上呢個台語劇集喇, 每逢星期一至五晚上9:30-10:30都會坐定定睇劇集, 哈哈!! 搞笑啊, 就連我個五歲姪仔聽到首主題曲都可以跟埋一齊唱喇, 而且因為呢個劇集呢, 學識咗好多正統台語添, 嘿嘿~~
can't remember when this new Hua Hee Dai channel started in Astro, it's a dedicated channel for taiwanese drama and variety show.. since the broadcast of this channel, my mum the remote-control-controller has already gave up watching the all-the-while-watching Wah Lai Toi, and switch to this new channel almost 24x7.. since then, every working day back home, from 9:30-10:30 at night, the tv screen is definitely showing this "The Amazing Strategist Liu Bowen".. it's been showing for a very very long time, each unit has couple tens of episodes, and yesterday we just finished watching the 5th out of 8 units, hmmm, still a long way to go huh..

initially not at all keen on this channel, because to me, taiwanese drama are always long winded, and so was quite @#$%^ while somehow "forced" to watch it together.. but, there is always a but, as times go i actually found out the drama is not bad at all, at least it's not a typical taiwanese drama.. the storyline is exciting and makes you eager to watch the next episodes in order to know the outcome.. unlike most drama nowadays, you could easily guess what is going to happen later after a sneak of the first few episodes.. and so, the whole family is now influenced and has become fans of this drama, even my 5-year-old nephew could sing along the theme songs, hahaha!! and thanks to this drama, i've learnt quite some classy taiwanese too..


  1. wow... hokkien series.. i really "beh tahan" leh... though i m hokkien, i don't think i will enjoy eventhough if the story is interesting. however, my mom also addicted to mandarin dubbed hokkien series... golden ferris wheel

  2. i had the same thots like you are having, but then the drama is really not bad at all woh.. hahaha!! try to watch laa, there is always no absolute de, hehe~~

  3. can't believe you watched that channel. Salute to you man.....I was asking my sis in law that who will subscribe those channel. Apparently, she said this channel is very popular. When i went to melaka to visit my relatives. Without fail, they are on this channel.... Hua Hi Tai....heheh....

  4. Taiwanese dramas are long winded and never end, but they are also very very addictive.

  5. 哗! 原来你识听台语架? 又或者睇字幕?

  6. grace:
    maybe i am becoming more auntie lorr, haha!! but hey, surprisingly this HHD has become more popular now leh..

    hehe, did u also watch taiwanese drama series?? i bet you watch, if not you won't mention how addictive they are.. haha!!

    有乜咁出奇啊?? 我識閩南話架, 所以係30%聽, 70%睇字幕囉..
