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05.07.2008 | 濕平週六

唔經唔覺又到七月, 又係年中mega sales喇!! 今日冇人約, 於是就決定單槍匹馬(因為可以不受束縛)去濕平.. 由早上11點開始一直到夜晚9點, 一共行咗金三角地區三間主要商場, 好耐好耐都已經冇試過如此瘋狂喇, 今日個氣勢突然歸來.. 雖然返到屋企攰到成個人趴喺度動彈不得, 不過今日真係好enjoy.. 唔係買咗好多, 因為好多貨品都冇晒size, 最緊要係週圍都超多係人(我就唔會去同人爭), 所以最後都淨係得呢5件, 都洗咗我唔少錢架其實..

[1] Zara米色暗直幼紋闊身長褲, 休閒著
[2] Sisley藍黑色暗直幼紋中低腰修身長褲, 可休閒可formal雙著
[3] Seed白底灰直紋恤衫, 返工恤衫首選因為剪裁fit晒我身形
[4] Gap海藍底白色直幼紋修身剪裁恤衫, 可休閒可formal雙著
[5] Springfield粉紅淨色poplin修身剪裁恤衫, 應該會主力休閒著, 返工略嫌炫耀
[6] Club Monaco.. 邊度搵6啊?? 冇錯, 我好想有, 不過行勻成間店都搵唔到嘢買..

買完先發覺差唔多全部都係簡單直紋設計噃, 而且全部都偏向斯文大方, 我最近啲taste就係咁喇, 簡單利落不浮誇, 少少classy嗰種..it's july and it's mid-year mega sales again all over the country, decided to go shopping alone today (yeah, normally i am just able to get things if i shop alone).. from 11am till 9pm, i shopped in the 3 major malls within the golden triangle area, and was drop-dead tired after reached home.. didn't buy much, because sizes were gone, and more importantly crowd everywhere refrained me from joining-them-in-the-fun.. just the 5 pieces above, but cost me no little money though..

[1] ZARA beige color striped loose-cut pants, for casual wearing
[2] SISLEY dark blue color striped fit-cut low-rise pants, for formal or casual wearing
[3] SEED striped shirt, my choice for working shirt since the cutting perfectly fits my body
[4] GAP sea blue color striped slim-fit shirt, for formal or casual wearing
[5] SPRINGFIELD pink color slim-fit shirt, for casual wearing (a bit sharp if i wear it to work)
[6] Club Monaco.. where is 6??? well, right, i really wanted to have it, but just couldn't get any

found out almost all items are striped designs, and all are more towards subtle and simple style.. well, this has been my taste recently, simple and subtle and no-way flamboyant, a little classy i'd say perhaps..


  1. 真的是好跟得上潮流噢!!几时帮我置装,帮帮我收拾一下我依个老土怪啊!!

  2. 跟得上咩潮流吖?? 呢啲打折貨品咪就全部都係上一季嘅嘢嚟之嘛.. 等你得閑唔怕醜出嚟嘅時候再帶你去買衫啦咁..

  3. hahah was gonna reply your text ga la .. i'm off to venice on tues la .. and guess what, we are off to bicester village outlet tomorrow worr heehee hopefully can be as fruitful as your shopping trip la! yieee - springfield is in MY a ... that's something new to me worr ...

  4. oic, so happy laa you..

    you go to bicester village, then i go to MV and Gardens to continue my hwruithwul weekend lor, hahaha!!

    hai ar, there have been new brands landing in KL recently ar, especially in Pavilion lor..

  5. wow... looks like everywhere is have a great sales! not bad wor... got urself so many things! i like the springfield one, looks cool!

  6. 你嘅tes 屎都好斯文噃。。

  7. ET:
    yes, it's mega sales all over the country maa.. quite fruitful this time, managed to get myself something.. and you also managed to get yourself 1 zara and 3 burberrys maa.. hehe!!

    係啊, 我都覺得自己今次個taste都有啲斯文.. 其實係因為著恤衫睇落冇咁肥啊朋友!! 哈哈.. 話是話, 你係要話我老土係嘛其實??

  8. 件件都是贵货喔!

  9. 邊有貴貨啊?? 粗嘢嚟啫.. 我冇人哋咁有錢買名牌貴貨囉..

  10. 啱嘅啱嘅﹐應該親佢平入貨嘅。。

  11. 計計吓, 其實一啲都唔平囉, 呢個月要慳啲洗喇~~

  12. 粗嘢嚟啫?!?! OMG. Club Monaco, Zara, Sisley, and GAP... hmmm..
