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13.07.2008 | 守唔到寡

上個星期大濕平之後, 話過畀自己知要收手架喇, 不過噚日又唔覺意咁失手, 買咗啲嘢添.. 唔係多啦, 都係三件返工著恤衫同埋個銀包仔啫, 算係忍手架喇我..

恤衫係無意中發現四折優惠會員, 好抵著, 所以揀吓揀吓無意中就拎咗三件去排隊畀錢.. 中意第一嘅綠色同第三件嘅粉紅色, 好陽光好眼前一亮(以下圖片係thumbnail睇唔清楚顏色, 可以click入去睇original size).. 中間件, 覺得好似冇乜深色恤衫, 所以又無意中揀咗佢囉..

至於個銀包, 其實自從一年幾前喺上海畀人扒咗個銀包之後呢, 我就一直揾唔到個合眼緣嘅, 所以一路嚟都係冇用銀包架(所以畀好多朋友審問多次點解冇銀包??).. 呢個銀包真係無意中發現架, 因為有張voucher噚日到期, 所以逼住要買啲嘢.. 好師奶本色喔, 用得唔好嘥.. 結果喺個department行咗兩圈, 就發現呢個銀包, 折得嚟再加埋voucher回扣, 好平喎.. 所以就要咗佢囉, 買咗之後仲即用添.. 查實一向來都唔中意呢啲「打廣告」design, 不過見平就是但免為其難囉..

長話短說, 其實我都唔係專登要買嘢嘅, 事實係真嘅唔覺意失咗手啫~~ after spending a lot for shopping last week, i told myself to control.. but, easier said than done, again i bought something, yes it's accidentally, yesterday while doing shopping.. anyway, just three working shirts and a wallet and that's it, not really that much right??
for those shirts, just accidentally found out members are entitled for 60% discount off the price, and it's quite cheap after the discount.. love the lushy green of the 1st shirt, and the lusty pink of the 3rd one, haha!! (perhaps you'll need to click on the picture above to view the original size for the color) whereas for the 2nd, it's merely because i remember i don't have any dark colored shirt, and hence i just grabbed it together and queued to pay for them..

as for the wallet, it's absolutely accidentally as well.. since my wallet got picked-pocket in Shanghai a year ago, i was not able to get a nice wallet of my type, and hence i have not been using any for the past year, thus have always been questioned by friends why i have not been using one?? got a shopping voucher that i need to use it by yesterday, after walking two rounds in the same department, finally i found this wallet by accident.. after a 50% discount and rebate from the voucher, it's actually quite cheap, and quite close to what i wanted.. so i just happy pay for that, and use it immediately on the spot.. i don't really buy-in such "advertising" design actually, but since it's cheap, then why not this time??

well.. conclusion is: i didn't purposely go shopping and wanted to buy the above items, it's just merely accident~~


  1. your work hwesion taste very similar to MNG hahahah .. sei la sei la ... so happy la so hwruitful again, wait till you return to the office tomorrow la!

  2. uncle﹐又嚟??!! 你係咪想講成個衣櫃換過呀?? 哈哈哈

  3. 乜话? 又买? 哗! 你大大话话买咗几多嘢啊?

  4. csws:
    oh, really?? didn't know we have the same hwesen taste boh, hahaha!! ok laa, not very hwruithwul je ma, suen hai gam nia..

    hehe, 一時失手一時失手, 唔好意思.. 會控制自己架喇..

    吓?? 唔係好多啫.. 比起你成日呢度飛嗰度飛, 呢度買啲嗰度買啲, 我算係小兒科啦..

  5. 豪嘅代價就係.. 大出血!!
