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16.07.2008 | 食完再食

唔好怪我又係一篇關於食物嘅entry啊.. 今次唔逐一詳細介紹喇, 上個週末食過啲嘢, 今日一次過作簡便介紹.. 頭先整理呢啲照片時候, 先驚覺OMG我一個週末竟然食咗咁多?? 無可否認, 只要見到個樣好食嘅食物, 我就會好自然拎起部手機/相機係咁影, 好似已經變成一個習慣..
  1. 波德申之旅酒店嘅早餐浦飛, 都幾多嘢食, 但係味道就非常一般囉.. 啲嘢我都擺得幾靚哦呵?? 影出嚟效果唔錯哦呵?? 哈哈..
  2. 花園商場內嘅蓬萊台灣料理.. 魯肉飯好香, 唔錯, 尤其中意佢哋個金包銀(糯米腸包台灣香腸), 好鬼好味喎!!
  3. 波德申之旅必勝客普通一個晚餐套餐囉.. 有意粉, pizza, 餐湯, 蒜包, 沙律, 汽水.. 咪就係因為唔知去邊同埋佢平之嘛..
  4. 谷中城頂樓間台灣小食店, 睇戲前求其搵間嘢醫肚咁囉.. 當時竟然漏咗幫我份擔擔麵落單添啊仲..
alright alright, i know it's about food again.. but i'm going to do it once-for-all for all that i've had during the past weekend this time.. while sorting out the photos just now, just realised i holy-god ate so much over the weekend!! anyway, undoubtedly, i just like to take photos of nice food, and instictively turned into a habit, hehe..
  1. breakfast buffet in hotel during my PD trip, quite a big variety but food was just ok.. anyway, see how i "present" my food on the dish?? looks nice in photo yeah??
  2. taiwanese restaurant "Peng Lai" in The Gardens.. not bad, and especially love their taiwanese pork sausage on glutinous rice sausage, oh, that's heavenly (sinful) man!!
  3. a normal dinner set at Pizza Hut in PD.. comes with spaghetti, pizza, soup, garlic bread, salad, drinks.. nowhere to eat and found this worth the money..
  4. a small taiwenese food restaurant on the top floor of MidValley, just a simple one before movie.. but missed out my "dan dan noodles" order, quite disappointing..


  1. 好丰富哦,我平时的餐量也只是一碟鸡饭,你的却有好几种菜肴。真好吃!

  2. 死囖!又是吃!你会不会吃到好似我甘样,肥斯大只咔???

  3. edward:
    還好喇, 因為是buffet所以當然多菜式呀!! 我是比較喜歡多款式但小份量那種囉..

    我啋過你啊, 閘住先!! 咁係要食嘢架嘛, 我影得多啫, 有部份係朋友嘅.. 老實講, 我都開始要減肥架喇, 祝福我成功啦~~

  4. 似我唔好吗?肥头得意,不知几多人中意!讨厌!

  5. 似你啊?? 梗係好啦.. 不過我已經人見人愛喇噃, 夠喇, 唔想晉昇做萬人迷囉.. 哈哈!!

  6. Hey Tee, Will call you up the next trip home so that you can bring me to all the nice restaurants....yummy!!!

  7. errr, don't expect too much from me, i never go to nice restaurant anyway, just that i appreciate the food i had.. :p
