禮拜日啊, 禮拜日.. 今日原本同JY約咗做一齊做gym後睇戲, 點知個死仔臨時玩肚痛, 叫我自己gym住先跟住先會合睇戲.. 好啦, gym完過後仲唔見人影, 結果臨陣一個SMS話要睇醫生唔睇戲喇.. 揸住兩張飛確實有啲激氣, 不過飛都買咗就唔好嘥, 於是自己一個人入場囉咪, 係啊係呢齣《地獄之子II: 黃金甲兵團》..
唔記得有冇睇第一集, 不過都唔緊要啦, 仍然睇得明因為個故事實在係簡單到不可能.. 打鬥場面都係一般麻麻行貨, 不過有樣嘢係我覺得成齣戲都好enjoy嘅, 就係啲卡士嘅造型喇.. 的確好唔錯喎, 個個都好奇特, 好佩服造型師嘅想象力力同埋功力囉.. 總括嚟講, 都OK啦呢齣戲, 雖然未至於係刺激嗰類型, 但係都唔會有悶場, 都睇得吓嘅.. 我要話畀自己知, 係值得睇, 因為我係真金白銀用咗25皮嚟睇架, 嗚~~ sunday, oh sunday.. actually planned with JY earlier to go workout and then to watch movie together.. but then he suddenly got a terrible stomachache, and left me all alone.. a bit pissed off but just could not blame him for that.. afterall i've already got the ticket, so just not waste it, i went into the theatre and watch this movie "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" alone..
can't remember if i've watched the first sequel, anyway i didn't find any difficulties with the second one.. perhaps the storyline is just too simple to confuse me at all.. fighting scene is just ok, nothing to shout about, but what keeps me enjoying throughout the whole movie is the appearance of the characters.. each of them are unique, and i salute the superb imagination and skills of the character designer.. conclusion, this movie is quite nice and watchable, being frank.. and also i just gotta tell myself this, because i've spent a real RM25 just for this movie, booo~~
nvm lah.. next time asked yr friend to treat you for movie loh.. Dark Knight is on screen now!
ReplyDelete唔緊要啦, 你覺得一無是處啫, 但係我覺得都OK啦.. 25皮都唔緊要, 下次可以屈返個朋友嘅..
yeah, you are right!! i just have that in mind.. hahahaha!! planning to watch Dark Knight for the next movie..
ReplyDelete我好似冇睇第一集, 所以無從比較.. 係啦, 不如睇Dark Knight算喇..