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12.07.2008 | 極速一叮

頭先行超市嘅時候無啦啦想食即食麵, 於是腦袋就即刻浮現出我想要食嘅即食麵嗰樣.. 快手快腳, 唔駛五分鐘時間, 材料通通都買齊晒.. 買咗包[1]韓國即食烏冬麵(辣辣海鮮味), [2]兩條珍寶腸仔同埋[3]一百克嘅煙豬背肌肉(有六片咁多).. 唔駛教你點樣煮啦係嘛, 即食麵係人都識架啦.. 不過我就比懶人仲過懶, 用微波爐嚟叮咪得囉, 乾手淨腳.. [4]將麵, 調味包同埋腸仔放入個兜度, [5]架熱水, 剛剛蓋過麵餅, 然後逐片鋪上豬肉.. 準備妥當之後, 放入微波爐叮佢一個四分鐘(係喇, 咁啱就係娜姐首新歌噃).. 叮!!! [6]熱辣辣, 滾燙燙一兜勁美味嘅即食麵嚟喇.. 各位朋友, 雖然唔係啲咩山珍海味, 不過有時後簡簡單單, 係唔係都流晒口水呢老實講?? was in the supermarket just now while i suddenly came across an urge to have instant noodles.. without hesitation, and within just five minutes, i got all the ingredient needed (and do you use that bombastic word "ingredients" here for cooking instant noodles i wonder??).. bought [1] a pack of korean spicy seafood instant udon, [2] two pieces of BBQ pork sausages and [3] 100g of smoked back bacon (six pieces in total).. well, i don't think i need to explain the steps to cook an instant noodle, since everyone should have know how to cook one right?? anyway, i have been lazier than the lazy people, i cooked it using microwave instead (hehe!!).. [4] place the noodles, flavor and sausages into a big bowl, [5] fill in hot water just to cover the noodle, and place the bacon piece by piece on top.. when done, just place into microwave for four minutes (and yeah, it's Marge's latest hit song "4 minutes").. [6] taa-taang, and there you go, pipping hot and delicious instant udon right in front of you ready to serve!! well, nothing expensive but just simple, and i bet you still think it's delicious huh??


  1. uncle ... you were unwell and yet you had this for dinner? hmmm nyai nyai la ~~~

  2. 人在不舒服时口淡淡,有时真的会想来一刻香味扑鼻的速食,只是。。。料多过面喔

  3. csws:
    aiyoh, already OK liao maa.. tiger also can hit die a few laa.. suddenly the crave was there, so cannot resist geh mah, you un my meaning??

    其實已經好了, 所以就毫無顧慮地去吃囉.. 哪裡有料多過麵?? 剛剛好不多不少, 其實底下的麵你看不見罷了..

  4. 哇哇!好佩服你天天都能写blog!8-)

  5. 還好喇, blog是我生命的一部分嘛.. 你也不錯喎, 哈哈..

  6. 嘩﹐雖然係包即食麵但係已經變身到一碗好豐富嘅即食麵嘞。。

  7. 哈哈, 山雞變鳳凰啊, 聽過未??
