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15.07.2008 | 一盒心意

今朝返到公司, 一眼就見到檯面上有盒嘢, 一定係我嘅青梅竹馬小春由英倫寄過嚟嘅心意啦.. 雖然係遲咗啲, 不過我仍然會當佢係生日禮物囉, 多謝晒啊小春!! 真係感動呢, 雖然已經事先聲明, 「驚」係少咗啲咁多, 不過「喜」就永遠大過天囉.. 急不及待即可拆開盒郵件, 嘩嘩嘩.. 好sweet囉, 除咗一早知道會收到件T恤之外, 原來仲有其他餡喎, 真係抵鍚喇!!

呢個33cm×28cm×6cm, 重650g嘅盒裡邊, 有件Uniqlo T恤啦(好得意, 我中意), 兩包walkers薯片(其中一包仲係泰式辣椒味, 勁innovative), 兩包朱古力(其中一包係chilli almond, 拗爆頭究竟會係咩味道), 一包薯仔圈, 一條皮革手繩, 六個masala tea茶包同埋一張紙條仔.. 同事見我開封後咁多嘢, 個個都碌大對眼羨慕非常, 而我就當然臉上增添不少光彩啦, 所以而家火速post上blog, 同大家分享我嘅喜悅, 呵呵~~

stepped into office today and saw a parcel box on my desk, must be from my dear old friend CSWS in London i don't have to guess.. well, i will treat this as my birthday present (though a month late) and just want to say a BIG THANK YOU TO CSWS!! i'm really delighted for this and without hesitation, i straight away unpack the parcel, that is so sweet of her to have sent me so many things.. not really surprised (as i have been informed earlier) but the joy is infinite..

the box measures 33cm×28cm×6cm and weighs 650g, there's a Uniqlo T-Shirt (cute, i love it, another contribution to my wardrobe), two packets of walkers (one of them is thai sweet chilli flavour, that's innovative), two blocks of chocolate (one of them is chilli almond, i really wonder how it taste like), a packet of hula hoops potato rings, a leather wrist band, six masala tea bags and a short little note.. got colleagues into envy when they saw the parcel, and of course i feel proud for what i have got, hehehe~~


  1. yeahhhh(要拉长一点音!)你威晒咯!

  2. little things from my day of life here although i must confess, i havent touched the crisps for a looooong time but the redbush masala tea, honeycomb choco and almonds are 'must trys' ~~~

  3. 慧沁:
    (晒要4拍, 啫嘛是半拍半拍)

    yeah, i agree!! that's nice and sweet lorr.. hahaha!! envious till the next street..

    mai jao hai so got my heart lor you, fank you u boh!! yeah, really mmm seh duk dep the snacks leh, how?? hahaha..

  4. 嘩。。羨慕死人喇~~~~~

  5. auntie, 唔駛羨慕嘅.. 有時你有嘅我冇, 我有嘅你冇咁解啫..

  6. so nice your friend ... can i share some ? heheheheh

  7. of course she is good to me laa, i've known her for 24 years liao, maybe you also not brought to this world yet, hahaha.. you want to share arr?? hmmm, let me think about it first, hehehe..

  8. wahhhhhhh!! 哈!霸比啰!
    oh yes !! Happy belated birthday !!
    我想我是最迟一个向你祝贺的 ;)
    The good news, 我是真的记得你的生日的哟!只是常常在当天不记得向你祝贺罢了 ;)

  9. -_-" (揸到) 那唯有感謝你這遲來的祝福囉~~ 其實我也是記得你的生日的喔, 只是可能每當正日那天就不記得祝賀你, 哈哈.. so, 三個半月後的今天再次祝你生日快樂啦, 哈哈!!

  10. 你的人缘都很好啊!!那么多人疼惜你!!

  11. 唔知啊?? 可能我真係人見人愛囉?? 哇哈哈哈哈哈~~

  12. i miss Walkers so much...
    like yellow pack ori
    been eaten 12pcks a night...

  13. 12 packs in a night?? wow, that is alot.. anyway, you can get Walkers here in some supermarket, but it's super expensive lor..
