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28.01.2008 | 效率

呢個週末有位新加坡同事請飲, 再加上有幾位友人一早講好去新加坡會合, 本來因為近過年所以費事喺非常時期出阜, 但最終都係難擋誠意拳拳嘅同事及友人, 決定豁達赴約.. 在下早知新年期間離城車票極需提早購買, 但係因為某些原因, 遲至今朝先500%肯定需要自己搭長途巴士南下, 所以今日食晏時間, 第一時間撲去買車飛..

一路上不知幾咁擔心買唔到車飛, 個心一直囉囉攣, 不過好彩得上天眷顧, 冇乜阻濟之下順利購得理想時間車票, 頓時放下心頭大石.. 過後心情輕鬆, 仲幫友人順便買埋馳名中外嘅肉乾帶過去畀佢過肥年.. 買完肉乾見沿路上有檔燒臘睇落好正, 於是就就地解決午餐, 叉燒白切雞食得好滋味.. 最後仲有啲時間, 順手揀埋幾粒蘋果買返公司.. 結果剛剛好一個小時之後返到公司, 覺得自己似乎好有效率咁, 短短一個小時食飯時間, 竟然可以去做咁多嘢而且仲係一揪二楞咁返嚟.. 嘩, 勁啊~~


  1. Hi SK,

    I am not sure your Bak Kwa is for who, but if you are thinking of bringing Bak Kwa across to Singapore by bus, there is a 99% chance they will confiscate itat the custom. They scan our luggage with machine.

  2. no laa.. because i'm stopping by JB for a day before going into SG, so the "bak gwa" is for my friend in JB.. no worries!! anyway thanks for the info, i now know i cannot bring in "bak gwa" into SG..

  3. I did bring bak gwa to S'pore once when I worked there many many years back, nearly kena confiscate, but may be I look very innocent at that time so they let me go lorrr.....hey, are you going to S'pore by aeroline ah? neh, the bus that pretend to be an aeroplane。。。。。looks like very shiok inside....

  4. oh really?? they confiscate because malaysian bak gwa is a lot nicer than theirs?? hahaha.. no laa, where got so rich take those aerobus?? i take normal bus to JB only, and then tumpang my friend over laa..

  5. 真係好快噃。。一粒鐘之內去做咁嘢﹐掂呀。。

  6. 係啊, 所以返到嚟公司咪就係身水身汗之嘛..
