- 見到人多就一定走而避之, 因為代表啲衫好多人買, 到時週街撞衫機會好大
- 顧客排晒大隊等試身等畀錢, 唔耐煩中途離隊放棄
- 勁hit而且又價錢大眾化嘅牌子, 可以過濾或者擺喺lowest priority後備位置
- 大減價貨物多數都過晒時, 睇啱嘅又通常係新貨冇折, 覺得大減價期間買冇折貨品好似好折墮
- 行兩行冇收穫好失望, 再畀週圍滿載而歸嘅人雙重打擊, 變得更加心灰意冷
- 最頭痛問題: 見到啱晒心水嘅, 結果一著上身, 個剪裁攪到週身肉滕滕, 大受刺激之下憤而離開
不過今日都算有啲成績, 某個名牌牌子折完再折, 我哋都樂得奉獻真銀, 結果兩人都成功地買到一人一袋衫, 總算有收穫..
exactly, 我很怕新年去shopping 就是怕自己当街排队排到发烂揸!
ReplyDelete我也是,我连平时都很懒去shopping 的人, 更不喜欢这种人撞人的时候去跟人抢.
ReplyDeleteI have not been buying new clothes (Shirt + T-Shirt) just for Chinese New Year.
ReplyDeleteThose that I bought few years ago for CNY I wear them less than 5 times.
I think I am gonna recycle them again this year. But I have new shoes and pants though.
慧沁: 你比較可憐, 因為還要拖著三個小瓜, 發爛咋的機率比較高, 哈哈..
ReplyDeleteshirls: 那你就去準備囤中藥, 因為新年過後一定很多人發熱氣去藥材店買中藥唷, 哈哈!!
bryan: true, i buy new clothes just and when i feel like buying all year round too!! haha.. anyway at least there is something new should do..
你就好喇﹐買到新衫。。Auntie 到而家都仲未搵啱心水嘅。。
ReplyDeleteauntie係你掩尖啫, 以你個姿色著咩衫都好睇架啦~~ :-p
ReplyDeleteaiyoyo, i still haven't bought any yet....i dun think i will buy a lot, maybe just one shirt for first day.........