我喺度諗咧, 我冇理由會咁勁坐爛張凳架?? 梗係上星期大老細坐過, 坐到爛爛地, 所以推埋一邊, 而咁啱個training 我又順手拉埋嗰張凳嚟坐, 咁先爛嘅.. 哼, 一定係咁喇, 十成係喇..
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09.01.2008 | %^@?&]\>$#!
噚日一早起身就見到隻烏鴉, 就心知不妙一定有事發生.. 結果真係好嘅唔靈醜嘅靈, 準備教training嘅時候, 坐喺會議室張凳唔幾耐, 聽到啪啪兩聲, 十秒鐘過後, 張凳即刻畀我坐爛咗!! 天啊!! 睇吓下邊呢個連環圖, 原本一張好地地嘅凳, 竟然畀我坐爛!! 死啦, 唔通我真係肥成咁咩?? 該煨咯!!
其實前日坐上去嘅時候, 都已經不時聽到啪啪聲架喇, 但係不以為意, 以為係個轉軸少咗潤滑油所發出嘅聲音.. 點知噚日啪啪兩聲過後, 張凳個五叉星狀底部, 竟然斷咗, 結果成張凳失去支撐, 我成個人就梗係跟住跌低啦.. 不過好彩當時打緊字, 所以有個檯撐得住, 不至于跌到個四腳朝天.. 幸好在下都有返兩手功架, 馬步都扎得穩, 所以嗰一刻真係跌得好斯文, 穩如磐石啊.. 見慣大場面嘅我, 當然係處之泰然啦, 即刻托埋張爛凳去一二角, 繼續教training啦..
我喺度諗咧, 我冇理由會咁勁坐爛張凳架?? 梗係上星期大老細坐過, 坐到爛爛地, 所以推埋一邊, 而咁啱個training 我又順手拉埋嗰張凳嚟坐, 咁先爛嘅.. 哼, 一定係咁喇, 十成係喇..
我喺度諗咧, 我冇理由會咁勁坐爛張凳架?? 梗係上星期大老細坐過, 坐到爛爛地, 所以推埋一邊, 而咁啱個training 我又順手拉埋嗰張凳嚟坐, 咁先爛嘅.. 哼, 一定係咁喇, 十成係喇..
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Good that you didnt fall and hurt your back, but ermmm it's quite funny though, sorry i shouldn't 'hung joi lok wo'!
ReplyDeleteBe careful la, if it's wobbly, just leave it next time lor!
yalorr, luckily didn't fall badly lorr, just a little slip only laa.. i said already maa, i fat fat like that but still have 兩手功架 one, hahaha!! actually the chair looks perfectly good one worr, who knows the base is actually cracking leh?? aih.. 黑仔 loh..
ReplyDeleteyour trainee got 阴阴咀笑or not? imagine a lady wearing short skirt sit on this chair? so you are very lucky already.....
ReplyDeleteha ha ! It is indeed funny ;) Of course, as Choon Yeen said, I am not 'hung jok loh wo' and relieved that you are not hurt in any way.
ReplyDeleteI am sure it is not you who is fat, it is the chair is not made properly. In western country, we can even sue the manufacturer if there is any harm ;)
Take good care lah ! Don't sit in any chair that 'looks' or 'sounds' suspicious !
慧沁: haha, they got shocked first and show some care, then only they 陰陰嘴咁笑..
ReplyDeleteshirls: yaa, that was 不幸中的大幸 loh.. luckily i just slipped but did not fall down and hurt myself.. anyway, you just cannot sue anyone for that, it's Malaysia..
mynicole: 唔係好大件事啫.. 咁醜嘅事就無謂同全世界人講啦, 貪馨香咩??
welcome to the group.. lols...for details pls refer to http://dreamer0120.blogspot.com/2007/10/blog-post_29.html
ReplyDeletehi sk... i think this is a sign to signal u to on diet liao! i wont bring u for any nice food from now on... only maggi mee or just plain porridge with salted eggs!! ok??
ReplyDeletewasted you are not in the USA the SUE Land...
ReplyDeleteOr else you can sue for thousands of dollars!!
dreamer: oh no, i don't want to join your club!!! no, no no... :(
ReplyDeleteET: if i eat maggie mee or plain porridge with salted eggs only, then you also gotta eat those with me together, i don't care.. hahaha!! :p
bryan_shiro: yes, too bad!! but no point doing this hear, it will end up with nothing but only tiredness..