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08.01.2008 | 把我寵壞

我諗我已經被寵壞了.. 咪就係講緊我被輕快鐵寵壞了, 以至我到今時今日都仲仍然係個無車一族嘅public commuters.. 其實都有段古架, 第一個因素就係寒舍距離輕快鐵站只不過係短短150米距離, 行路都係得個三分鐘.. 第二個因素就係我咁耐以嚟每一份工, 每一間office都係有直通輕鐵(係唔駛轉線嗰種添架).. 第三個因素就係除咗工作以外, 通常所去嘅地方(例如gym啊, 商場啊)都可以輕鬆搭輕鐵, 電動火車或單軌火車到達.. 第四個因素就係在下人見人愛, 車見車載, 多謝各位曾經熱心載送嘅朋友們與同事們, 感激萬分..

其實講起要自己有架車, 真係唔簡單啊, 因為實在係要花好多錢.. 供車, 車險同路稅, 車油, 維修, 泊車費, 過路費, 一個唔覺意有張牛肉乾, 樣樣都係錢, 而且仲越嚟越貴添.. 所以話有車固然好方便, 如果唔需要駛咁多錢, 唔需要日日塞車, 唔需要隔幾年就要換架新車, 唔需要擔驚受怕路霸同搶車賊, 等等等等.. 所以有時覺得頗矛盾, 究竟自己需唔需要一架車, 定係可以安於現狀咧??

後記: 我個車牌仲係有效架.. 我諗我應該仲記得點樣駕駛, 泊車應該可以經過一輪努力之後入到個車位嘅..


  1. 哇!真是羡慕你,不用买车养车。我真的不介意搭LRT, 我的家也很靠近LRT, 可惜我的office, 死鬼这样远,没办法要养多一辆车。不过如果要带那三个人出门,还是有车比较方便。

  2. 哈哈﹐uncle﹐冇車冇相干架。。

    本小姐連車牌都唔去考添噃﹐喺 KL 喳車好麻煩架﹐又要塞車﹐車油又貴。。如果目前真係未需要到車咯﹐咪遲啲先買咯。。

  3. So good that you no need to buy car. It is very sad to see your car value drop every month while you still have to pump in $$ to installment and mantain it.

    I now enjoying no car life in Singapore. At least I suddenly have a lot of time on the MRT to read books.

    Hopefully Malaysia can upgrade their public transport. Thus saving fuel consupmtion, pollution and improvement of life quality (no need to squeez hard earned money to install $$ car).

  4. Why not you buy a car so that you can fetch me :p

  5. 慧沁: 某個程度上我是覺得沒車是好的, 但是有時候又覺得沒有車很不方便.. 想怎樣現在??

    mynicole: 哈哈, 我哋同一陣線, 你梗係要支持我啦!! 不過你已經有個御用司機, 幸福過我好多啦..

    bryan: yes, you are right, it's too tiring to drive in KL.. i actually miss my days in HK, where the public transport is so 完善!! too sad to see KL is 20 years behind..

    b4fun: hmmm, you expecting me?? why not you find a rich bf with few cars?? hahahaha..

  6. ... and you are spoilt -- try commuting on the london tube, hate it and had another really awful journey today and mobiblu was dead, so it really tested my patience today... enjoy being carless and not contributing to the carbon footprint!

  7. .... and the best part: 一揪二楞 squeezing yourself in the crowd in the train, laptop bag on the back, one hand with handbag, one hand with groceries, and another document folder 夾 between your thighs.. hahahahahaha!! that is what i salute to your 功架 lorr, choon..

  8. 无车很好啊!很环保又省钱。一举两得,何乐而不为?

  9. 你已經有了一個御用司機可隨傳隨到了嘛, 哪管得著有沒有車??

  10. 哈哈! 对对!
    from 幸福小女人 ;)
