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02.01.2008 | 新年大餐
噚晚同朋友ET去食日本燒烤, 其實唔係日本餐廳, 而係間台灣人開嘅日本料理店, 但係都有板有眼, 環境食物服務都可以令在下滿意.. 餐牌上好多選擇, 不過最後點咗個二人套餐乜都有齊晒, 將個責任交返畀老闆.. 其實仲有樣嘢係令眾人眼金金嘅, 就係個頂級日本神戶牛柳, 每百克叫價RM80, 不過真係食唔起..上座時候, 侍應先將個燒烤爐同埋味增煲捧過嚟, 值得一提嘅就係都係用炭燒嘅.. 跟住上座嘅有蒜蓉毛荳, 韓國泡菜, 錫紙菌褒, 雞豬牛羊, 魚蝦鮮魷同埋蔬菜.. 好多樣嘢, 見到都胃口打開, 食指大動啦..
因為實在太多嘢食, 所以其實都食得好忙, 一時要睇住個燒烤爐上邊啲嘢, 一時又要睇住味增褒內啲嘢, 一時又要快手趁熱食埋煮好啲嘢.. 不過都真係食得好開心, 食得好滿足, 買單時每人RM45, 覺得唔會貴啦, 食到兩人飽到趴晒喺度.. 呢餐飯真可算得係2008新年大餐喇, 一個字, 「正」!!
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everytime when i read your blog, i see something nice to eat :) seems like you have already become a 食家. maybe you should start some sort of online business to introduce food in malaysia!? i wanna be part of it though haha ha ha i even thought of the title 锦食家 (english name Gene Food --cool aint it?) ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeletehahaha, no laa.. actually i'm not that good yet laa.. if so, then must ask my friend who brought me there to become the gastronome, he is really good!! hahaha..
ReplyDeleteanyway i like Gene Food 锦食家, hahaha!!
ReplyDelete消化不良?? 快啲食返劑紅花牌如意消化丸啦..哈哈!!
ReplyDelete喂, 小病是福咧..