每一年當麥當當推出捲土重來嘅發財漢堡包(Prosperity Burger)之時, 就表示農曆新年就快到喇.. 其實個人非常好奇點解一年到尾咁多節日佢都唔推出任何應節產品, 就係唯獨農曆新年就一定唔會miss咗個發財漢堡包同埋個旋風薯條(Twister Fries).. 先嚟個牛肉漢堡餅, 跟住就壓軸推出雞肉漢堡餅, 套餐跟個旋風薯條, 再嚟個每年搞搞新意思嘅飲品或甜品, 今年係發財綠茶同埋紅豆新地..
可能係我哋華人中意講求意頭, 所以發財套餐出擊, 必能贏取眾多顧客捧場.. 在下早幾日食過, 不過就唔係貪好意頭, 而係想有唔同口味(唔駛次次都巨無霸, 麥香雞啦)啫.. 不過發現今年個雞肉漢堡包有啲唔同, 將青椒轉做洋蔥而且黑椒汁好似比以前辣上五倍, 所以覺得麻麻地啱我口味.. 食過發財漢堡包, 就祝你恭喜發大財喇!!!
yaloh.. whenever u see prosperity burger.. it means Cny around the corner liao.. too bad this year very busy.. no time to shop for cny stuff yet.. guess will be in labuan til early Feb.. anyway... Gong Xi Fatt Choy first!!!
ReplyDeletehaha, don't say that.. even if you have got the time to shop, doesn't mean you can get something you like and worth pay for it.. Gong Xi Fatt Choy to you also laa, enjoy this last year to receive angpows, hahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteEat less fast food, take care of health!!i usually do not eat fast food unless forced to...
ReplyDeletehahaha, then you are very healthy lorr..