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22.01.2008 | 唔應該係咁...

每年大寶森節(即係印度教徒有神靈附身, 可以毫無痛楚咁任鋼枝穿身體嘅Thaipusam節)前夕, 我都有個恐懼, 就係搭輕鐵返屋企嗰一刻.. 因為我屋企靠近大寶森節印度教徒朝聖聖地, 所以每年都一定係全城印度教徒傾巢而出去朝聖, 而輕鐵就順勢變成主要交通工具喇..

仍然好記得每次車廂都擠滿印度人, 我一人被四面八方印度同胞所包抄, 一眼望過去全部咁上下嘅黑髮濃眉勁粗二撇雞look, 如雷貫耳嘅係一種勁卷脷先可以講得到嘅陌生語言, 呼吸嘅係陣陣椰花油混合茉莉花嘅騎哩味道.. 我每次都同友人話我當時係印度洋中嘅一個孤島breathing indians in the train.. 個情景你可以想像到嘅話, 係超搞笑囉..

不過好奇怪, 今年竟然完完全全徹徹底底咁冇呢個情況發生, 真係嗤嗤稱奇啊!! 今年大寶森節列為吉隆坡假期, 前夕搭輕鐵返屋企又竟然同平日無異.. 真係唔應該咁架噃...


  1. ha ha ... guess what, our house these past two weeks have been smelling of indian, we have 2 indian friends with us and they have been cooking indian every other day! our house if full of a mixed aroma of jeera, tumeric, cardamon, curry, dhal and my pots and pans are all stained with tumeric and saffron! so colourful!
    so you are not the only one smelling india, my friend!
    p/s i can make pakoras now :)

  2. hmm maybe they changed their spot??? or maybe they found a shortcut?

  3. choonsie: smelling indians is 開正你嗰範 laa, hahaha!! so you must learn to cook more indian from your 2 friends wor, and then later you can fulfill your dreams to cook a 全印度晏 already!! hehehe..

    傑士: they will never change the place laa, batu caves will be forever their holy place..

  4. 哈哈﹐你簡直係(黑中一點白)。。

  5. 不過今年我多麼想萬黑中一點白都冇.. 雖然當時情況係好恐怖, 但係都萬分期待呢個一年一度嘅日子架, 好矛盾~~

  6. ''smelling indians is 開正你嗰範 laa'' -- jap juu! hahah i dont fancy the smell ie the BO, but i do fancy the smell of the food, it's very very different ga!
    oklar, having indian fr UK can't be 'more authentic' la, which style you want? northern or southern? punjabi or madras?? or 'hweeusssion' ???
