- 漢堡包一定要新鮮出爐, 熱辣辣軟綿綿..
- 漢堡肉要夠厚身, 咬落去啖啖肉好滋味.. 漢堡肉無論煎或烤都好, 僅僅熟唔好過火, 肉汁一定要鎖得住, 乾爭爭點食得落啊??
- 佐料不外乎生菜番茄洋蔥, 就梗係要求新鮮兼清甜爽口啦..
- 如果有芝士, 就要半溶咁賴喺舊漢堡肉上邊, 好誘惑.. 如果有bacon, 就要煎得脆卜卜可以增加口感..
- 至憎用原汁原味mayonaisse做dressing, 好鬼是但兼冇誠意..
最後一個非必定嘅條件, 如果個漢堡包係好innovative嘅product, 我都一定會去試囉.. 正如上圖中間嗰個guacamole bacon cheeseburger咁, 我見到都覺好食喎!!
"友人龍兄" - Don't know if you are refer to me or some other people call ah loong. Anyway I like burgers too. I can live with burgers for weeks I guess, however it must be different favourite. However, I miss burger, coz don't dare to eat too much nowadays, got to take care of my diet, and also health.
ReplyDelete半溶咁賴喺舊漢堡肉上邊嘅芝士, 哇!想起就流口水。。。
ReplyDeletedreamer: 愛漢堡包如命的友人龍兄, 不是你還有誰呢?? 哈哈.. 偶爾吃以下不用緊啦, 而且現在有很多"健康"漢堡包了嘛..
ReplyDelete慧沁: yeah, 就是那片半溶在舊漢堡肉上面的芝士囉.. 流口水呵?? 你三只小瓜想必也很愛漢堡包吧??
wow... is this Carl's junior burger? I enjoyed very much in Singapore this burger. Ate a lot of their salsa sauce and pickle.
ReplyDeleteyes, it's Carl's Jr.. i thot you are eating Subway more than anything else?? it's more expensive than Subway here, i can still remember Carl's Jr wasn't that expensive last time :(
ReplyDeleteMakes me feel like driving out to a 24hours Mc D now and buy myself a burger...! But what i want to eat is Carl's Jr....ohhhh...
ReplyDeleteno laa, McD burgers are not nice at all, they are merely for the purpose of filling your stomach when you are in a hurry.. why not you cook your own homemade burgers?? i think it will taste marvellous..