突然間諗返起以前中學嗰陣, 每個學生都有個學生編號, 簡稱學號.. 前兩個數字代表入學年份, 後三個月數字就係個人編號喇.. 個人編號係依照呢個方法編排嘅: 班次, 女先男後, 最後跟姓名筆劃序.. 多得我超強記憶力, 除咗記得自己個學號之外, 我仲記得某些好朋友嘅學號添架, 連佢哋都可能未必記得, 問你怕未?? 90003, 90007, 90010, 90016, 90021, 90038, 90044, 90067, 90152, 90156, 90429, 90464, 90467, 90568.. 唔係求其up個冧把出嚟架, 真係我啲朋友嚟架!!
各位觀眾, 我係90158啊, 你係咩學號啊??
this is 900016 :)
ReplyDelete雪芬: 你是不是90021?? 連學號也可以忘記, 看來你也不怎麼愛你的中學生活.. 哈哈!!!
ReplyDeletechoonsie: yeah, of course i remember 90016, which is only 1 year valid!! hahaha..
慧沁: 沒有忘記, 只是不記得罷了..
hm... sound like those HK Polis... PC9527... Yes, Sir!
ReplyDeleteGood to remember the ID, but also have to remember thier name wo.... if not, next time when go out :"Hei 90158, You late again ....." others ppl will wonder why this guy got number??? Is he from Pudu Jail??? or like "The Island" the name is the code.... :P
雪芬, how could you forget your no.?!!! This is not acceptable at all. 醒你小过两个!hahahahaha.
ReplyDeletehow come u guys' id all start from 90...mine is 97538 hahaha....im super junior lor kekekekekeke..so proud lor me..
ReplyDeletewin臣: 係架, 我哋真係個個都有個冧把架.. 不過叫朋友梗係叫名啦..
ReplyDeleteb4fun: what is "醒你小过两个"?? don't tell me you also forgotten your number?? hahaha..
john: 小朋友講話要有分寸喲, "老"這個topic 對我們來講是很敏感的喲.. 得罪各位前輩就不好啦.. 你要記住他朝你也會有今日啊~~~ 呵呵呵呵!!
ReplyDeleteMine is 90031. I was the "third" Guy. 90007 is Wei Sim and 90030 I cant remember liao... I think is Koo Zhi Jian.
ReplyDeleteHmm....我是90021吗?我还以为是something like 90015。
ReplyDeleteSk & b4fun,哎呀!不是我忘本啦!只是,我从来就认自己是雪芬,不是什么学号的。从没将学号放在心上。也从来没被那些有tie 的学长抄学号或没被人叫学号。所以,我是个好学生 ;)
97538, pls mind your words...
ReplyDeleteb4fun: hahaha, now that i know you actually has the potential to be come a prefect leh..
ReplyDeleteHaha, you remember me, muaks muaks!