不得不佩服自己嘅超強記憶力, 竟然記得以下呢幾首一年班嘅兒歌, 而且仲可以琅琅上口唱晒全曲.. 你又記唔記得啊??
太陽公公起得早 他怕寶寶睡遲了 爬上窗口瞧一瞧 發現寶寶不見了 原來寶寶在院子裡 一二三四做早操 太陽公公瞇瞇笑 稱讚他是一個好寶寶
小貓咪呀小貓咪 你這壞東西 捉小雞呀玩金魚 還弄壞東西 我要我要罰罰你 你這壞東西 不給你吃魚呀 餓你壞東西
嗡嗡嗡 小蜜蜂 飛到西呀飛到東 東邊花兒白呀 西邊花兒紅 四處採花蜜 一天忙作工 誰家孩子讀書不用功 不如這些小蜜蜂 噢 小蜜蜂
《泥娃娃》(呢首, 呢首非要特別獻給我嘅好朋友小徽不可...)
泥娃娃 泥娃娃 一個泥娃娃 也有那眼鏡 也有那鼻子 嘴巴不說話 他是個假娃娃 不是個真娃娃 他沒有親愛的爸爸 也沒有媽媽 泥娃娃 泥娃娃 一個泥娃娃 我做他爸爸 我做他媽媽 永遠愛著他
haha i hope kean hooi reads this blog... :)
ReplyDeletewhat about 'little white boat' and 'big red flower'?
you know, the first song that i self-learnt to sing in its entirety, allegedly (according to my parents and my uncles/ aunties and my nanny) was -- 'shanghai bund' (sheung hoi tan, yes by francis yip) ... speechless!
yes, he must read this blog!! the first 3 were easy for me, but that 泥娃娃 really took me more time to recall..
ReplyDeletenope, i can't remember we had "little white boat" and "big red flower" woh.. how to sing?? your first song was 上海灘 meh?? i thot was 像霧又像花, hahahaha!!!
I have lots of CD for children song, want to borrow some???
ReplyDeleteWow lau! that is so embarassing!
慧沁: i know you now must have more exposure to all these songs.. we sing them in karaoke next time laa, hahahaha!!
ReplyDeleteKH: yeah, so glad you read this.. the last piece is specially dedicated to you!! have i got the lyrics correct??
haha KH, no embarrassing la, classic is the right word and your pose is more classic tim!!
ReplyDelete像霧又像花 is not my childhood song la, i 'learnt' to like it when i was working at HSBC (n years ago), credits for hanging out with aunties mah :)
and you remember your song or not?
the one you sang and DANCED along to-- ha ha ha! no one can beat you on that!
i agree with that.. KH that is just your classic maa.. nobody will ever forget!!
ReplyDeleteso you still keep in touch with those 像霧又像花 auntie or not?? hehehe, maybe they also retired already lor horr??
hehehe, you meant my 傾斜 ah?? so paiseh.. can never do it now laa, old already.. hahahaha!!
大红花啊 大红花 像征我们马来西亚。。
ReplyDelete六只可爱的小黄 鸭 摇摇头来摆摆尾巴 一步一步向前走 大家来叫呷呷呷 呷呷呷 大家来叫 呷呷呷
这是我的家 我们都爱它 门前有棵椰子树。。
太阳下山明早依旧爬上来 我的青春小鸟一去不回来。。
走在乡间的小路上 暮归的老牛是我同伴 蓝天配朵夕阳在胸膛。。
别再做情人 做只猫做只狗 不做情人。。oops....这不是儿歌。。soli soli,..
john, 勁啊你!! 果然是最佳辯才啊!! 哈哈.. 下次我們去唱K啦, 好嗎??