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22.11.2007 | PM九大元素

上咗咁多日PMP堂, 唔多唔少都學到啲嘢架.. 成個課程就係圍繞住九大PM元素-- scope, time, cost, quality, resources, communications, risk, procurement同埋連貫以上元素嘅integration [可以一氣呵成將全部元素list down, 值得鼓勵!!].. 其實一路以嚟做PM已經有兼顧以上元素, 都係跟前輩或者從經驗中學習, 係冇個課程講得咁理論性(theoretical)同埋結構化(structural)啫, 所以上堂時都唔難relate到平時所做啲嘢..

始終係現實世界, 好難每個理論每個公式都跟足晒.. 但係今日所學關於cost management呢範, 我就獲益匪淺喇.. 因為一路以嚟個project一旦commit咗個價碼, 就一定唔會有加架喇, 我哋呢行做PM方針就係為趕起個deadline可以用盡各種方法, 因而產生見唔到嘅cost, 所以實際上賺幾多或者蝕幾多都唔明確.. 從呢個topic學識好多formula, 可以計算或者預測一個project嘅實質盈虧... 對於好technical嘅我, 呢啲比較錢銀方面嘅measurement, 真係塞晒錢入我袋啊..

期待學識更多有用知識, 期待可以學以致用, 期待可以漂亮考取個PMP..


  1. hai lorr wrt to cost, we charge 8 hrs per day to clients at a daily rate but in reality we work 12 hrs some days so all has to be taken into account for profit margin -- good that you are enjoying PMP course la .. i am also looking forward to Prince2 loo ....

  2. mai jau hai lorr, that extra 4 hours work should actually be included into the actual cost gaa, but what to do laa, we are striving for delivery that meets requirement within the predefined timeframe maa, so have to bear those additional cost lorr..

    when are you going for the Prince certification jek??

  3. am only taking it next FY, should be by Feb 08-- burnt out all my days/ training budget this year already with the stupid professional exams, i hope i can pass this one today la .. so tired of studying :(

  4. just found out that we cannot sit for the certification exam immediately, have to register online application for certification with the PMI, and wait for their review to see whether i am qualified for the exam.. so can only sit for the exam earliest Feb 2008.. that is a very long process lorr..
