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07.11.2007 | 這麼近, 那麼遠

平時搭輕鐵返工都儘量避過繁忙時間, 今日因為需要準時到公司attend一個webminar, 所以逼不得已要早啲出門.. 結果就撞正最繁忙時段, 一到站即見人潮洶湧, 往市區方向月台擠滿晒人, 啲人由左邊月台排到右邊月台, 根本就係企滿晒成個車站.. 好不容易先至畀我揾到個罅攝埋去排隊候車, 結果等咗4架列車超過15分鐘之後, 終於都有幸逼到上車, 幸好揾到個有利位置, 不至于同其他人身靠身面貼面..

其實係冇理由會攪到成個站都企滿人嘅, 覺得係當初興建呢個輕鐵運輸系統嘅問題, 一味華而不實嘅計劃完全毫無遠見.. 當初是咁意有個輕鐵就引以為榮, 係威係勢咁, 得嗰兩格車廂仔真係夠載幾多個乘客啊大佬?? 而且運行咗成十年, 啲乘客真係有增無減, 究竟係當初完全冇預料到, 定係一句毫無遠見咧?? 我覺得係後者成份多啲, 因為類似問題真係可以由好多地方見到, 硬係唔會從失敗中吸取經驗.. 結果就盡嘥無畏嘅人力物力去極力補救, 就好似膏藥布貼傷口咁, 攪到東一躂西一躂交錯重迭, 鬼咁難睇.. 結果啲錢邊度嚟?? 咪又係冇緣享受固打恩惠嘅納稅人繼續額外貼錢?? 唉, 此等資質此等作風此等政策, 怕且2020宏願就係這麼近那麼遠喇...


  1. malaysia is like that... no plan just build then cannot work, rebuild and then replan... :) in fact china is the same... well, 2020 is near lah, no time to just plan no do :D ha ha ha ha in netherlands, everything has to plan plan plan, and it takes forever... so, it is good and bad lah...

  2. well, if it is not well planned, why go ahead?? should know if the first thing is not done right, then they have to bear for the consequences - actually not they, it's WE the people!!
