今日無意中喺個超市發現呢個M&M figure, 覺得都幾得意喎.. 我冇友人咁捨得揮霍, 所以呢個叫價七蚊嘅大眾化公仔, 我尚買得起.. 至少當我猶疑咗27次, 兼喺個架前來來去去行過49次之後, 雖然唔知究竟買佢嚟有乜用, 但係卒之都係忍唔住手, 被佢個得意樣控制咗我嘅理性.. 其實除咗得個樣睇之外, 佢入邊係裝滿「只溶在口, 不溶在手」嘅朱古力架.. 個頭頂睇落似竹蜻蜓嘅嘢, 其實係畀你轉下睇是日運程噃..
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27.11.2007 | 好玩好食又好睇
友人「飛びたい豚」最近瘋狂地大灑金錢購買Kidrobot Dunny公仔, 其實我都好中意, 不過就冇咁多閒錢買囉.. 一隻公仔玩吓幾十美金(係啊係啊, 係US Dollar啊, 冇眼花啊), 而且一買就停唔到手, 一定好想收齊晒成套架啦.. 如果你唔明呢種心態, 回想當年麥當勞吉蒂貓公仔轟動全城嘅熱潮就知道喇, 不過呢個Dunny就要高級多二十倍咁啦..
今日無意中喺個超市發現呢個M&M figure, 覺得都幾得意喎.. 我冇友人咁捨得揮霍, 所以呢個叫價七蚊嘅大眾化公仔, 我尚買得起.. 至少當我猶疑咗27次, 兼喺個架前來來去去行過49次之後, 雖然唔知究竟買佢嚟有乜用, 但係卒之都係忍唔住手, 被佢個得意樣控制咗我嘅理性.. 其實除咗得個樣睇之外, 佢入邊係裝滿「只溶在口, 不溶在手」嘅朱古力架.. 個頭頂睇落似竹蜻蜓嘅嘢, 其實係畀你轉下睇是日運程噃..
睇佢眼仔碌碌, 係唔係好得意啊?? 阿Q精神: 有得睇有得食有得玩, 真係好鬼抵!!
今日無意中喺個超市發現呢個M&M figure, 覺得都幾得意喎.. 我冇友人咁捨得揮霍, 所以呢個叫價七蚊嘅大眾化公仔, 我尚買得起.. 至少當我猶疑咗27次, 兼喺個架前來來去去行過49次之後, 雖然唔知究竟買佢嚟有乜用, 但係卒之都係忍唔住手, 被佢個得意樣控制咗我嘅理性.. 其實除咗得個樣睇之外, 佢入邊係裝滿「只溶在口, 不溶在手」嘅朱古力架.. 個頭頂睇落似竹蜻蜓嘅嘢, 其實係畀你轉下睇是日運程噃..
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mmmmmmmmmm.......... M&M... man i havent had any chocolate for a while now... for a long while :) well, i am trying to avoid this type of food... but somehow it is hard ha ha h ah ah
ReplyDeletehahaha, why avoid?? aren't they too good to be avoided?? life is short, enjoy it to the maximum!!!
ReplyDeleteCool!! If you get a whole set and display, they will look very nice.
ReplyDeleteThe problem i am facing right now is no space to display them since I am staying in my auntie's house.
no laa, they don't have a lot of different designs, this is the best one i could find..