[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1523] |
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最近埋頭苦幹我嘅dissertation, 因為真係花咗好多時間心機同腦汁, 所以久不久就將份文件backup入支USB手指內.. 有時候係寫完一兩個句子就會backup, 甚至有時離開部電腦, 我都要將支USB帶住喺身, 因為我真係好怕萬一部電腦發生咩事, 至少都仲有份backup, 唔駛死到攤攤腰咁濟.. 剛剛神經質起, 萬一電腦同USB都同時不幸遭禍, 點算??!! 於是我就再做多份backup入網盤, 實行一式三份, 應該都算係非常安全喇.. 各位朋友, 奉勸大家嘅重要私人文件, 最好經常做backup, 買個以防萬一.. 最近流行網盤(一個儲藏週圍可用), 尤其用緊blogger嘅朋友, 就肯定有個google戶口, 咁就理所當然有個Google Drive可以免費使用啦.. 我剛剛setup完我嘅gDrive, 就覺得幾好喎, 步驟簡單又方便, 求個安枕無憂嘛~~ :) |
have been burying myself in my dissertation writing, and because there is so much time and effort and brain juice spent, i make very frequent backup of the document into my USB drive.. sometimes it's even after i've completed just two sentences, or whenever i leave my laptop i make sure i bring my USB along, because i am really afraid of things getting wrong with the laptop, at least i still have a backup to save me.. and i get paranoid just know what if both laptop and USB gone wrong?? i quickly make another copy to the cloud (technical jargon for web-based disk space), so i now have three copies and i supposed that is safe enough.. just an advice to everyone that it's always wise to backup your important personal files frequently, for just in case of the worst to happen.. cloud backup (store in a spot and use anywhere) is rather a trend now, especially to blogger friends, you already have a google account and that means you can automatically use Google Drive for free.. i've just finished setting up my gDrive and i find it simple and convenient, it's helpful for a peace of mind really~~ :) |
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31.08.2012 | 隨時後備
30.08.2012 | 超慢速遞
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1522] |
之前同某位博客安排拿取免費戲票, 後來因為就唔到時間所以決定用速遞.. 本來以為用PosEkspress第二日可以收到, 因為佢哋口口聲聲話保證第二日送到, 結果足足等咗超過一個星期, 封速遞郵件先姍姍來遲送到!! 16/8寄出至24/8收到, 扣掉4日開齋節假期, 即係話足足要4日做嘢!! 點解要比多啲錢速遞?? 索性用普通郵件都可能仲快收到添啦, 好彩套電影仲未落畫咋.. 又再一次令我非常失望, 對佢哋所謂嘅服務精神, 真係啼笑皆非!! 唔好叫PosLaju啦, 不如改叫做PosLambat啦, 更加貼切呀~~ |
was arranging with a blogger to collect some free movie vouchers, but because we couldn't meet up so we finally resorted to post the vouchers.. thought of using PosEkspress so i can get it the next day, because it's their tagline "next day delivery guarantee".. but i've waited for over a week before the mail finally reached me.. sent on 16/8 and received on 24/8, deducting 4 days of raya holidays which means they need 4 days to deliver!! why should we pay extra for speedier delivery then?? might as well use normal mail and could have even been delivered to me earlier, luckily that movie is still showing.. it's yet another disappointment with their so-called professional service.. better not named PosLaju perhaps, i think PosLambat is actually a lot more appropriate~~ |
29.08.2012 | 商業博客
28.08.2012 | 鮮味之家
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1520] |
星期五睇擊鼓表演前, 因為時間倉促, 所以就腳去咗呢間某超市一角得十幾個座位嘅日式"餐廳"晚膳.. 雖然豆腐膶咁細, 但係個廚師絕對不馬虎, 簡單又普通一個定食, 雖然未至於話好食到今生無悔, 但係已經可以感受到佢嘅敬業同誠意.. RM18.80一份, 同啲大型連鎖店差不多, 但係呢個就肯定比嗰啲咩「壽司勁」,「殺其壽司」同「壽司散賣」好上千倍!! 至少唔係商業化到求其搵個人, 訓練佢一個月就可以入廚房大量生產嘢食囉.. 我覺得食嘢, 最緊要係人情味同埋廚師嗰一份用心, 所以我係從來唔選擇去呢啲大型連鎖日式食肆嘅~~ :) |
friday night before the drum performance, due to the rush, i conveniently went into a japanese "restaurant" at one corner in a supermarket for dinner.. although it's so small there are less than 20 seats, the chef is really serious about things.. a simple and normal bento, not to the extent that i felt no-regret-to-die-tomorrow, but i could feel the genuine sincerity and commitment of the chef.. at RM18.80 a set, it's about the same as the other large scale chains, but definitely thousands of times better than those so-called "sushi kick", "suck guy sushi" and "sushi canai" to name a few!! at least it's not so commercial that simply hire someone, provide a one-month training and there they go mass production in the kitchen.. i always think that in terms of eating, the "personal touch" and the wholeheartedness of the chef is most important, that is why i never choose to go to such japanese restaurant chains~~ :) |
27.08.2012 | 叮噹嚟啦
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1519] |
上個星期五去睇Drum Tao演出, 終於有機會同HHBC其中兩位博客Pussy Meow與Anay TM見面.. 佢哋人真係好nice囉, meow幫我排隊換入場飛(咁我就唔駛趕死趕命, 而且因為佢靚女, 所以我哋有得升哩拎到貴價飛), anay就送咗份驚喜禮物俾我!! 冇錯喇, 就係呢個叮噹錢罌, 得意到不得了真係!! 多謝anay, 我真係好喜歡, 愛不釋手呀, 已經將佢同fing-fing一齊擺埋張桌面上, 哈哈!! 唔單止咁, 佢仲用咗個印有fing-fing嘅袋(上圖背景)裝份禮物, 真係好seweet囉!! 其實最近博客界好似有種互相送禮嘅現象, 唔知大家覺唔覺?? 其實都算係好氣象嘅, 呵呵~~ :) |
i finally had the chance to meet up with the legendary HHBC bloggers Pussy Meow and Anay TM when we went to watch the Drum Tao performance last friday.. they were really kind people, meow helped me to collect tickets joining the long queue (so i didn't need to rush, and because of her beauty we were upgraded to first class zone) and anay gave me a surprise gift!! yes, that is this very nice doraemon coin bank!! i just love it so much, thank you anay, i am putting him beside fing-fing on my desk, hehe!! and that's not all, he also put the gift in a carrier bag with fing-fing printed on it (at the background), really sweet of him, no wonder Letchumi loves him so much.. i actually realized there's some kind of giveaway practice in the blogsphere, do you also think so?? anyway, i do think it's a good climate, haha~~ :D |
26.08.2012 | 悠閑馬騮
25.08.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1517] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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唔係呀嘛?? 又係星期六喇?? 駛唔駛咁快呀?? 快到我感覺係噚日先公佈上一個週榜咋喎.. 最近真係你阿媽炒蟹咁唔得閑, 幾乎停頓喺論文某一個段落, 覺得自己好似同呢個博落世界脫咗節, 又missed咗好多兒童不宜嘅留言故事.. anyway, 上個星期都叫做係水靜河飛嘅, 長假吖嘛, 不過呢個星期嘅排名就好多變動, 算係有啲新意啦.. 而且多個月內被女士霸佔嘅榜首位置, 終於換上一個男霸主喇, 男士們加油!! 最後當然要恭喜晒全部榜上題名嘅讀者啦, 仲有希望大家有個愉快嘅(佳節後)週末~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
is that true?? today is saturday again?? how fast as if it was just yesterday that i announced the previous weekly chart.. have been KNLBCCB-ly busy with my dissertation recently as i was almost stuck, that i feel like i've been lagging behind this blogsphere and missed a lot of "salty wet" comment stories.. anyway, it was rather quiet last week due to the festive, and i see there is interesting repositioning of the ranks too!! finally and thankfully after months of domination by ladies, we have a king instead of queen for the week, perhaps the effect of his "wild wild wet" pizza, haha!! congratulations to all who made it to the chart, and wishing everyone a happy (post-festive) weekend~~ :) |
24.08.2012 | 鋪鋪豆腐
23.08.2012 | 學術寫作
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1515] |
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最近忙於我篇研究論文中, 發覺其實寫學術性論文對我(呢個IT背景嘅人)嚟講, 確實係件難事.. 之前喺職場, 邊有呢啲長篇大論嘅文章?? 全部都係簡短精杆㗎啦, 係唔係?? 而且每次寫嘅報告, 都係比較技術性質㗎嘛.. 以前三兩日可以完成一份報告, 依家一日最盡都係寫兩頁咋陰功!! 點解?? 因為每寫一個句子, 就要去搵好多參考支持自己個point, 又或者去搵好多參考反駁其他人嘅point.. 而且仲要寫到有連貫性, 前呼後應兼一氣呵成, 真係挑戰我囉.. 希望可以快快寫好呢一篇最後一擊啦, 阿彌陀佛~~ 講開又講, 我呢份論文需要搵好多喺吧生谷工作嘅IT人透過電郵幫我做調查問卷, 大家如果有朋友可以幫手, 麻煩通知我吖~~ 感激不盡!! :) |
am occupied with my research dissertation recently, and i realized writing academic dissertation is really something tough for (someone with an IT background like) me.. previously in my jobs, there is nothing that i need to write in such a long magnitude because all reports are required to be concise and precise, right?? furthermore, contents in those reports are mostly technical.. i can get one report done in two to three days last time, but now i can at most write two pages of text, that's pathetic!! why then?? because for every sentence i write, i need to search for references to support my point, or maybe search for references to oppose views from others.. also the need to have continuity between sentences, well structured to have a smooth flow of ideas.. that really challenges me and how i hope i can get this final one done quickly, amitabha~~ BTW for this dissertation, i need to find quite a number of IT people within Klang Valley to help me with a questionnaire, if you or your friends can help, hope you'll contact me, my heartiest gratitude!! :) |
22.08.2012 | 四字標題
21.08.2012 | 手洗衣服
20.08.2012 | 坎坷的腳
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1512] |
噚日啱啱先講完我因為扮超人搞到跌斷隻腳, 邪都冇咁邪, 就噚晚之嘛, 跨過路墩嘅時候, 一個唔小心踩落個凹凸位, 一下平衡唔到, 成個人跌低!! 幸好我身手敏捷, 即刻用雙手㩒住地面, 算係支撐到自己, 個頭不至於撼親停喺路邊架車尾, 不過隻左腳就不幸(中嘅大幸)扭親.. 返到屋企, 見到隻腳又紅又腫, 爭啲變成豬蹄, 不過唔係好嚴重, 我基本上行動都冇問題.. 其實我呢對腳都幾坎坷, 記得跌斷一次, 扭傷三次, 割傷一次, 被重物壓傷大腳趾兩次.. 唔該夠皮喇, 腳傷真係可大可小, 而且仲好麻煩添㗎~~ |
just when i blogged yesterday about pretending to "fly" like a superman and broke my leg, it was like a curse that last night when i was stepping down the road pavement last night, i accidentally stepped on an uneven surface and fell down after failing to balance myself!! luckily i was rather agile that i used my palms to press on the ground to support myself, so i didn't knock my head on the car that was parked by roadside, but unfortunately my left foot was sprained.. went back home and only realized it being red and swollen, almost turned into a pig trotter, but not really that serious as i can still move around without problem.. actually my pair of legs have bad fate, i remember broken once, sprained thrice, cut once, heavy object fell on the toe twice.. well, i say that's enough, having your leg hurt is really not fun at all, and can be very troublesome too~~ |
19.08.2012 | 功夫馬騮
18.08.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1510] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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話咁快又星期六喇, 又揭曉本週金榜喇.. 呢個星期開始金榜會有新嘅一欄, 可以俾大家參考一下大家一個星期內總共有幾多條留言.. 結果好明顯, 隻貓又再講大話, 佢事先張明會減少留言, 結果臨尾踩盡turbo, 一個屈尾十就飛返去第一位!! 各位, 原來貓真係好陰險㗎, 請大家提防, 呵呵呵呵!! 本週榜內讀者同上週一樣, 只係稍微調動位置, 而且三甲全是女性!! 唉, 好想見到新面孔哦, 哈哈~~ 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅讀者, 多謝鼎力支持!! 祝各位有個愉快嘅佳節週末~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's saturday again (so quickly) and time for the weekly chart again.. from this week onwards there will be a new column in the chart, you'll be able to see how many comments in total you have placed in the week.. so the results is pretty obvious that the cat is lying again.. remember she loudly said she will slow down commenting but in the end she stepped on her turbo so hard that she vroooomed herself back to #1 again!! this proved that cats very cunning, please be alerted, hahahaha!! this week sees the same readers in the chart, just a little changes on some ranking, and what's more the top 3 are all ladies!! haiz, how i want to see some new faces beating the "old birds", haha~~ congratulations to all who made it to the chart, thank you so much for the support!! lastly, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable festive weekend~~ :) |
17.08.2012 | 大吮手指
16.08.2012 | 同鞋共襪
15.08.2012 | 結束對話
14.08.2012 | 四季隨想
13.08.2012 | 語言混雜
12.08.2012 | 偷食馬騮
11.08.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1503] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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感覺上好似噚日先公佈週榜, 原來眨下眼咁快又過咗一個星期!! 未來呢三四個月, 我會好忙, 因為趕緊我份final dissertation囉.. 所以應該都唔會有時間去回各位嘅留言, 不過我講過今年每日一post就肯定會做到, 而且都仲會抽時間去大家嘅blog留言嘅.. 呢個星期排名上落都好平均, 前度留言女皇終於發雌威, 將上週女皇狠狠地扯落嚟, 有趣有趣, 哈哈!! 又再恭喜各位榜上題名嘅讀者, 祝各位又個愉快嘅週末, 有冇去玩一玩噚日介紹俾大家嘅DIY漫畫網站呀?? :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it feels like i just announced the weekly chart yesterday, so quickly one week has passed!! in the coming 3-4 months i shall be very busy rushing for my final dissertation, hence may not have the luxury time to reply to your comments here.. anyway, i will still have a daily post as promised, and certainly will not miss dropping comments in your blogs.. this week's chart sees an even rise and fall in the ranking, and the ex-queen finally shows her color to the queen of last week, pulling her mercilessly down to the third place.. interesting right?? haha!! congratulations again to those in the top 10, wishing everyone a happy weekend, and did you try out the DIY comics website i recommended yesterday?? :p |
10.08.2012 | 卡通漫畫
09.08.2012 | 小小心意
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1501] |
恭喜晒七月份嘅三位留言女皇!! 大家眼前所見, 就係本人親手為三位女皇準備嘅答謝禮物.. 當然繼續秉持我「物輕情義重」嘅宗旨啦, 其實講得坦白啲係自己慳家啫.. 我以前成日做生日卡俾朋友, 最鐘意用「全世界獨一無二, 有錢都買唔到」呢句話嚟到達人, 哈哈!! 今次搞搞新意思, 因為呢, 其中一位女皇成日都得獎, 我驚佢每次收到同樣嘅嘢, 喺背後鬧我囉!! 所以決定向難度挑戰, 挑戰自己最不擅長嘅漫畫.. 幸好出嚟嘅效果非常之唔錯, 我好喜歡, 希望大家都同樣喜歡~~ :) |
congratulations to the three commenter queens of july!! what you are seeing here are three tokens of appreciation i handmade for the three queens.. as always i'm bound to my "little in value but huge in meaning" principle, but frankly i know i'm being a little stingy.. that's why when i used to handmade birthday cards for friends decades ago, i always used the excuse "unique and money can't buy", haha!! anyway i am trying out new things this time, because one of the queens is a frequent winner, i'm so afraid she'll curse me every time she receives the same thing!! hence i challenged the area i am weakest at, comics that is.. luckily the results came out quite satisfying, i like it and hope everyone likes it too~~ :) |
08.08.2012 | 壹伍零零
07.08.2012 | 屋裡屋外
06.08.2012 | 七月之王
[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1498] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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大家期待已久, 姍姍來遲嘅七月份留言成績, 終於都出爐喇!! 其實當我計算呢個排行榜時, 我自己都會緊張㗎, 緊張想知道究竟邊位係大贏家囉.. 終於都塵埃落定, 隻小貓果然不負眾望, 以狂風掃落葉姿態, 大躍進奪得留言女皇之位!! 睇落女士們盡佔上風, 各位男士要加把勁喇, 哈哈.. 多謝各位嘅鼎力支持, 尤其7月31日呢篇貼, 史前無例累積超過400條留言, 實在感激不盡!! 恭喜晒所有榜上有名嘅讀者, 三甲嘅朋友將會得到咩獎勵呢?? 不日公佈.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the much anticipated yet kept delayed comments chart for july is finally out!! i myself was actually nervous when running the calculation, because i was excited to know who will be the King or the Queen too.. the result is finally set, the pussy cat as expected leap so high that she is crowned the Queen leaving such a huge gap behind!! it also seems like the ladies are dominating the chart, gentlemen you all must fight back, haha.. thank you so much for the relentless support, especially this post on 31st July has unprecedentedly accumulated over 400 comments, that's awesome and i truly appreciate this so much!! finally, heartiest congratulations to all who made it to the chart, and what will the Top 3 get as their awards?? announcing very soon.. :) |
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