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14.08.2012 | 四季隨想

[Volume 7 Issue 8, #1506]
最近天氣好似又開始炎熱返喇.. 有時候都會發下白日夢, 幻想馬來西亞喺呢個全球氣候變化之下, 變成一個四季國家, 哈哈!! 其實一年365日唔係晴天就係陰天雨天, "享受"咗卅幾年都開始有點悶.. 如果可以有春夏秋冬, 感受一下四季變化, 每一季可以著唔同嘅衫唔同嘅打扮, 都真係唔錯!! 跟住春天可以去野餐賞花, 夏天去沙灘, 秋天睇落葉, 冬天滑雪砌雪人, 都真係幾好玩!! 當然, 呢啲都係一個長期生活在熱帶國家嘅茂里嘅一廂隨想.. 生活在四季分明嘅朋友就未必咁認為, 可能仲羨慕我哋天天陽光明媚~~ :p
the weather recently seems to go back being warm again.. sometimes i will be day-dreaming, imagining malaysia becomes a country with four seasons under the effect of the global climate change, haha!! out of the 365 days in a year, if not sunny then it's either cloudy or rainy, it started to get a bit dull for me after "enjoying" weather like this for over 30 years.. if there are four seasons, we can feel the change and then wear different clothes and have different look for different season, not bad huh?? or go picnic watching blossoms in spring, go to beach in summer, count fallen leaves in autumn and skiing in winter, very fun huh?? anyway, this is just thoughts from someone spending his life in a tropical country.. for those in countries with seasons, they may not think alike but rather envy the abundant sunlight we have over here~~ :p


  1. Good morning, SK, everyone!

    1. Good morning, Happy, SK and everyone around the world!!

    2. Good morning HS, Yvonne, Suituapui and Mrs Pussie Kaldip. The weather is like Autumn this morning, gloomy with no sun. It might snow this afternoon.

    3. Good afternoon boys and girls. I came in late today, as I needed to sit for a presentation from a group people who are from 4 seasons country - Japanese.

    4. hapy afternoon..
      it is a real hectic busy schedule for me..
      as preparing for the company shutdown for the the Hari Raya... all are kelam kabut..

    5. SP, how many day your company shut down? We are until Wednesday.

    6. same also .... a big project coming out after the raya..... cham cham cham

    7. Next week everyone.so busy thene cham la. pls remember come here to chat wor.

    8. Hi there!! I'll be leaving blogsphere from Sat to next Wed for raya holidays~

      Meow, can't chat so much ler; need to entertain the kiddos at home. Will be back on Thur, aiyoh, by that time I need to catch up with SK0617, die la~~

    9. Yvonne,
      Balik mana for Raya holiday? ^^

      I think I'll be out of any internet connection for a day only. But I'll drop by as usual. But cannot spam as much ler. Busy makan! hahaha

    10. Lina, no traveling during Raya, stay at home to enjoy the long holidays. I can spam, but very difficult using smartphone - screen too small, fingers too fat, eye sight no good. You got SMARTPHONE too, can even spam from jamban!!

      I'm waiting for open-house invitation, nyek nyek~

    11. lol ah hua finger too fat....
      I think about the comic that SK draw
      use your daughter ipad le.. sure it big enough..

    12. SP, SK drew me with extra bb fat la. Lol!

      Cannot use the iPad to go online, no Internet connection home. Unless I curi bandwidth from neighbor. Let you be the king of commenter next week lor.

    13. LOL...Kopitiam got wifi mah, Yvonne.

      Next week i will pening too. The kid holiday leh....whole week....die....

    14. Like that we better suggest SK to rest for 1 week. Blog shut down, SK. What say you?

      Many balik kampung la! You can spend more time to do your final year project and rest.

      I scare I may not be free to drop by also, and also do not want to lose out my position.

      How? SK, how?

  2. That's easy. Move to a country where there are four seasons. Japan, for instance. That's a lovely country.

  3. Perhaps, your wish may come true after Dec 22, when the world will totally change according to the experts.

    1. Eh, Happy~ Do you believe the prediction for Dec 22?

      I'm not sure whether I want to believe it or brush it as another theory-made-to-get-famous, but I opt to life my everyday to the most!

    2. My belief is that the world will not come to an end but there will be drastic changes after that.

      Experts forecast of the world transitioning for our current 3D to 0 D and then onward to 4D. There are lots of texts/theories out there. Perhaps you may want to start with a post I wrote on Jul 31 titled "End of the World & Expected Cosmic Events in 2012". Do check it out for some understanding of what could be coming.

      I will be following up with more info about this shortly.

      Good idea to live life to the fullest as life is uncertain from day-to-day.

    3. Yeah I believe there will be some changes since it was the NASA who predicted that the sun will be blocked from the earth for about 3 days!!! They never failed to predict eclipsed of the moon or sun. Simple Maths to them.

    4. I think we better stock up Maggi Mee Sedap during the blackout days in case it snow and all our veggies die. People will rush to buy food. I must start planting padi in flower pots and taugeh in bottles!

    5. LOL! Prices of foodstuff will definitely shoot up to the sun come December!

      Great idea to start planting, but you already are - err... mushrooms?!

    6. stack more rice and can food..
      so better get together with all family members on that day...

    7. Feels like another y2k situation. I remember y2k ppl were celebrating, me ny colig stuck in the ofc jaga the pc. Printing before n after reports.

      maybe after Dec sk will get his wish . a four seasons msia

    8. TM, with your padi in flower pots and taugeh in bottles, you plan to eat taugeh rice ka? Better rear a few kampung chicken in your backyard. You can make nga-choy kai rice, at least better taste than bland taugeh rice.

      Eat maggi mee daily during the blackout days will cause your hair to wither more~ After the sun comes back, your head can reflect sunlight already :p

    9. Kakakakakaka! This Duchess of Cornflour is so fanneee! I was laughing so much like idiot again.

    10. I will start rearing small chicks and small babi now. By December they can be slaughtered to make Chicken Kebab and Char Siew!!!

    11. small chick and small babi.. after they eat your mutate ahem ahem juice.. i don't know what they will turn to..

    12. Haiyoh, SP, no worry much on the ahem ahem. That's extra protein and collagen to feed the animals. After all, TM will eat them in the end. Means TM is gonna eat his own ahem ahem, yucks!!

    13. hahahaha...ya ,or...no good instant noodle so much la TM.

      Nga choyu gai not bad wor. If got extra then can make into choy kiok also.

      Dec sure to ne rainy season. so eat choy kiok/asam choy should be great.

  4. Ya...it's getting hot again.

    1. It's hot here, everyday, since the last few months!! Even there is rain, do expect only a few drops and it's not enough to wet the grass~~

    2. It is gloomy and cool today. I think SP sure pakai his kot to office like leng chai.....ahem ahem....

    3. Crazy hot. Even I don't want to go out for a run in this weather.

      Malam also so hot. Want to ahem ahem also feel so sticky. kekeke

    4. aiyo lina .. turn on the ac kau kau le ..
      sure no sweating as well... ahem ahem must be in comfortable mood.. then with some good music and fragrance smell..

    5. I kedekut. Tak pakai ac one.

      Later Son manja cannot tahan own country punya weather so must train from now.

      Why you think my electricity bill so low, Kerajaan Malaysia always pay for them? ;p

    6. p.s I cannot ahem ahem if its too cold also. Mood lambat warm up! wakaka

    7. Weather so sotplug lately this morning like wanna rain. now its so hot.

  5. Lovely graphics. They'll make great bookmarks.

    I can hear the rain and the wind outside. It's going to be a wet, wet day here in KL today. But of course, we need the rain now after such a long spell of dry weather.

  6. Nah!!! I would prefer people scantily-clad, rather than all wrapped up like Eskimos. LOL!!!

    1. Wearing layered and thick clothes limited our movement. And we tends to look and walk like penguins, LOL!

      At the moment, I have no problem with singlets and shorts. Easier to slip in and out :p

    2. And just imagine how much space the winter clothing would take up. too much time needed to wear it all. end up wrapped like bak chang

    3. And it's hard to wash your winter clothes! Need to send to dry-clean which incurs $$$, otherwise you'll end up smelling like "hamyu" or salted fish!

    4. Nobody wash winter clothes la. So cold until cannot sweat one. In summer just hang in the sun and spray ahem ahem to kill bacteria only. Ask SP for free supply of his sprays!

    5. ...and bathing in winter! Just wet the vital parts, out already. So cold...cannot tahan. Even with hot water shower - the problem starts when you turn off the tap...alamak - frozen stiff! Muahahahahaha!!!!!

    6. I wish we have a moderate climate. Not too hot. Not too cold.

      Malas la have 4 different seasons and the correponding clothes that come with it!

      You've ever thought how tedious it would be to simpan winter clothes (and make it tahan) when winter ends and then later when winter approaches, to air those clothes again?

      And imagine the electricity bill! Die man!

    7. Or worse, next Winter find your Winter clothes all holy, I mean holey, after the bugs have had their fill..

    8. yah le .. no one wash the winter clothes..
      when I was in US .. there is only 2 whether over there.. Summer, pre winter, winter & post winter.. I was at the upper peninsular .. and it was really damn cold .. everyday need body heat just to warm ourself .. wink wink..

    9. That is if got water la. some parts the water in the pipe also frozen during winter leh. hv to keep the pipe dipping else frozen then no water. what a waste. then hv to use heater leh..Betul what Lina say. elec bill meletup lo.

    10. No winter for me, no, no! But I don't mind going holidays during winter, to experience snow la!

      Yiieeerr, TM so dirty - no wash winter clothes. Now I understand why white mushrooms choose his house as their breeding ground.

    11. I don't wash my heavy jackets also.

      Just spray spray a bit... still no white TM mushroom sprouting up. kekeke

    12. Lina, you ask Zaini to donate some ahem, I confirm white mushrooms will sprout immediately! Kakaka~

      Or you want SP to donate? He got more, he's Superman Penis :p

    13. apa apa donate.. have to buy you know...
      and it is not cheap.. superman's genes what.. lol

  7. I love autumn...nice and cool and very romantic, the orange and gold hues, the falling leaves...but not winter. Brrrrrr.....

    1. Me too. That's why over at my other blog, I tak habis2 story & post autumn photos. kekeke

    2. I love spring & summer.. where all people are wearing so less and sweating like crazy.. time to head to the beach .. cowabunga....

    3. No wonder SP loves to go nudist beaches in Mexico laaaaaaaa. You can ajak Gadis Petai to go running along the nudist beaches. All the Kote Mamaks will lie down like Star fishes.

    4. lol TM.. well i am sure all the KM will attack lina.. grr grr grrrr..

  8. The winter picture above shows a couple kissing under a mistletoe tree~~ so romantic ♥

    But I love autumn the most (although I never experience autumn before, I guess that's the best season, no?). With the beautiful orange-red hues, the weather is just nice - not too warm and not too cold. Ah~~~blissful life.

    I can only dream of it T____T

    1. Yes! Yes! Yes! Autumn is the best time with mild warm weather getting cooler each day. Best of all are the leaves turning red, yellow and orange. So beautiful. Namo Amituo Fo please bless Malaysia to become Autumn everyday.

    2. I do not know how bad is our weather and how good is four seasons country until I visited Korea months ago. When I went that time, it was actually going into Summer, it wasn't as hot as in M'sia. I saw people biking on the road. I saw Korean having flawless skin. I am so envy.

    3. autumn is not good le...
      all the leaves fall down.. then soon it will be winter.. yeee ..
      I don't like...

    4. Autumn would b a gardener hrll. here sweep the leaves, there it falls again. worst than cat shedding fur. LOL.

    5. SP, that's why we only ask for autumn in our country. We all dislike winter and wish it would be autumn around the year. Spring is not a bad choice either. I just hate summer and winter, those are the 'extreme' weather.

    6. Okay let's pray for Spring and Auntumn only. Grow leaves this week and die next week, turn yellow and red. After that Spring again.

    7. I think maybe it's because Autumn is the nearest match to our weather here minus the heat wave and rain. Soothing weather. Great weather to do everything...Lina can run, Yan can bake and no pimple come out due to heat in the kitchen, those hamsaperor can ahem ahem no sweat :p

    8. It is true. Last time, I was very acne prone, that make me hate the hot weather so much. Now, old already, skin ok already, but I still very phobia of hot weather. I scare my 2 girls will have pimple at their teens.

  9. I'm not going to enjoy summer, that's one thing for sure. I've been experiencing it for the longest that I remember, so I'm not going to ask for it!

    1. Frankly I don't have any complaint about our weather here - hot and humid all year long. Not until recently when the dark cloud decided not drop by and shower us with rain.

      I'm dehydrated terribly! I gulp more than 8 glasses of fluid daily and I wake up for toilet trips in the middle of the night (I usually sleep throughout the night!).

    2. Betul Betul tu. summer over ther so hot n the days r long. mandi liao is like no mandi at all. not keen on summer. guess teens would love it la since hormone rising n ahem ahem...more time to play ..

    3. Then SP must be planning his next summer vacation now. Sit whole day on the beach, looking at voluptuous ladies in small bikinies, some gone topless for perfect tanning, wah! SP's nose will bleed like that!

    4. Yo! It must always be SP doing all hamsap things! He will be selling McAhem burgers and wet & wild pizza by the beach. Lots of gals come to his stall to see hiim naked. ..... superman penis!

    5. yay . I love spring break..
      I been to mexico during spring break.. it was really really fun.. I love it so much..

    6. Yvonne. it falls on SP shoulder to do all the hamsap things coz TM has been hypnotized to talk hamsap only. not allowed to act on that. :P

      how to head to the seaside during summer la. here most of the beach is dirty. hv to hang out at swimming pool only la

    7. Meow, good say about SP and TM brotherhood! One talk, another action ^.^ But two also sama sama hamsap!

      The beaches here are not clean, walk barefoot and you might risk getting cuts from broken bottles. Or worst still, you might step on SP's ahem ahem ahem after the wet and wild party the night before!

      A note for Lina, when you come to Taiping Lake Garden for marathon, watch out for used condom on the grass. Yes, we have a lot of nocturnal activities going on.

    8. I'm suddenly imagining TM on a beach chair, lounging and sun-tanning while saying to ladies passing by : "Oppa Gangnam Style". kekeke

    9. SP went to the Mexico beaches to see bitches!!!

    10. Ladies, you are wrong la. SP is not hamsap but very very hamsap lou!!! Kakakakaka

      I just kena spilled a bit only. Thanks to my umbrella.

    11. aiyo.. I didn't say anything about the nude beach .. and you all started to think about those yellow thing.. who is more hamsap..
      I go to those very decent beach....

    12. GOTCHA! SP....nobody says anything about Nude Beach wor. ...how come Nude beach suddenly come out ah? muhahahaha...now who is the one who thinking yellow thing :P

  10. Good morning everyone

    what y sk being so mellow today ah?

    As for me I think as it is already enough for me. I don't think I can stand the winter coldness. old jor. later fung sap lah.

    not keen on summervtoo. a bit too hot.

    Spring ok la apart from mud everywhere

    autumn sounds cool.

  11. the above pic not so right to my imagination. aren't spring mean live? New leave coming up n plants. then should be green ma
    and summer supposed to be bright n happy time. in my imagination it should be rainbow or more yellow n bluish. like happy n cool colors

  12. For stingy me, am glad am in msia. I can wear the same clothes all year round. no need to buy clothes according to season. and also worry how to store up winter clothing when winter is over. cant simply throw away mah. can use for next winter

    1. Mai jao hai, I think I'll wear the same winter clothing for the next 10 years, I'm so stingy to get new one; you think winter clothing come cheap ka?

    2. It is more expensive to live in 4 seasons countries compared too Malaysia. They use more electricity, clothes and food. They make so much pickled food cos long time ago they could not import food yet. All vegetables become pickled and meat becomes smoked ham, fish and etc.

    3. in this case its not healthy also la to stay in four season country.

      eat so much pickles. no vitamin. no fresh vege. taking those man made vit pills...

      ya living cost will increase.

  13. 相信大部分大馬人都發過同你一樣嘅夢。不過我就希望常年只有春秋冬,冇夏!!!太熱喇,定唔順。

    1. Mai jao hai , i have this similar dream too. I love winter, autumn, and spring only. I hate summer. I don mind buying different season clothing. Woot woot woot.

    2. Since I was a child, I already wish to be staying in snowy country. I wish that I can make my dream comes true in future.

  14. I know what you mean.. I used to think like you too. wanted to experience snow in Malaysia haha.. but after experiencing very cold weather during winter here, I appreciate the sun more :P Not the hot scorching sun like in Malaysia but just the sun during cold weather, around 18-20C. Just perfect!

  15. EEch time my face get hit by the cold winter air, I am thankful that I'm on vacation and going to be back to Malaysia soon! wakaka

    Me cannot tahan cold lah! I don;t want winter!

    1. yah le .. me too..
      there is once that i left my car out and it were cover by snow...

    2. Me too beh tahan. iif for vacation can la but if stay there I don't think I can stand it. But then again I may say like this now but if really haveto stay in four season country I may like it.

    3. I'm so used to the humidity here, so when I went to 4-season country, I couldn't stand the dry air there! I developed dry skin and chapped lips, with eventually bleed. So darn painful, man!

    4. Their air could be so dry and I kena nose bleed in the classrooms!!! My lecturer pengsan when she saw blood coming out while I was talking.

    5. Really that bad ah? Yvonne. I know an aunt went to China near winter time, it was too cold till the skin break.

    6. Lecturer wearing mini skirt la? That why nose bleed :p

      Kesian the lecturer. Next time she came to class wearing jubah lo

  16. Now also got only hot & rainy got problem (health-wise)... imagine if changing seasons. When winter time that time, kena ambil flu shot la, bila spring that time, kena hay fever la. I tell you, 4 different seasons cost money! XD

    ps I'm so unromantic about this, right? ;p

    1. I only thing I hate about our tropical weather is causing our skin dark and oily. I wish my skin is flawless like Japanese, Korean or Taiwanese.

    2. stay at cold weather countries, lotion also must slap on a lot lah Yan. Lagi kena jaga skin one, otherwise will be too dry!

      I can be lazy and go out natural face here, but go out winter time (heck! autumn time too) without at least some face lotion on (and lotion everywhere else) skin sure crack one! huhuhu

      Tak sanggup!

    3. But I like how my behaves in cold weather. They stop being frizzy! ;p

    4. actually 4 season is not bad also le. got its pro and cons ..
      those ppl have 4 season want like the Malaysia wheather and vice versa...
      as chinese sayaing.. I see you good, you see me good lo..

    5. Grass is always greener at the other side. ang moh pulak would loveto hv our skin tone. want to b tan and spend a fortune to hv that. we pulak spend a fortune to get fairer skin

    6. Yan, the Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese are flawless? You have no idea how much efforts they spend to maintain it; like Lina mentioned.

      Human think likewise, the grass is greener on the other side.

    7. Majority are flawless as the cold will close their pores mah! Here the sun is so hot and we eat so much petai and spicy curries! All the worms also come out from our pores!

    8. They do not so much skin problem. Just need to put lots of lotion to prevent wrinkles. now i wish my two girls can marry to four season's country folks, i wish to follow them there. I always tell my husband that i wish to migrate to colder place.

  17. Good morning, everyone! I love the four seasons too but too bad we only have summer! Anyway, I would just love spring time and autumn should I go traveling. But it's always cheaper to travel in summer.

    1. Two years ago,I was in Blue Mountain, Brisbane and it was winter time! Couldn't stand it as it was very cold. I love Korea the most as at that time in 2002 it was spring. I just love the cool breeze!

  18. IT's time to migrate to a country with 4 seasons then :P

  19. SK, somehow I agree with what you said in this post.

    1. I feel dull for the forever hot and humid days, and I start to wish to live in 4 seasons weather country to experience the snowing, the falling leaves, the summer activity at beach, and the blossoming.

    2. I have this kind of thought, may be i have had enough hot days lately.

    3. Don know la. I don't like to have tan skin and i prefer colder country. I enjoy wearing those winter clothes like in winter sonata .

    4. I wish that one of my girls marry to US, then one marry to UK. Then i can go to US and UK every year with my hubby . That's my dream.

    5. Taiping is a rain town, but too bad that it isn't having too much rain recently.

  20. Still I think our country is the best. I just love the weather. No frost-biting winter, no tornados, do monstrous flood. Everything is just nice. :D

    1. Me too.

      But wish the hot weather isn't so damn hot though.

    2. Count me in!

      But tonight must go home and perform some rain dance. Hopefully it'll invoke rain, kekekeke!

  21. Then again if we wanna go jalan-jalan sometimes can lor. :D Can go those countries to try the different seasons.

  22. A lot of people so postive about 4 seasons climate and yet I am rather negative about it! kekeke

    1. Lina, I'm quite happy with our 1 season weather and I don't think it's too much if I ask for more rain, right?

      The recent heatwave is a tad over. I'm particular melting whenever I step out from shelter.

    2. I agree that one season is good enough but cooler a bit la.

    3. San Francisco is the best place in US as their Summer & Winter temp doesn't hit the maximum. Many gays live there as it has beautiful weather and environment. Everyday the heavy clouds will touch the Golden Gate Bridge....looks like heavens!

    4. For me one season is enough lo. so many season more $$ go out leh.

  23. Haha same here! I also wish there's snow in Malaysia.. But well, 4 seasons may not be a good thing at all also la!

    1. As long as there's no disaster, I am thankful...

  24. 4 seasons in Malaysia? It's a dream for me too but I don't think this dream will come true lor :p

  25. well, there should have 1 more season listed in Malaysia, that is called HAZE ! LOL! LOL! LOL!

    1. personally would love winter, if winter in Malaysia, those people who sell thick clothing will be more rich and awesome hehe

    2. winter can play snow too! feel like becoming Jack Frost (new animation movie coming up soon) the person who cast snow and frost hehehe

    3. owh anyways! not always Winter la, else will cold til die > . >

      SK u like hot weather ar? :X just asking

  26. haha nice i would definitely would want to have 4 seasons here in our county

  27. that photo was what ive been looking for actually haha

  28. our weather here is kinda unpredictable

  29. when it rains it would pour really hard it floods random places

  30. but if the sun show itself it would be hot as hell

  31. i kinda have a love and hate relationship with our weather

  32. I just like most kids, love snowing, as I never experience snowing before. May be when I have experienced snowing, I may not like it, and prefer our own country weather. I don't know. One thing for sure, I hate hot weather. I wish that our weather can be not so hot.

    1. If I can migrate to a 4 seasons weather country, I don't mind to move to Cameron Highland. At least, it is colder there. What you think?
