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24.10.2007 | 下次動作要快喇..

噚晚gym完搭輕鐵返屋企, 唔覺意入咗格最多人嘅車廂.. 其實都冇乜唔妥, 都係好似平時咁如常逼夾, 都已經習已為慣.. 不過就遇見個好搞笑嘅情況, 我真係笑出聲嚟架..

我格車廂點解咁多人, 咪就係因為有班親朋戚友, 成棚人一齊大概成8人有大有小, 佔據左右兩邊座位.. 兩個站後, 我諗佢哋應該係到站, 其中一個大嬸大呼小叫咁提醒每個人落車, 咩嬤嬤啊, 大姨媽啊, 二姑奶啊, 三叔公啊, 一個不留.. 一個個咁跟住起身落車, 成棚人好大陣仗, 驚動全車廂乘客左閃右避.. 結果一個個好順利咁落咗車, 唯獨個「指揮大嬸」大搖大擺咁準備落車與親朋戚友重聚嘅時候, 車門即刻關上, 佢唯有眼金金地呆咗一陣, 只可以一碌木咁企返喺度等下一站..

我見佢哋成棚人之前個虛撼氣勢, 同埋「指揮大嬸」當時個落魄樣咧, 真係爭個天共地, 即刻由心裡笑咗出嚟, 好彩冇畀佢聽到啫.. 哎, 我心諗: 你下次唔駛咁勞師動眾喎, 你啲親朋戚友有手有腳, 你驚佢哋唔識落車咩?? 又或者真係要逐個吩咐落車嘅話, 不如就喺前一站召集齊人企喺門前準備啦.. 好似有啲幸災樂禍啊呵?? but pardon me, i really can't help it..


  1. that's quite a funny scene -- can visualise FPL as the aunty haah you know la she is always like 'dai kar jeh' to her generation ma she used lead a group of yee ma gu jeh back to Hainan Island you know... wahahhahah ... if this happens to FPL, she would probably pat the door non stop hoping it would open and chuckle away saying 'Bxx Lxx Mxx' ahhaha and cant stop chuckling herself waving byebye to all the 'yee ma gu jeh' lorr ... wahahha...

  2. :) i really like to see that scene ha ha ha ha ha that reminds me of 家有喜事, where 吴君如 got on a taxi, and then when the door slammed, she was like "你系边位啊?陈生,么又系你!?" ha ha ha ha ha i even laughed at that when i think about it now :D boy, that is indeed a classic!!!

  3. u almost got me rolling on the floor ... it's evil to laugh at ppl's misfortune but picking some happy factors out of a dull routine is very wise indeed ... haha made my day

  4. I know for sure i will laugh myself out if i am there. It was so damn funny. I can really imagine the contrast when everyone happily get of the train and she stay quitely and feel a little bit embarassed yet lonely on the train.... HAHAHAHA......

  5. choonsie: yes that's funny.. but i think FPL would be hell smarter auntie lor, she would most probably be the first one to get off instead.. hahahaha!!

    慧沁: yeah, 咁人哋忍唔住吖嘛.. 當時個情況, 畀著你都會笑到碌地啦..

    J-C: yeah, that scene is a classic!! if only i have shot down that situation of her during that moment, perhaps i could share it in youtube.. hahahaha!! so mean of me~~

    cloke: high five!! and yes, that was really something worth rolling on the floor.. and i like your "theory" behind for laughing (though sounds more like an excuse), hehehe

    mynicole: 小寶寶, 女仔之家唔可以笑得咁粗魯架..

    grace: hmmmm, and i bet you will be laughing more loudly than i did!! we sound mean, but for god sake, we really cannot help it..

  6. 我如果是你就会故意笑出声来!哈哈!
