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21.10.2007 | 你係邊一類型??

記得我曾經有個好健康嘅睡眠習慣, 平日應該係10:30左右就上床瞓覺, 第二朝5:30起身去gym完先至返工.. 不過都係咸豐年前嘅事, 好佩服以前嘅自己啊, 而家已經做唔到如此健康喇.. 睡眠時間已經改為12:30左右至第二朝8:15, 唔好意思, 好似瞓得仲多添.. 聽講人年紀大咗就自然無需要瞓咁多, 但係對於我嚟講呢條道理係唔work噃, 我仍然需要充足睡眠(八九小時走唔甩), 所以平時都會賴床, 係就係每當假日就可以(好返賤地)好早起身.. 我有兩位超怪朋友, 一位可以9:00就瞓覺第二日4:00起身, 持續維持如此生活習慣多年.. 另外一位就係無論幾早或幾夜瞓都好, 第二朝一定唔會遲過7:00起身.. 我覺得我相反, 無論幾早或幾夜瞓都好, 第二朝一定唔會早過10:00起身, 哈哈..

不如嚟個調查啦, 你係以下邊一類型架??
A. 早睡早起
B. 遲睡遲起
C. 早睡遲起
D. 遲睡早起


  1. haha.. i used to be sleep late.. wake up early.. however... just chg to sleep early wake up early coz got to go gym in the morning.. hey.. y not put yr survey in facebook..let's have a poll..

  2. yeah, that is very disciplined of you!! it really needs a great gut to do that.. hahaha!!

  3. In normal working days, i used to sleep late and work up early. But if i were to choose, i normally sleep late and work up late... hehhe..... same like you, i need to have at least 8 hours of sleep if possible. But normally i sleep less than that...

  4. ha ha ha ha ha nowadays i wake up around 6 no matter how late i go to bed... like the night before we went to k till 130am, and i went to bed around 3, but also ended up wake up around 6... not healthy...

  5. While studying in Chong Haw, I slept at 11pm and woke up at 5am. But not anymore ! :)
    Now, I consider myself sleep late and wake up early still (around 7 or 8am) though as early as Chong Hwa days. Also, no matter how late I sleep, I still wake up around the same time. I can't sleep beyond 10am.

  6. grace: you should try to sleep earlier for a better complexion, afterall your "target" is 35 years old and you won't want to wait until then?? hahaha

    J-C: well, needless i say, you know who i was refering to in this post?? hahahaha..

    shirls: oh really?? i thot you are either type B or C!! hahaha.. that's my impression on you, or you have just changed over these years we have not been keeping in touch??

  7. you mean your impression to me is a sleepy pig who never wants to get out of bed? ;)
    Well, it is nothing to do with losing touch. Don't say that to make me feel guilty lah. I actually really care about you guys a lot ;) Just life in overseas take lots of effort to understand and to bland in etc etc...(excuses ;) )
    Anyway, I always wake up early, it is just you don't know me well lah ;)

  8. 我绝对是你咸丰年的影子,早睡早起。每天最迟10:30pm睡觉,早上5:50am 起床。Weekends 更早 5:00am,因为要long run.但是我很enjoy早上的时间,没什么人,空气好。
