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08.10.2007 | 曼谷符碌(9) 後會有期
第九日, 寫呢篇blog嘅時候正在飛機上.. 因為乘搭下晝班機返吉隆坡, 所以基本上係冇乜時間進行大事活動.. 都係得個朝早出去(係又再去)Ratchaprasong.. 冇乜「任務」在身, 所以都係喺啲商場入邊消磨時間, window shopping同埋影影相咁啦.. 大概三點鐘就折返酒店, 起程去Suvarnabhumi機場喇.. 泰國呢個新機場好大好靚啊, 帶點futuristic嘅設計, 個architecture好似個時光同道咁, 型爆啊.. 個機場真係好大, 入邊啲duty free shop又超多, 所以如果太早check-in都唔駛怕無聊.. 睇吓價錢其實啲嘢都有啲貴, 窮等人家冇錢買, 所以就漫遊整個機場, 週圍玩自影, 哈哈.. 雖然係架N年老相機, 但係出嚟啲效果都唔錯架, 算係為我今次曼谷之旅作個完美嘅回憶總結啦..
[繼續寫於降落吉隆坡後] 抵達吉隆坡時候落緊大雨, 因為坐budget airline嘅關係, 所以個機場都係budget type.. 落機後需要行一段open air路先至去到個terminal, imagine六七十年代啲機場就係架喇.. 落雨喎, 所以每人需要擔遮行過呢段路, 成世人都係第一次遇著咁落魄嘅情形, 勁搞笑..
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Yoy !! Found you through someone. 喂! 你的广东话很难读。 我看不明!
OMG, this is really a great surprise!! 好高興見到你啊, 朋友..
ReplyDeleteOMG too !! 也很高兴见到你!!!
ReplyDeletehmm.... I tried really hard to read your cantonese writing but still can't really understand most of them. Well,I will try harder and learn hard.
Hey, where are you now? In KL or HK?
I am in Toronto now. Yup. Life is unpredictable :)
Will come to see you here often :)
Keep in touch !
哈哈.. 難道你不懂廣東話就是我的blog的特色嗎?? 不用抓頭腦想太多, 大概知道意思就好了啦..
ReplyDeleteyeah, life is very unpredictable and i'm back to KL for good.. keep in touch!!
ReplyDelete有冇買手信俾我啫?? 嘻嘻
前日就返咗嚟啦.. 手信?? 聽日咪知囉.. 嘿嘿!!