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03.10.2007 | 曼谷符碌(4) 市區夜遊
因為平日都係full day training, 所以都係得夜晚先至有時間出去行一行.. 難得一場嚟到, 冇理由成日匿喺酒店放孵蛋架, 所以每日training過後就好似一條龍咁精神, 啲泰國同事就一定會問今晚有乜嘢plan, 跟住就一輪嘴介紹呢個地方一定要去, 嗰個地方一定要去.. 好啦, 橫掂都係第一次嚟曼谷, 照計唔會老點我嘅, 所以咪攪到好似夜夜笙歌咁.. 哈哈!!
幾晚嚟有時泰國同事帶, 有時就自己DIY, 去過幾多地方啦.. 有Patpong街活色生香嘅夜生活, Suan Lum夜市嘅林林總總you name it they got it貨品, Royal Grand Palace嘅神聖莊嚴, King Rama V Monument廣場人潮拜祭先王, Silom Road嘅繁盛.. 不過都係走馬看花, 因為training過後折返酒店再出嚟, 天色已暗, 而且仲要分啲時間去食嘢吖嘛.. 寫呢篇嘢嘅時候, 忽然覺得喺曼谷呢幾日生就活得個吃喝玩樂, 好頹廢啊..
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haha. training is like tat one lah.. i also went to singapore for training last week.. wow.. 9 days in thailand.. enjoy yr trip lah
dreamer: well, i like training anyway, especially out of country training.. hahaha!!
ReplyDeletecypcyp: 真係幾開心架, 所以咪攪到而家身曠體胖囉.. 唉~~