住酒店唔提間房嘅話, 如果每朝可以包埋個自助早餐, 我會好高興, 尤其係啲選擇多嘅continental + local breakfast喇.. 今次training時段會住一間, training後自己extend會住另外一間(自己出錢所以就住平啲嘅), 兩間都有包自助早餐.. 每朝起身後最期待嘅就係落樓食早餐, 因為有我好中意好中意嘅各式各樣火腿同腸仔, 我超中意食.. 除此之外仲有好多好多嘢架, 所以話一嚟到buffet場, 我係永遠控制唔到自己架喇, 一round又一round咁, 我永遠都會至少試混晒七成嘢架..
雖然話一日之初在於晨, 早餐食多啲冇壞, 但係一連九日都係咁就有啲唔掂檔.. 美食當前, 尤其出齊我嘅致命殺手鐧火腿小姐同腸仔先生, 實肥冇瘦啦.. 喺呢段齋食冇運動, 有如冇出嘅日子, 發覺個包包面發多兩度, 個水桶腰肥多兩寸, 個人重多兩公斤.. 救命!!!
Gosh dont tell me you ate all these for breakie? Looks more like lunch for me borr .... :p happy lerr? eat la, eat la, eat more la ~~~~~
ReplyDeleteyes woh, they are all available in the breakfast buffet boh.. but not all of them in one go laa, i only have like two (the most three) small little plates of those a day.. the photos show the accummulated for the whole stay laa..