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10.10.2007 | 潛在的自戀狂???
上一回提到噚日去The Gardens遊花園, 第一次喺商場喪咗咁影相.. 其實影咗個商場入便啲嘢冇幾耐後, 突然間靈機一觸, 何不用部新手機玩玩自拍啊?? 於是就係咁影啊影, 初時都驚畀人見到, 所以就住就住靜雞雞咁影.. 過後竟然壯起個膽, 完全忽視旁人目光, 光明正大咁影, 而且動作都大啲笑容都燦爛啲.. 其實玩自拍真係唔係件容易嘅事, 第一要捉穩手機影到自己, 第二要計好個準確角度, 第三要儘量唔好影得自己太過核突(呢點最困難, 因為自己又唔係靚人一名).. 所以真係影咗幾十幅, 搞到手機幾乎冇晒點咁濟.. 但係每影三幅就有兩幅係慘不忍睹非delete不可嘅, 最後就淨低以下寥寥無幾過得自己嗰關, 可以見得吓人嘅呢幾張喇.. 手機影出嚟質地比較差, 矇矇地反而效果更加好噃, 所以話買咩12MP相機啦, 咪盞影晒自己啲衰嘢出嚟??
曼谷一個白鴿轉返嚟之後, 極之享受人生嘅代價就係身曠體胖.. 各位眼見我個大包面肥嘟嘟咁, 係唔係好可愛啊?? 哈哈!!
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ah tee, 看到你得自拍照片,我就想到台湾,日本那些喜欢将"V" 字手势,打横摆在脸部,或食指点在嘴唇傍的青春无敌少女。你好犀利, 有种!敢在大庭广众,自拍!
ReplyDelete哈哈, 見笑了, 沒有大庭廣眾喇, 因為那邊沒有人的.. 不過我卻沒有他們的青春逼人, 就是一個有種的老餅吧!! 哈哈..
ReplyDeletedun worry, my gf is one of those who is MAD wif selfphoto taking. 2 days in Camaron, instead of using proper camera, she tooks 100 over photo wif her own handphone. next time, you might want to consult her how to pose in front of yr handphone to get BEST angle.
dreamer: oh, how can you compare your gf with me?? hahaha.. i did that because there is nobody to take my shot, she did that purposely for fun despite there's a readily available camera man..
ReplyDeletemynicloe: 唔係貪靚(因為我都唔靚), 係貪玩啫..