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19.10.2007 | 夭心夭肺

好耐都冇做presales喇, 近日難得重出江湖, 去個大企業機構度做product presentation.. 由曼谷training返嚟就開始作準備, 仲消咗一日replacement leave添, 因為始終呢個product對我哋嚟講都好新好陌生, 所以成個星期都揼晒成副心機落去.. 結果波折重重, 最後都係唔成事, 唯有噚日下晝last minute改變策略, 今日決定demo個舊version..

今朝10點終於喺個客度準備demo喇, 點知啲人超唔守時, 一個一個咁姍姍來遲, 好唔尊重.. 嘩, 你大機構大晒咩?? 結果一個等一個, 我個勁慢virtual machine已經load好N年都仲要係度等.. 好喇, 10:30終於等齊晒人喇, 最後出現嗰個就係今日位【主角】(喺度暱稱CIO).. 我準備要開始個presentation喇.. 點知個CIO喋喋不休咁猛咁喺度講嘢, 開始我哋都好有禮貌回應(話晒佢係間機構大粒嘢, 畀返啲面), 但係越講就越踩線, 句句都窒住晒, 有佢講就冇人講.. 結果一圍人足足齋坐喺度聽佢講咗兩個鐘, 由開始落雨講到雨都停埋.. 句句都窒頭窒勢, 夭心夭肺, 踩完呢樣又踩第二樣, 笑裡藏刀講啲嘢好rude好offensive.. 就連自己個啲staff都唔放過, 難怪佢啲staff個個都默不作聲啦, 我諗十成十係已經免疫咗喇..

結果今日連個成啖心機準備嘅demo佢都唔要睇.. 嘩, 大叔, 咁你叫我哋上嚟把鬼咩?? 仲要嘥時間安排下一次.. 我哋係vendor身份去見你, 係就係想做你生意, 但係你都好應該尊重吓人啦, 唔係話你大晒噃.. 我哋係唔想where爛塊面收場先咕一聲吞落肚咋, 如果真係坐耐啲, 撩起我把火時, 我真係會句句同你頂撞落去架, 話裡有骨呢家嘢我都在行.. 遇到呢種人真係唯有自嘆時運低啊!! 頂!@#$%<>^&*()_+"?~..


  1. next time you 'shoot' him with a highly techy question ma ... but since you are the vendor, must really learn to 'glooood' and swallow it all lorr ...
    if there's any consolation, you are not the only one, last tuesday i conducted a stakeholder interview with a hospital CEO -- same thing he 'stepped' on me continously, and it was a one to one meeting. Hate it when he started the sentence with 'Choon, not that I am being difficult, but xxxx' ermmm, you are so being difficult !
    like you said - 'look eat tough difficult' right?

  2. aih.. that's it lor, because we are the vendor maa.. really gotta "goooot" one sound swallow it hard lorr.. but there is also a limit laa, if it still goes on, i tell you i sure shoot back and don't care any consequences ga lor.. aih, really laaa "find eat tough difficult"..

  3. 呢啲咁嘅人﹐大多數有姿勢冇實際。。

  4. Well, from your desription, can see that this "Big Shot" is too free without any important task to handle.

    If he is a capable and very important busy high rank executive, he should be of no non-sense, time=money, efficient kind of guy. Obviously he just want to show off.

  5. mynicole: 哎呀, 都費鬼事提佢添啊, 盞自己又再扯火啊~~

    bryan_shiro: well, i think his job is to think of "innovative" things.. perhaps very true his job is just too free, and trying to arrange vendors meeting to fill up his time, so that his boss knows he is doing something..
