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08.05.2013 | 東京攻略(〇)

[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1718]
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剛剛由日本返嚟, 趁記憶猶新, 快快將呢一次嘅東京攻略用文字記錄下來.. 循眾要求, 我會嘗試為呢次嘅旅程寫下更為詳細嘅遊記, 同大家分享之余亦希望能夠提供有用資料俾大家.. 一系列嘅遊記就由呢篇預覽開始啦, 跟住落嚟會有幾篇更為詳細嘅post(當然相都會大張啲), 如果大家覺得悶嘅話, 其實齋睇呢一篇我覺得都夠喇, 呵呵!! :D
i just came back from japan and while my memory is still fresh, i may better quickly put this trip to tokyo into posts.. by request, i will try my best to write a more detailed travelogue for this trip, to share with everyone and hopefully able to provide useful information to readers.. the series of travelogue starts with this prelude, following will be more posts which will give further details (and bigger photos).. if you are bored reading too many posts, i guess just reading this post alone would be sufficient, haha!! :D
tokyo raider[prelude]part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5


  1. Replies
    1. you are always the early bird.. :p

  2. Very nice pictures. What a sight! Did you go up the Tokyo Skytree?

    Congratulations to the bride and groom.

    1. haha, i just see the towers from far and did not get up.. i'm contented just looking at them, don't really fancy going up (and spend money) haha!!

  3. Good morning, SK and all! I would surely love Japan. I planned to visit Japan last year but it didn't materialized. Instead I visited Eastern Europe. Well, I might go next year. This year I have other plans.

    1. yeah, i have always wanted to go to Japan, and this trip was a rather spontaneous one.. Japanese Yen is cheap now, perhaps you may consider getting some for your trip next year..

      hmmm, you still have some more places to go for this year?? wow~~

  4. SK, Ohaiyou Gozaimasu!

    Really can't wait for your Japan travelogue

    1. now everyone is giving me pressure!! i must pre-empt everyone that i am not a travel blogger, so my travelogue can be very crappy~~ :D

    2. No ar... every post is very nicely done. Where got crappy simply say.

    3. now i am spending hours to get just one post up, travelogue is really not easy at all~~ sweat!!

  5. Good morning SK and everyone.

    1. errr....how come from A -K tarak you photos geh.

      Photot too tiny la...hard to see :p

      Old lady jor ...lou fah ngan jor :p

    2. Good morning bloggers! I agree that the photos are tooooooo small and I had to use magnifying glass. No need to cram so many photos but just show 2-3 of each will do la.

    3. Piak you....go and write a proper post...this one too short. !

      hahahaha....to long complain too long too short complain too short...pening hor...readers hard to satisfied....

    4. yup....like what Anay is doing in his blog....the Cina post good. This old lady no need to read long winded story and yet have nice photos to see.

    5. by the way ...the food photos ...is it real one of those for illustration purpose thingy?

    6. Wakakakaka....this Pussy Queen of Comments giving orders to SK how to blog!

    7. This is a blog la and your photos looked like a leaflet "10 things to do in Tokyo"....Kekekekekee

      Anay and Pussy in frenzy mood to kacau SK. Don't marah yeah!

    8. Muhahahaha....demanding reader and commenter mah.....:p

      Let Ah boy tension a bit...

      otherwise he would say nothing to blog about jor

    9. Yeah lo, I was a bit disappointed to see amazing Tokyo city macam ini.... I will not visit Tokyo la.

      SK lagi tensed now and might pee his pants!!! LOL

    10. Ampun Tuanku SK..... we will wait for your actual sensational blog posts of Japan.
      Anay and Pussy got tiny eyes, didn't know this post is Sneak Preview only.

      Phiak! Phiak Anay's head with batu!

    11. aiyoh, Tuanku Meow and Tuanku Anay!! this is just a prelude to my series of posts lah.. please be patient.. must tease a bit first with small photos mah, introduction cannot show all first, hahaha!! coming posts, i put large photos lah, but then don't complain you have to wait long before the photos load wokay?? haha~~

    12. Wakakakakaka Ah boy geram lah!!! Anay laffing like cock. Okay we will wait for the Grand Entry of the Post with a Shinto Parade!

    13. yalah, so sad early morning kena scolded.. i've already compromise to the requests and demands lah.. the usual me will just end the travelogue with just this post (not even with the details)!! hahahaha!!! but now that i am writing more posts and posting more photos lah.. but don't expect nice posts from me lah, i am a "baliar" writer~~ :D

  6. Yeah many not really can speak English there... Luckily basic Japanese language is very useful enough!

    1. yeah, many can only speak simple English terms.. but i was lucky because my friend studied in Japan before so he became our guide to places and to communicate with the locals~~ :p

  7. Sorry I hence to comment more over here... cos I really love love love the country very much

    1. comment...no need say sorry de...the more you comment the happier

    2. Ya hor... SK will be very happy to see more comments here...

    3. yalah, more comments are welcome but why need to say sorry?? hahaha.. Angeline, how many times have you been to Japan??

    4. Twice. First one is Tokyo, disneyland, US, other place around Japan. Second, is Hokkaido.

      Remember you blog about your previous trip to Bali, Dubai and so on... I was thinking to blog about my japan trip lor. Tat time I still dunno what is blogging yet. Phai seh.

    5. yeah, you should!! that is also the reason why i blogged about my trips last time.. wow, you have been to many places in Japan lah.. so what's next?? Osaka??

  8. You spent under RM2500 for 4 days is not really cheap la. Anay spent less than RM2500 for 6 nights at Osaka, Kyoto and Nara. Of course we were like poor gypsies!

    1. kira cheap la.....He have to give angpau leh......big big ang pau for the wedding

    2. He gave RM100 ang pau la... Big red envelope, small token. It is thoughts that counts applied.

    3. ops...my mistake....he tarak mention angpau....just expenses.....hmm...wondering including angpau or not

    4. 4 full days in Tokyo under RM2500 i personally consider that cheap lah.. everything was decent and i didn't have to starve or eat bread all the time, so i'm rather happy with that.. :)

    5. Any value below RM3K to fly and stay in Japan from 4-6 days is considered reasonable to Ah Hua.

      Ah Hua has never stepped into the Land of Rising Sun! Ah Hua must thick-skinned to befriend with many many Japanese colleagues here so when travel there, perhaps can get free transport, food and lodging, muahahaha! I'm so cheapskate.

    6. yeah, in my impression going to Japan costs a bomb, but then with this RM2300 and being able to see what i should see in Tokyo, i consider that a rather not expensive trip.. eih, Yen is cheap now, you can plan ahead already.. :)

  9. wow i bet you enjoyed that trip a lot huh! welcome back sk!
    looking forward the most for this series of post

    1. yeah, it was indeed a very nice trip.. probably i will be going to Tokyo again, for more time to shop!! haha~~

  10. my friend who had been there commend them
    as being so disciplined and the technology were
    well used there too

    1. totally agree with that!! they japanese are very disciplined and polite, the place is very clean and technology is highly developed..

  11. Getting Visa to Japan is a must. They need detail information - about your financial status, work and so on. Very detail. Need to have sufficient to support.

    1. Last month I had to apply Visas for my boss' family of 10 persons! The toughest part was his parents and children went along too. I had to crack my nuts getting all the certs to show he is the son of both parents and his 2nd wife is legal plus the son blah blah blah... Next nightmare was all the documents to show and certify he is the director.

      It is definitely easy for one to apply for individual self instead of everyone depending on my boss. Lots of extra letters had to be drafted out. Haiks.

    2. Twilight Man, yeap you are right!

      Not easy to get Japan Visa. They would ask you to get more details and cert to proof all that.

      But kenot say only rich people can visit JAPAN lar. Everyone can go and visit the beautiful country. Japanese are like that everything must be in detail and support by some other reason - documents.

    3. They afraid we go there not for vacation. If they found out you go there illegal working, you definitely kenot go Japan again.

      Fortunately, family trip and business trip should be ok! no worries.

    4. They only make it tough for Malaysia, China and few countries cos we have too many illegals working there without permit. They only want us to prove that we are bona fide tourists. Now China also gila and start asking for all itinerary, flight and hotel bookings from 2013!!! (except financial statement)

    5. i heard that the visa application has somehow become less strict, because of the slowing economy they are encouraging people to visit Japan.. see, they are giving multiple entries visa to us..

      a friend's relative who stayed in Japan to work illegally was allowed to go to Japan again.. all she has to do was "sumpah" only, haha!!

    6. Oh really!!???? Thambee got multiple entries visa!!! How nice! I want! I want!

    7. you didn't get multiple entry visa?? errr, there's another very simple form to fill in for that, just give nice reasons why you like Japan and they will give you multiple entry~~ bodek a bit lah!! :D

  12. well english wasn't taht used there? good thing i know some
    greetings already haha thanks to those animes i have watched

    1. not widely spoken but many still can speak a little english terms.. well, only the greetings?? that would be nice but won't be helpful if you are asking for directions, haha~~ :D

  13. speaking of animes, i heard that anime there
    was there was too mainstream, it was actually their
    prime time series and there are a lot of gigantic statues
    there too right?

    1. oh yeah, japanese are definitely crazy about anime.. anyway, it was just a short stay for me this time and i didn't have much time to explore the place really.. :)

  14. i've always wanted to visit that country considering it
    was near to us, i must fulfill that haha

    1. oh yeah, make that into your wish list!! i'm sure you'd be enjoying yourself there one day :)

  15. multiple entry visa....wah...means going to Japan again very soon is it? moreover you mention its the right time to go.

    Guess the requiremenmt for the visa is strict coz got people will go there and overstay...working there.

    1. " i didn't go disney, i didn't go mount fuji, i didn't go up any tower, i didn't go crazy shopping."

      ahem ahem...means planning another trip there soon is it? :p

    2. yeah, it was strict but recently it has become less strict.. probably economy not too good so they encourage people to go Japan and spend money there, haha!! this time a bit of a short trip, definitely will go again in the future to do all the things lah, haha~~ :D

    3. " i didn't go disney, i didn't go mount fuji, i didn't go up any tower, i didn't go crazy shopping."

      Why no mentioned sushi table? wink, wink!

    4. that one don't have to mention lah~~ :D

  16. well i rather be cold than to experienced this hell like heat
    we're having now haha, but as my friend told me,
    when it is summer there it was even more hotter

    1. true, at least with cool weather we don't have to sweat like hell, and that will make the trip more comfortable.. haha!!

  17. have a great day and happy blogging sk!
    take care always and god bless you

    1. same to you mecoy!! have a great day and happy blogging.. :)

  18. Japan is clean and informative. Very comfortable to travel there with their nice weather.

    1. yes, i totally agree with that.. the weather is just nice this time, i didn't sweat at all even though walked a lot.. :)

    2. I was sweating like a pig even though I just sat non-moving on the couch under the fan. Our Malaysia weather!

    3. yes, it was super duper jumbo mumbo hot yesterday!! i miss the cooling weather in Japan~~ @.@

  19. cham....if i go Japan sure sesat lah like this....dont know how to speak Japanese and doesnt know how to read Chinese.....wanna go to the Park later sesat masuk jamban pulak

    1. Adoi they have so many English signs and many Japanese could speak fluent English or broken ones. It is easier to get lost in China than Japan.

    2. Haha so true, at China definitely giving you all kinds of route... Japn no worry tak kan sesat.

    3. no worries lah, road signs have English lah.. perhaps you need to bring along a map lah.. just in case you cannot find anyone who can speak English, haha!!

      true, because China is too populous and most of the people came from other places, they may not know the place but out of their egoistic attitude they just simply point you a direction.. haha!!

    4. Many people in China are sadly idiots. They really dunno anywhere and they call those places in their own slangs!!!

    5. yeah, one good example is taxi driver!! many came from other places and yet a driver in the big cities, asking the passengers the way!! if i know the place, i don't have to take taxi right?? though similar to taxi drivers in Japan, at least they use GPS and never ask the passengers how to go there, the most is suggest routes for passengers to choose..

    6. Some china taxi drivers used GPS but took me to HOLLAND instead.

    7. hahaha!! anay, i would probably blame those "original fake" GPS system than the taxi drivers.. if you know what i mean.. :D

  20. Great food too. Don't convert or else 吃不下...

    1. of course doing conversion when you go travel is a big no-no!! just enjoy and worry later lah, haha!!

  21. Replies
    1. Is almost 11am, is that still considered morning?

    2. Those pictures are too small lol!!! =]

    3. more posts coming soon if you read what i have written :D

  22. Good morning!!

    Ahh finally! Your Japan travelogue! Nice compilations! Of course not boring la!!
    Love the photos you taken!

    1. Biggest attraction to me besides the wedding, is of course the food la!! Gosh I miss Japanese food, their white rice is simply yummy!

    2. Eh so this is a friend of yours? Not sure if you have mentioned in your post? Hehe, may be I missed out that part :p

    3. Yea, English is very not common there, I remember when I went shopping in Japan, we had communication barrier, so we used writings or 比手划脚。。 haha!

    4. But everything in Japan is so pretty right? The weather you mentioned, just nice leh! Not too cold or hot!

    5. haha, i try my best not to bore my readers lah, else nobody wants to come to my blog already, haha!! yeah, the wedding is the gem of this trip, it's such a great opportunity to be able to attend and experience their very unique culture.. and she is actually a friend of my friend lah, so doing the maths can consider as my friend also right?? haha.. i was lucky, because my fried studied in Japan for few years, so he became our guide and communicate with the locals.. so i didn't have problem at all, haha!! :D

  23. What I liked best about Japan was how clean it was, the people too - all so neat and tidy...or at least, the ones that I saw. Yes, they do not speak much English but it's ok...can manage somehow. Too expensive though...and I'm not too crazy about Japanese food. What you ate there, nicer than what we have here...or the same?

    1. Yeah lovely place! I saw huge Sumo wrestlers inside the onsen! Wakakakaka

    2. I read someone said Onsen? Yeah, experienced that too. Don't miss this when you're in Japan.

    3. yes, it's a very clean country and the people are so polite and disciplined.. it would be useful if you can speak Japanese, else you may expect a little English spoken which may help.. not really expensive, and since Yen is cheaper now, i've just spent RM2500 for this trip.. errr, is FOOD the biggest concern for you to travel?? haha.. to me, i would like to see different cultures and places, food is secondary, furthermore i am very open to trying new things..

      sumo wrestler?? do we have one here?? haha.. and onsen, no chance this time, maybe next time when i go Japan again~~ :)

  24. 良好財政記錄?既係要睇銀行存摺?

    1. 係呀, 要睇你嘅FD或者bank statement, 最重要係有入息囉..
      自由行冇行程?? 點都有想去嘅目的地啩?? 佢哋就係要睇你打算去邊囉..

  25. Now who on earth is that in your profile pic? That does not look like you - older, fatter...or perhaps more muscular. You've been working hard in the gym?

    1. doesn't look like me?? hahaha, that is exactly the real me lah.. you will think that's me if you see me in person~~ :D

  26. 我就比較喜歡去京都。希望亞航會飛去大阪啦...

    1. 有呀, 亞航有飛大阪喎, 你咋咋臨買機票喇~~ :D

  27. 我好多年前學過Nihongo,不過依家冇乜記得o羅...

    1. 我都曾經叫做學過, 不過好似你咁囉, 乜都忘記晒囉~~ :D

  28. 日文既漢字用法真系同中文大不同,比喻講『大丈夫』系冇問題既意思。

    1. 哈哈, 係呀係呀!! 雖然係同樣嘅中文字, 但係意思大不同!! 不過識得中文字對認地方名好有用~~ :)

  29. 『無料』系免費...

    1. 『二姑奶幾時嫁』係請問幾多錢~~ :D

  30. Post up the pictures SK! I went there in 2010, I mean Tokyo, Osaka and I forgot where already.. hahaha...

    1. more posts and photos coming soon, haha!! wow, just three years ago and you have already forgotten the places?? how can?? :D

  31. Show us how different is the wedding ceremony in Japan compared to ours here.

    1. sure in my coming post.. the biggest difference, i guess is how traditional they are still, while we tend to be more westernized already..

  32. Excellent beat ! I wish to apprentice even as you amend your web site, how can i subscribe for a weblog site? The account helped me a appropriate deal.
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    Do drop by my website: twilightzone518.blogspot.com

    1. thank you for dropping by my blog!! you have a great website there i can see.. keep it up!! :)

    2. Eh, how come annay's comment sounds like those spammers' and I usually delete them? Hehehe~

    3. he intentionally did that one lah, and my reply also sounds very generic too~~ :D

  33. I would love to hear more about your trip in Japan.
    Have a great week Sk.

    1. there will be more posts coming, i'll blog about one day in japan in every coming post, stay tune.. :)

  34. I wish I can go Japan too in future :(

    1. sure you can make it.. i see the Japanese Yen keep dropping recently, it's a good time!! :)

  35. i also wish i can travel to Japan lu~

    1. go go go!! it is a nice place to go, and would be a good experience too.. and now that the Japanese Yen is cheaper.. :)

  36. 原本也計劃暑假去日本

    1. 哎呀, 那麼麻煩?? 那你什麼時候回來馬來西亞?? 不過現在日本円便宜, 而且你台灣去日本也更加方便哦, 要好好再次計劃了~~ :)

  37. How nice SK has been to Japan! I want to go to Japan too, but the cost is too pricey as we need to travel in family.

    Japan is a very beautiful country. This place has the most beautiful people. I am not talking about their appearance, I am talking about their culture, courtesy and behaviour.

    1. Thanks for sharing all the details in such a sweet and short points. It is a good reference for me in future.

    2. i am very happy because i finally have been to japan after dreaming about it for so long.. you should start to plan about japan lah, now that the yen is cheaper, it's a good time to take action already.. you are most welcome, blogging is all about sharing, i hope those info would be useful.. you are right, japanese are beautiful with their attitude!! i like them..

  38. Telling you Rm2500 for your Japan trip is damn cheap. Yeap we travel we see and learn people culture snd interedting places. The most thing I enjoy during traveling is FOOD.

    1. yeah, i think it's rather cheap that's why i am happy, haha!! but Anay said he can travel to Japan even cheaper, haha~~ anyway, i think the most valuable thing is we see and learn different culture.. :)

  39. Wah! You went Japan? I wanna go too!

    1. you have not been to japan before?? aiks, then you must plan your japan trip already~~ i'll wait for your giveaway posts for souvenirs from japan, haha!!

    2. Panda foong travels a lot too.enjoy eading his travelogue too.

    3. yes, he definitely travels a lot.. and all his posts make us thought he travels even more!! :D

  40. Nice photos!! But too tiny lah. Enlarge them so that I can enjoy every detail! : )

    1. another one!! haiz, this is just a sneak preview lah.. that was why i cramped all photos together.. more posts in details coming~~ :D

  41. Thanks for sharing the vital information about Japan. I wish I can go japan one day! : )

    1. i am slowly becoming a detailed person like how you blogged about your trips.. hahaha!! quick, go japan and have fun~~ :D
