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06.05.2013 | 細說當年

[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1716]
有發覺到最近所寫嘅大部份post, 唔係細說當年就係懷念過去(譬如我嘅童年同陳年遊記), 我覺得一定係年紀嘅問題.. 而且我仲發現依家凡係提返起以前嘅事, 都係用十年嘅倍數作為時間單位!! 好囧.. 咪住先, 乜寫blog唔係應該寫一啲當下事情, 譬如煞時所想/所感/所看/所聽咁咩?? 睇嚟我嘅生活都可以算得係枯燥乏味喇, 好似都冇咩有趣事情值得寫咁嘅?? 不過要我寫每日食咗啲咩, 做咗啲咩, 恐怕讀者睇唔厭我自己都覺得煩啦.. 大家放心, 我仍然好熱愛我嘅生命, 亦都暫時未有結束呢個blog嘅念頭.. 都係藍色星期一, 百般無聊嘅一時胡言亂語, 因為真係冇咩「當下事」可寫, 哈哈!! 預祝大家有個開心嘅星期.. :)
i noticed that most of the posts i've been writing lately are none other than reminiscing the past memories (eg: my childhood and my trips), i guess it surely is age problem.. moreover i realized that whenever i am referring to something that happened in the past, i am already using multiples of 10-year as the time unit!! scary.. wait, isn't blogging about writing your present, that very moment what you feel, see, hear or think?? but seems like my life is nothing interesting at all to blog about, errr, it will be pathetically boring to blog just about everything i eat and do everyday also right?? no worries folks, i'm not sicked of my life and i am still happy to stay alive and not yet to end this blog as well.. just some random rants on a blue monday, because i don't have anything "current" interesting enough to blog about, haha!! have a great week ahead everyone.. :)


  1. Nothing to blog sbout? How about uour latest trip?

    1. I've been missing from blogsphere for more than a week!

      I think I suffered from post-election fever :p

      Not that I have nothing to blog, but I feel pathetically boring to blog and bloghop, hehe.

  2. I noticed too lately you posted quite few posts about the past. But then I thought its by our request ma. Wanted to see where you havd been too

    1. I love to read good biography books and own a collection. Naturally I am also interested to see the pasts of this famous blogger Sherman!

    2. We can get to know more about Ah Boy's past. Now he revealed his 10-year travelogue, I wonder will he slowly reveal his, ahem, past (or current) relationship? Muahahahaha!

  3. Very calming green new template. ..ya I know...I didn't come here a few days. Balik kampung. Internet line its like magic show. ..kejap ada kejap blackout.

  4. Blogging about your latest trip?

  5. Good morning, SK and all! How's your trip to Japan? Must be very interesting. I haven't been to Japan yet. It is in my list and yet to materialized.

  6. well, i was actually enjoying your posts regarding
    past events, those great trips and old pictures
    sure has a lot of stories worth reading

  7. well i kinda disagree with that,
    blogging has no particular standards I think,
    you can right everything under the sun that's why there had been
    a lot of genres

  8. hmm i guess reminiscing sure is a sign of aging
    but yet i think it was best way to somehow keep
    your heart younger

  9. but then im looking forward for your current updates
    cause i know your on a trip and o a place
    i've always wanted to visit haha

  10. have a great day and happy blogging sk
    take care always and god bless you

  11. "...it will be pathetically boring to blog just about everything i eat and do everyday..." So, my blog is boring lah?

  12. Blog about your trip to Japan, your friend's wedding... That would be more current and very interesting.

  13. Welcome back, SK, but KNS on all that fraud! Disgusting!

  14. Today is blue monday... or should i say black? just go to the FB and you will know what i mean.. :)

  15. Good morning SK!

    Come back already ar? Nice trip?
    Got catch the latest news of GE or not? >=(

    1. Hmm, this is your blog of course you can write/blog about your everything, sometimes blogging about the past doesn't mean we are old la, just that we missed those times...

    2. Looking forward to read about your trip, and the friend's wedding!

  16. Good afternoon... feeling like blue Monday here too.

    1. Not blue Monday, it's Black Monday!!!

  17. Even I'm not ready to blog anything also.. Maybe will brush up a few days later. still busy with my work.

    1. Still remember my more than 10 reports? hehehe

    2. I remember I was busy with my workload last Monday. Or I would rather say, it was a hectic black weekdays!

  18. Whatever it is life has to goes on.

  19. SK, you too get some rest. Refresh your mind and soul and return to blog about your Japan trip ok?

    1. How's your trip? How's your friend wedding?

  20. No worries, blog anything you like. There's no law against it. Blogging is supposed to be fun not being stressed about it. Blog on!

  21. Let's try blogging avout every mundane thing you do daily and see whether we're bored or not.

    Call it a social media experiement of your readers. heh heh

  22. It is nice to blog about everything and not just movies, food & restaurants like those paid bloggers. Those blogs, I avoid lah!

    1. Hi5, I just hop to those blogs once in a blue moon, I'm not interested to read those fake reviews.

  23. You have so much interesting topics that got us thinking and ponder on ourselves. This is truly rejuvenating and relaxing to visit your blog.

  24. My head was very sore and numbed by the elections results! I felt better and detoxed after visiting the blogs to read something else outside politics.

  25. You should be voted as the MOST HARDWORKING & INNOVATIVE BLOGGER!!! So much sweats, efforts and thoughts have been invested by you! That is how your deeds attracted many readers! Anay like!

    1. good idea wor.....we can all give SK a prize for that. I sokoong

    2. Small Pussy, don't just purr and say sokong lah. Do something and organize anything for SK. Hear me?

  26. 寫乜都冇所謂,隨心去寫就得啦。

  27. 我还在写我的回忆录~~

  28. SK, I am back to spam. You miss me or not? By the way, I lose my mojo to blog already. I hope I can think of something to update my blog. I love blogging but I am very busy and tired. That's why I lose my mojo to blog temporary. But, I afraid I may not able to blog hop or blog as frequent as of last time. New company, lots of new policy. Sigh.....

  29. SK, I am back to spam. You miss me or not? By the way, I lose my mojo to blog already. I hope I can think of something to update my blog. I love blogging but I am very busy and tired. That's why I lose my mojo to blog temporary. But, I afraid I may not able to blog hop or blog as frequent as of last time. New company, lots of new policy. Sigh.....

    1. Welcome back Yannie. All the blogs turning into cold morgues without SP, ah Hua and Yannie.

    2. Ah Hua has lost her blogging mojo, too~ Very tied up with workload like Starfish SP.

  30. Thambee you have been a regular blogger and this has kept our readers alive and increasing.
