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01.05.2013 | 閉翳之旅

[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1714]
當你睇緊呢篇貼嘅時候, 我可能已經踏上我呢一個為期五日嘅旅程之路喇.. 多個月前就計劃好晒, 因為掹車邊飛去參加一個朋友嘅婚禮, 所以首次踏足就理所當然要去玩啦.. 睇到呢度, 相信大家會問我嚟唔嚟得切返嚟投票?? 之唔係點解我個標題係「閉翳之旅」囉, 真係咁好彩撞到正呀, 投票日夜晚先飛返嚟, 第二日晨早先到步!! 誓估唔到竟然要同佢擦身而過, 白白浪費咗我一盡良好公民嘅機會, 閉翳!! 好閉翳呀!! 下一次投票, 會係距離我上一次投票十年之後喇.. 雖然少咗我哋神聖嘅幾票, 但係我依然衷心祝福選舉可以有個皆大歡喜嘅結局, 各位戰友, 我人在異地, 精神上支持你哋!! 唔好鬧我啦, 我其實都好無奈㗎~~ :(
by the time you read this post, i am already on my way to my 5-day trip planned months earlier to attend a friend's wedding, and of course do not miss the opportunity to visit the place for my very first time.. i believe many are going to ask if i can be back in time for the general election?? that's why the title of my post in chinese reads "a bothering trip", that explains the clash of the dates!! i am only flying back at night on the date itself and touch down the next morning!! i really couldn't believe such a close miss, i will miss the opportunity to be a responsible citizen, the next time i can vote will be ten years after my previous vote, haiz!! albeit a few votes less from us, i still hope there will be a happy ending that everyone hopes for.. to all my comrades, though in another land i will give my full support mentally to everyone of you!! do not scold me please, i am actually very helpless too~~ :(


  1. Aww jeezzzzzzz! How could you! But then again, it's your right to vote or not.

    Nice greenery. Have a wonderful holiday! See you in the new Malaysia!

    Ooh, someone's going to Japan..

  2. Good morning, SK and all! Don't worry. Just enjoy your holidays. Sometimes we can't avoid things like this. I remembered I missed my earlier chance too when I was entitled to vote.

    1. ya me too missed last round coz was on confinement in KT. Cant come back to vote

  3. Aiyor!!!! You're gonna miss it!!! Hmmm...can imagine what it will be like if lost by ONE vote. Muahahahaha!!!! Friend's wedding? When is yours? The clock is ticking...

    1. suituapui, no tsk tsk that SK miss voting in the coming election, wkakakaka.....

    2. choi choi choi........what miss by one vote... SK part will win la

      SK's wedding ah? you got calon for him or not?

  4. Friend's wedding in Tokyo kah?

    Wah... so nice.

    Happy and safe travel SK.

    Come back and VOTE after that! :)

    1. Oh! Silap. So you are coming back after the election date.

      It's OK.

      It's out of our control anyway. And changing tickets to come back to vote may be too expensive. It's not like the government will refund our hard-earned money. ;p

      Anyway, enjoy your trip SK.

    2. BTW,
      You're flying in to Japan during the Golden week!

      Everyone (well, almost everyone in Japan) will be on holiday. @.@

    3. Lina, what is golden week ah? sorry ah...ni kucing bawah tempurung. Means will be very crowded ka? Habis la penyek ah boy...

    4. Golden week is a strecth of long holiday in Japan in May. Most of Japan will be on vacation since all office tutup. Crazy time.

  5. Will be curious who will be the next Malaysia Prime Minister...

  6. Singapore newspaper mon (6th May) sure carries the news, kakaka....

  7. Are you going to Tokyo? Hehe well it's too bad you miss it by a day... I can't say much because I'm not in the country to vote too :( So let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best!

    1. Uiks...you didnt put in overseas vote ka?

  8. have a safe and enjoyable trip sk!
    i'm looking forward to see your stories soon

  9. I will also be missing my chance to vote this election
    not because i would be travelling or what it is just
    because i failed to register myself on the voting list haha
    lazy me!

    1. Make sure next time you go and register. Your vote is important :)

  10. So you attending a wedding too huh,
    that's cool! I wonder if what kind of wedding that would be
    a traditional or church wedding

  11. anyway i always wanted to go to japan,
    and as for an anime lover like me that was the coolest place to be

  12. I bet you'll have some sort of doraemon
    encounter there haha as for it was his hometown right?
    anyways have you seen it's ending? it was so tear jerker one

  13. by the way nice layout! so refreshing
    now i could say that is was really may haha

  14. have a great day and happy blogging sk!
    god bless your trip and take care and enjoy there

  15. Good morning SK!

    Wow you're going to Japan??? So nice! Hmm but regretful cannot vote la!! This GE is so important!
    But then again, since there's no other options, just go and enjoy your holidays la! Everyone deserves a break once a while~

    1. But your friend is a Japanese? Or he marries Japanese woman? I am so curious to see how Japanese wedding looks like! Hehe ;)

    2. By the time you touched down, you should know the results of the GE already, or may be you would check the news on and off during your holidays there?

      Only 3 more days to go, me cannot wait already!

    3. Hey now that I remember, the other day you blogged about souvenirs! So my guessing is right, you really going to a holiday! Hehehe...

      Dont worry la, just enjoy and take lots of photos to share with us ok!

  16. well...have a safe journey. And Congratulations to your friend.

  17. Near miss leh but your area already know who will win so not so kan cheong la.....

    My area also know who will win jor. But will still try rush back to vote. At least can win by one majority one more vote mah .

  18. errr.....friend's wedding once in a life time leh.....

  19. Wah Ah boy very cukup fren....willing to spend so much and fly so far away for friend's wedding. This must be very close friend indeeed.

    You for the bride side or groom side? snap photo and show us ya

  20. Good afternoon!!! Is okay, have fun in your trip!!! Enjoy!!! =]

  21. 5 days.. OK! Enjoy yourself.. I am back in Malaysia .. in time to vote cos the voting station is just opposite my house.. :) Though I am still recuperating from a surgery, I think by Sunday I can walk a few meters over to the classroom.. :)

    1. Request for wheel chair...and transport from house to polling station and back. They will provide one.

  22. Reading your post of absence from GE13, I feel as bothering as you now.

    I want to wish happy holiday, at the same time, I feel so pitiful of missing you and your gang in the voting.

    My two PIL are flying to Taiwan too tomorrow. My PIL first time miss the election. They feel so sad, especially my FIL, he attended all the Ceramah, and yet need to miss to vote. He is truly disappointed. What to do. He has planned the holiday so much earlier than the GE13 announcement.

    1. Anyway, happy holiday to you. Visiting Tokyo, my all time dream place. Me so envy. You have fun, SK. I hope when you are back, you hear only good news of the election.

  23. SK, happy holiday to you!. Saya sudah agak you're planning for a trip!

    1. All the way from M'sia to Tokyo attending your friend's wedding. He or she must be your best buddy! Congrats to the newly weds couple.

  24. Remember to think of us when you're at Tokyo... hehehe

    1. I wonder what lovely souvenir he will get me from the Land of the Rising Sun. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

  25. Have fun SK...Can't wait to see photos from Tokyo when you get back.

  26. Happy Holidays to you Thambee!! No wonder you wrote about souvenirs in previous post!!! You wanna hear and test water kah??? Muahahahahahaha

    1. No worries ok, just enjoy yourself and please don't buy me anything lah! Eat all the food and my share there!

    2. I wanna go to Tokyo so badly but Letchumi said still got radiation there!!! When you come home, see whether you got glow at night? LOL

    3. So I can expect you to post 20 posts about Tokyo in your blogs! Hooray!!!

    4. Radiation? Aiyor...when SK comes back, can save electricity lor. No need to switch on lights. Will glow in the dark. Muahahahahaha!!!!!!

  27. 在日本玩得愉快哦~

  28. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself. No worries, we over here will vote! ^_^

  29. Yiieer, SK is not casting his vote. How come?

    If the dacing wins again, you better buy several dozen boxes of mochi back from Japan and hope they can last you for another 5 years, because after this they are going to perah all from the Rakyat kau-kau.... they are broke spending on the advertisement.

    1. SK, you should come a day earlier to vote la! Ini kali lah!

      After Ubah, you still can go Tokyo many times. I hope you and your gang change your mind and come back a day earlier to vote.

  30. 又叫我返去,自己就走咗去東瀛!

  31. please say hello to my anime friends there ... and you can finally meet Doraemon

  32. looking forward for youre pictures about this trip

  33. I am reading your posts again. Now only noticed that you have planned months ahead and just announced in the blogs! KNN next time I will do the same....I will not tell anyone where I will head to.

  34. I took 5 mins to stare at the graphic drawings of Tokyo. It looks too congested! I have long wanted to hand draw KL like this manner but we have boring city life. Tokyo has too much interesting and sensational happenings that Anay could get heart attack from excitement.
