[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1729] |
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時勢唔算太好, 所以大家最近都可以見到市面上一浪接一浪嘅有獎競賽.. 美其名係回饋顧客長期嘅支持, 說到底其實就係商家要刺激銷量囉.. 見到名貴獎品, 邊個唔為之動容先?? 個大前提係, 想參賽就首先需要買佢嘅產品.. 雖然本人就冇中獎運, 但係見到豐富獎品, (師奶仔性格)點都滿懷希望嘅, 哈哈!! 不過我又唔係咩都參加, 凡係要寫標語呀, 影相呀, 寫故事之類嘅就免喇.. 可以吸引我參加嘅, 除咗獎品豐富, 中獎機率高, 最緊要係回答幾道簡單問題就可以參賽嗰啲.. 其實都有聽聞過好多有獎競賽都係造假嘅, 只不過係做出嚟刺激銷量嘅商業手段, 反正好多都唔會公佈賽果啦.. 其實就冇任何獎品, 又或者獎品係借返嚟, 又或者得獎者已經係內定嘅.. 消費者受騙, 我相信確有其事囉, 你又點睇呢?? :) |
i think time isn't good, that's why we see lots of contests giving attractive prizes.. deceivingly campaigns to giveback loyal customers, practically they are just tactics to boost sales for the companies.. anyway, who will not be moved when they see attractive prizes?? but the premise is that, to be eligible in participating, we need to buy their products first.. though i don't think i have luck in these, seeing luxury prizes still gives me hope and (the auntie-ness in me) tempts me to give it a try, haha!! not that i am interested in every contest, those that requires creative slogan, taking photos or writing stories are definitely out of my way.. what makes me participate, besides great prizes and high chances of winning, must be those that only require answering simple questions.. by the way, i've heard that many contests were fake, probably just marketing gimmicks to boost sales, after all not many publicly announced the winners right?? likely there was no prize at all, or the prizes were just loans, or the winners were already internally earmarked.. consumers being deceived, i surely believe there are and have been true cases, what do you think?? :) |
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31.05.2013 | 有獎競賽
29.05.2013 | 軽食弁当
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1728] |
スナック弁当 • 賞 X 恭喜以下讀者各獲賞スナック弁当乙個!! congratulations to readers below each rewarded with one スナック弁当!! 多謝大家鼎力支持!! thank you for your support!! |
係, 我知係我衰, 之前連續六個關於東京之旅嘅post不停轟炸咁大家, 所以我覺得願意花時間去睇同埋費神去留言嘅讀者, 你哋嘅支持係非常值得我獎賞啲嘢嘅!! 其實我不嬲去旅行都唔習慣買嘢嘅, 但係呢一次就為咗讀者破例一次, 專程由東京托一大袋日本零食返嚟.. 本人謹此發誓, 我唔係喺馬來西亞求其買啲嘢就當係日本手信㗎!! 望著呢一大袋零食, 我覺得就咁樣一人一包好似毫無誠意可言, 所以我用咗啲時間諗下應該點包裝, 先可以睇落唔cheap得嚟又感覺高檔少少.. 卒之就有咗便當呢個構思, 再加上靈感來自日本和服嘅紅白絲帶, 希望以呢啲スナック弁当(零食便當)做手信可以感覺日本啲啦.. 想裝下便當裡面有啲咩, 同埋知道邊幾位勤力嘅讀者會得到, 請按上面圖片揭曉啦!! 呢次冇咁好彩嘅朋友, 記住以後要再接再勵哦~~ :) |
right right, my bad, i bombarded everyone with back-to-back posts all about my tokyo trip recently, so i think readers who had bothered to spend time reading and effort commenting deserve some rewards for their support.. i don't usually shop and grab lots of things when i go travel, but this time i've managed to carry with me all the way from tokyo some japanese snacks especially for my fellow bloggers, i swear i didn't buy them here and fake them as sourvenirs from japan, haha!! looking at those snacks, i think by just giving each a packet is so not sincere, so i took some time to figure out how to package them, in order to not look cheap but a little more high class.. finally the idea of BENTO came into my mind, also with the white and red color ribbon inspired by kimono, i hope these スナック弁当 (snacks bento) give a touch of japanese as souvenirs.. click on the photo above to sneak what are inside the bento, and who are the top hardworking bloggers who are owning one of those!! for those who are not lucky enough this time, remember you can also make it in the future~~ :) |
28.05.2013 | 暴增郵費
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1727] |
上個星期六去咗大郵政局寄啲小禮物[1]俾博客朋友.. 我平時都唔介意放棄去附近嘅郵政局, 而選擇去呢個市中心嘅大郵政局, 因為呢度多櫃台所以通常都唔駛等, 我最討厭其他郵政局嘅長龍同埋好似大機構CEO咁繁忙嘅職員.. 拎咗輪籌等緊我嘅冧把嘅時候, 我淨係見到職員坐住喺度暢所欲談.. 直到看似主管嘅一位職員見到我非常唔耐煩嘅表情, 先叫我直接去櫃台, 我喺度諗: 如果好似佢哋返工成個「家中的皇太后」咁, 幾好呀!! 好喇, 將全部要郵寄嘅都掛號[2]先, 職員就問我知唔知道寄嘢出國嘅郵費最近大幅度增加300%[3](係呀, 你冇眼花呀, 真係暴增300%呀!!), 係唔係都仲要寄?? 點唧, 肉俎砧板上我可以做啲乜?? 唔索性問我對於呢個增幅認同唔認同??!! 最後寄呢幾份嘢就要咗我RM50, 郵費仲貴過要果寄嘅嘢, 真係好可悲!! 直至publish呢個post為止, 上網查看呢幾份郵件嘅status嘅時候, 佢哋個系統都仲係話我知「沒有找到記錄」!! 咁樣算點?? 難道要叫做「高消費的優良服務」?? [註解]
went to the general post office last saturday to send out gifts[1] to some bloggers friends.. the reason why i don't mind the trouble going all the way to this GPO and not just conveniently one that's near my place, was because they have more counters and i don't usually have to wait, i hate the queue and inefficient staffs at smaller post offices.. took my number and waited for my number to be called, but i could just see the staffs busy chit-chatting.. until the supervisor saw my impatient face and invited me to proceed to the counter right away, i thought: how nice to work like she is "the queen at home" huh?? i got all my posts registered[2], and the staff asked if i am aware of the 300% increase[3] for postage to overseas (yes, you read it, whopping 300%!!) and if i was keen to proceed.. what to do?? we were already on the chopping board, why not ask if we are okay with the increase instead??!! in the end i paid RM50 for the postage, don't you find it pathetic for postage more expensive than items sent?? and till this post is published, their system still tells me "record not found" when i am trying to query the status of my posts!! now that's what you called "service excellence at premium price" huh?? [NOTE]
27.05.2013 | 左右協調
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1726] |
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長週末之後嘅禮拜一!! 係嘅, 我聽到大家嘅心聲, 所以我都唔打算寫啲heavy嘅題材嚟到折磨大家喇.. 不過同大家玩游戲啦, 可以舒筋活絡, 又可以放鬆心情.. 準備好未?? 跟住下面嘅動作, 照住做就得喇.. 祝大家有個愉快嘅一週!! :)
it's monday after the long weekend!! yes, i heard you, so i'm not going to write something heavy today to torture everyone.. let's just play some simple game, stretch your muscles and relax your mind.. getting all ready?? just follow the tasks below and do accordingly.. wishing everyone a great week ahead!! :)
23.05.2013 | 百物皆漲
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1725] |
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曾幾何時, 拎張50蚊紙出嚟俾錢, 收銀員可能會問你有冇細張啲嘅紙.. 而家真係冇呢支歌仔唱喇, 一張張50蚊係咁由銀包拎出嚟都未為意, 返到屋企打開銀包, 先發覺一日內自己其實已經洗咗唔少錢.. 今時今日50蚊真係買唔到啲咩喇, 今日先發覺週圍嘅嘢食都一窩鋒咁齊齊起價, 短短一兩年間就起價數次, 都唔知咩世界??!! 依家RM5一餐已經買少見少喇, 大家仲奢望RM500夠你一個家庭洗用一年?? 哈哈, 簡直係天方夜譚啦, 家下仲要高調整多個咩消费税.. 本來荷包就已經持續縮水啦, 仲要喺個角剪個窿!! @.@" |
once upon a time, when i pay by a RM50 note, the cashier may have asked if you have smaller notes.. of course now there is no such story anymore, you take out the RM50 notes one by one without even realizing it, only when you're back home and check your wallet, you realized how much you have actually spent for the day.. nowadays RM50 can really buy not much, i just realized today that food in eateries enjoy another price increase.. already few times within just a couple of years, what world is this??!! thinking about RM5 for one meal now is probably impossible, still wishing that RM500 extra to be enough for one family to spend for one whole year?? hahaha, unless there is a miracle, furthermore how could this be possible with another handsome tax coming soon?? our wallets are already shrinking, yet another hole is cut at one corner!! @.@" |
22.05.2013 | 今非昔比
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1724] |
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某日無意中喺某便利店見到呢一盒零食, 七十後或八十後嘅朋友, 你哋應該都有印象啩?? 我仲以為已經唔存在咗添, 所以突然間有一股莫名嘅好奇, 好想知道裡頭究竟會送咩盞鬼玩具咁呢?? 而且一盒都只不過係賣RM0.90, 記得三十年前都好似係RM0.60一盒, 以三十年來嘅通脹率嚟到計算, 都算係平啦!! 滿心歡喜又帶點好奇之下, 買咗一盒.. 結果就係, 失望連連呀!! 以前入面一大包嘅朱古力, 竟然變成三粒果汁味嘅糖果!! 以前嘅盞鬼玩具, 竟然變成呢一個比我手指頭更加細嘅爛鬼搖搖, 請看上面圖片, 都未玩就已經爛咗!! 唉, 真係今非昔比呀, 送俾依家啲小朋友都怕佢哋會嫌棄呀, 大家知依家啲小朋友係幾咁眼角高啦.. |
saw this sold in a convenience store the other day, those born in the 70s or 80s should remember this i believe?? i thought we won't see this anymore, hence i was rather intrigued out of a sudden, what could be the free toy inside the box now?? anyway it's just sold at RM0.90 a box, i still remember it was like RM0.60 a box 30 years ago, with the inflations (after inflations) all these years, that would be considered as cheap huh?? and so, i happily and curiously bought one box.. what's inside was totally a disappointment!! the huge bag of chocolates i remember has now turned into three pathetic pieces of fruit flavored sweets!! the always impressive free toy i remember has now turned into this smaller-than-my-thumb yoyo, see the photo above, and before i could even play with it, it broke into halves!! haiz, talk about then and now, i guess even giving this to a kid nowadays i have to worry whether they despise it, well you know how fastidious kids nowadays are.. |
20.05.2013 | 東京攻略(伍)
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1723] | |
東京攻略: 第五集 | Tokyo Raiders: Part FIVE X 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to view photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. 1. 選擇語言 | Choose your language 中文 English 2. 點擊以上圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image above to view full set of photos | |
雖然只係得嗰短短嘅四日時間, 但係呢一次嘅東京之旅可以話係不失為一次愉快嘅旅程.. 呢四日, 我去過大部份一般遊客應該去嘅地方, 我睇過同食過大部份我本來想睇同食嘅嘢, 更慶幸嘅係我可以親身經歷一場神道婚禮.. 至少我可以話我去過日本, 一個我多年來都希望可以踏足嘅日出帝國.. 我相信單單一次嘅數日旅程, 係絕對唔夠睇晒同做晒所有事情嘅, 所以日後再一次去東京都唔出奇, 到時肯定會係更加深入體驗嘅一個trip喇.. 點都好, 呢篇係遊記第五集, 亦都係最後一集(係唔係好開心呢??), 希望大家喜歡.. :) | |
albeit spending just a short 4-full days in tokyo, i think this trip was indeed a great one, i have been to most of the places a tourist should go, i have seen and eaten most of the things i wished to see and eat, plus a big bonus for being able to attend a shintō wedding.. at least, i can say i have been to japan after so many years of wanting to step foot onto this land of the rising sun.. i believe we can never see and do everything with just one short trip, probably i'll plan for another trip to tokyo again for a more "detailed" experience of the city.. anyway, this is part five as well as the last part (very happy right??) of the travelogue and i hope you'll enjoy reading it.. :) | |
東京攻略 | ■ 預覽 ■ 第一集 ■ 第二集 ■ 第三集 ■ 第四集 ■ [第五集] |
tokyo raider | ■ prelude ■ part 1 ■ part 2 ■ part 3 ■ part 4 ■ [part 5] |
17.05.2013 | 東京攻略(肆)
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1722] | |
東京攻略: 第四集 | Tokyo Raiders: Part FOUR X 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to view photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. 1. 選擇語言 | Choose your language 中文 English 2. 點擊以上圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image above to view full set of photos | |
呢次嘅東京之旅, 說到底其實就係因為朋友應邀出席佢一位日本朋友嘅婚禮而促成嘅.. 因為呢位朋友曾經喺日本讀書同生活近八年, 難得有呢支盲公竹帶路, 呢個旅程由佢一手策劃, 就自然水到渠成.. 原本個plan係佢去參加婚禮嘅當日, 我哋就自由行, 結果因為日本友人嘅好客之道, 兜兜轉轉咁最後我哋都被邀請出席.. 能夠有幸親身體驗一場日本婚禮, 我覺得就算冇去睇櫻花, 冇去迪斯尼/環球影社/多啦A夢博物館等, 呢一趟東京之旅實屬難得.. 未去睇過嘅日後還有機會, 但係婚禮就唔係話有就有喇.. 點都好, 呢篇係遊記第四集, 希望大家喜歡.. :) | |
this trip to tokyo was really a consequence of my friend being invited to attend the wedding of his japanese friend in tokyo.. this friend of mine studied in japan and has been living there for almost eight years, with this guide who basically knows everything about japan upside-down, we let him take charge of planning the trip and hence resulted in my virgin trip to japan.. the initial plan was that we hang around nearby during the day he attend the wedding, but due to the japanese hospitality we were instead, all togehter, being invited to the wedding at last.. i would say it's a great experience being able to attend a japanese wedding, albeit no sakura to see and we didn't go to disney, universal studio or doraemon museum, the trip was indeed worthwhile.. we still have chance for those we have not seen before, but a wedding may not just be at your fingertips.. anyway, this is part four of the travelogue and i hope you'll enjoy reading it.. :) | |
東京攻略 | ■ 預覽 ■ 第一集 ■ 第二集 ■ 第三集 ■ [第四集] ■ 第五集 |
tokyo raider | ■ prelude ■ part 1 ■ part 2 ■ part 3 ■ [part 4] ■ part 5 |
15.05.2013 | 東京攻略(叁)
[Volume 8 Issue 5, #1721] | |
東京攻略: 第三集 | Tokyo Raiders: Part THREE X 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to view photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. 1. 選擇語言 | Choose your language 中文 English 2. 點擊以上圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image above to view full set of photos | |
寫咗三篇東京遊記, 其實我都有諗過, 究竟我係應該繼續, 定係暫停幾日咁呢?? 感覺上連續幾篇都係東京遊記, 好似喺度轟炸讀者咁, 本來有趣都變成枯悶(大家見留言少一大截就知啦).. 後來再諗諗下, 一個系列有幾篇毫無關係嘅post插入, 又好似破壞咗嗰份完美嘅感覺.. 其實自己都想儘快搞掂呢一系列東京遊記嘅, 所以決定繼續疲累轟炸大家啦, 唔好意思, 好似幫大家洗腦咁, 哈哈!! 點都好, 呢篇係遊記第三集, 希望大家喜歡.. :) | |
after publishing three posts of my tokyo travelogue, i was actually wondering if i should continue or take a couple of days break on this series.. it seems that back-to-back posts on my tokyo trip are bombarding the readers, what was supposed to be interesting may turned boring (you know when you see a sudden drop in the number of comments).. but then a second thought, if i have inserted some other unrelevant posts within the series, i feel it's rather imperfect.. i personally would like to settle this series of tokyo travelogue soonest possible, hence i've decided to continue bombarding everyone.. sorry, it seems like i am brainwashing?? haha.. anyway, this is part three of the travelogue and i hope you'll enjoy reading it.. :) | |
東京攻略 | ■ 預覽 ■ 第一集 ■ 第二集 ■ [第三集] ■ 第四集 ■ 第五集 |
tokyo raider | ■ prelude ■ part 1 ■ part 2 ■ [part 3] ■ part 4 ■ part 5 |
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