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30.12.2013 | 秋葉心意
27.12.2013 | 聖誕之後
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1843] |
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大家嘅聖誕節點過呀?? 我其實唔係要祝大家聖誕快樂(亦都唔係belated嗰隻), 因為都過咗啦嘛(除非係講緊十二日嘅聖誕就另當別論), 呵呵.. 我其實都冇慶祝聖誕節嘅習慣㗎, 所以聖誕對我嚟講, 係一日假期, 係一個分享喜悅同埋送禮物嘅佳節, 哈哈, 雖然我知道聖誕其實係存在著更深遠嘅意義嘅.. 我都仲有寄賀卡同買禮物俾比較close嘅朋友嘅, 除此之外, 都真係感覺唔到聖誕氣氛, 就連對上一次倒數聖誕都係五年前嘅事喇.. 今時今日, 聖誕節對我嚟講其實都同普通一日相差不遠啦, 就算可以去商場感受一下聖誕氣氛, 我會好盟啲人每移一寸蓮步都掛住影聖誕裝飾而阻住我條路(死喇!! 應該有好多博克會鄙視我囉!!), 我會由等待嗰短短五分鐘「落雪」時間嘅人群中奮力行出嚟(其實都係番梘泡之嘛, 有咩咁興奮??), 我會避免去個個人都蜂擁而去嘅倒數活動地點.. 嘩, 我係唔係有咩問題呀?? 應該係自己已經唔再喜歡熱熱鬧鬧V嘩鬼叫嘅慶祝方式喇.. 又或者自己已經慢慢開始變成一個孤獨老人?? 呵呵.. anyway, 希望大家嘅聖誕都係過得好開心啦~~ :) |
how was your christmas day?? well, i am not here to wish you a merry christmas (nor even a belated one), it was already over right (unless we talk about the twelve days of christmastide)?? haha.. i don't celebrate christmas, so christmas to me is a public holiday, a festive to share joy and give presents, haha, though i know the festive has a deeper meaning.. i do send greeting cards and buy presents for close friends, but other than that i don't really feel that "christmasy" at all, even the last countdown i went was like five years ago.. christmas day is nothing more than a normal day for me now.. even when one could feel most "christmasy" in a shopping mall, i was irritated by shoppers who blocked my way because they take photos of the decoration every inch they walk (ooppss!! i guess many bloggers are going to despise me), i forced myself through the crowd who are waiting for that 5-minute "snowing" moment (what's so great about soap foam falling onto you??), i avoid going to places where people are flocking for the countdown activities.. oh, what's wrong with me?? i think i do not like noisy crowd and loud celebrations maybe.. and guess i am slowly becoming a grumpy old man now?? haha!! anyway, hope your christmas was great~~ :) |
26.12.2013 | 高床暖枕
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1842] |
好喇, 我啲日本遊記應該都夠晒皮啦(好嘢!!), 大家係時候回復睇我寫廢話嘅日子喇, 呵呵!! 各位, 呢張就係我張床喇, 如果我冇喺張相片上面標明啲號碼, 大家都應該察覺唔到有咩騎呢嘢.. 哈哈, 冇錯喇, 我諗世上應該都冇乜人會好似我咁, 獨攬六個枕頭再加一個攬枕喺張床上啩?? 其實呢六個枕頭唔係一下過就喺度嘅, 開始嘅時候係得兩個, 之後四個, 到最近先係六個嘅.. 枕頭用耐咗, 我就會去買新嘅, 不過舊嘅我又唔捨得就咁丟, 所以先留返喺度墊住新枕頭.. 就咁累積起嚟, 不過多幾個枕頭, 睇落張床都另舍舒服嘛, 唔係咩?? 唔知我仲會收多幾多個舊枕頭呢?? 到啲舊枕頭足夠砌多層「床褥」為止?? 哈哈.. 睇到呢度, 我覺得有人應該會話我鍾意自己(滲滿口水嘅)舊枕頭陣味, 冇咗「有味枕頭」係唔會瞓得覺!! 其實又唔係, 我又冇咁嘅譬好.. 反而係我要攬住個攬枕入睡, 所以如果出外旅行住酒店, (冇攬枕)通常都會瞓得唔好.. 點都好, 雖然自己張床唔係最貴又唔係最好質素, 不過對我嚟講係最舒服嘅一張床囉.. :) |
okay, enough of my Japan trip (hooray!!) and let's get back my normal nonsense, haha!! this is my bed folks, and if i didn't label those numbers in the photo, you may not actually find anything unusual about it right?? haha, true enough, i think no one will ever have six pillows and one bolster on their bed huh?? the six pillows didn't come at once, but started with just two, then four and now six.. i bought new ones when the old ones worn out, didn't throw them away but rather keep them on the bed while i sleep on the new pillows.. and so they accumulate, but it does actually look a lot more comfy with more pillows right?? now i wonder how far could i go?? when the pillows form an extra complete layer of "mattress" on the bed?? haha.. at this point, i guess some of you must be thinking that i must be so obsessed with the smell of my old pillows (drenched with saliva) that i couldn't sleep without them, not really, i surely do not have that "fetish".. but i do need a bolster to be hugged to sleep, and probably that's why most of the time i could not sleep well in hotels (without bolster) when i travel.. but i have to say, though not the most expensive and best quality bed, mine at home is still the most comfortable one to me.. :) |
23.12.2013 | 京阪の秋(四)
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1841] | |
本來話呢個trip要儘量寫多啲嘅, 不過始終個trip都好短吖嘛, 真係冇咩可以寫, 而我又一向都不擅長長篇大論.. 一連四個post轟炸大家, 見個到訪同埋留言數字, 我都知道大家嘅興趣開始減弱喇, 所以見好就收.. 而且寫呢四個post我都好辛苦㗎, 由揀相到research到寫再到執(我唔係真係求其寫個post就算㗎, 我好認真㗎), 一個post要用我兩日時間咁多呀!! 所以由原本打算寫三個post拉長變四個, 我覺得夠晒皮啦, 呵呵.. 今日呢個係最後一個post, 寫晒㗎喇, 大家將就下, 俾下面我, 多多捧場啦!! :p | |
i thought i wanted to write more about this trip, but it was such a short one afterall, there really aren't much to write, and i am always not good in long-winded stories.. four back-to-back post bombarding the readers, i knew everyone started to get less interested when i see the number of page loads and comments, better wrap it up before too late.. actually these posts were a challenge to me, from picking photos to doing research to writing to final touch-up (i just cannot pass myself to simply write a post, i'm that serious), one post took me two days to finish writing!! hence, from the initial 3-post plan to now 4 posts, i have enough, haha.. so, this is the last post for my osaka and kyoto trip, it's the end of the trip, just bear with me for another one, give face and show your support please, okay?? :p | |
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20.12.2013 | 京阪の秋(三)
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1840] | |
計埋呢一篇, 大大話話都寫咗三篇遊記喇, 其實自己好俾心機寫㗎, 唔知道大家欣賞唔欣賞?? 尤其我嘅遊記係以時間同活動為出發點, 可能大家需要啲咩實用旅遊貼士嘅話, 就無法從中得益喇, 儘其量都係提到去過嘅地點可作參考啫.. 所以話, 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路, 大家如果有機會有能力可以去旅行嘅話, 親身體驗異國風情, 就係最好不過喇.. 雖然我呢個trip係好短, 不過都叫做去過大阪同京都啦, 哈哈!! 今日寫一半大阪一半京都, 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末!! :) | |
including this post, i have already written a total of three travelogue for my japan trip lately.. i certainly put lots of effort in writing these posts, i wonder if you also like reading them?? especially with what i have written were all based on chronological activities, you may not find them useful should you need any travel tips, the most one could get perhaps is referencing the places i've been.. hence, like the chinese say, walk a thousand miles is always better than read a thousand books, if you have the opportunity and affordability and ability to go travel, this is the best way to appreciate the different cultures of the world.. though my trip was very short, at least i can say i've been to ōsaka and kyōto, haha!! today's write-up is a mixture of both the cities, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ahead :) | |
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18.12.2013 | 京阪の秋(二)
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1839] | |
今次呢個日本之旅, 感覺就係眨一眼「雪」一聲咁樣就過咗去, 好似寫呢篇遊記所需要嘅時間仲更加漫長, 哈哈!! 個旅程其實就好簡單, 第一日夜晚到大阪, 第二朝去京都過一晚, 第三日下晝返去大阪, 第四日全天後遊大阪, 第五日早機返吉隆坡.. 就係咁喇, 所以我好肯定我會去多次京都, 因為(返到嚟寫遊記時做資料搜集發現)有好多地方我想去睇但係又冇時間, 或者應該等春天再去, 可以欣賞櫻花盛放當前嘅京都.. 今日帶俾大家秋天嘅京都, 希望大家會喜歡啦.. :) | |
the japan trip this round feels like it was over within a blink and a "zroooom", i think the time i spent to write the travelogue was even more than the trip itself, haha!! the itinerary was actually very simple, first day arrival at osaka at night, second day morning to kyoto for a night's stay, third day afternoon back to osaka, fourth day we have one whole day in osaka, fifth day morning fly back to KL.. that's it, thus i am very sure that i will go to kyoto again, because (while doing post-trip research while writing this travelogue, i realized) there are still many places i wished to go yet no time to go, perhaps the next trip should be in spring, so that i can see this beautiful ancient city under the blooming sakura.. am writing about kyoto in autumn today, hope you will like it.. :) | |
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16.12.2013 | 京阪の秋(一)
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1838] | |
上個星期去咗日本大阪同京都玩, 係同五月東京之旅一齊買嘅.. 五日假期扣除搭飛機, 其實嚴格嚟講係得三日玩咋.. 雖然係一個極短(又趕)之旅, 不過都OK嘅, 第一次去呢兩個城市, 就當係一個預覽之旅同體驗啦, 以後再去就知道邊度好玩邊度可以唔去嘛.. 上次東京遊記有讀者嫌唔夠喉, 呢次京阪之旅, 儘我能力寫多啲啦, 到時唔好又倒返轉嫌我長氣, 哈哈!! 唔講咁多喇, 下面去片睇相啦!! :) | |
i went to Osaka and Kyoto last week, this trip was actually bought together with my Tokyo trip in May.. it's a five-day trip but minus the flight time, we actually have only three days to go around the two cities.. though a very short (and rush) trip, it was not bad at all, for this was my very first time there, i treat it was a "preview" to feel and experience the cities, so that i will know where to go and where not to for my future visits.. some readers complained they did not have enough of my Tokyo travelogue, i will try my best to write more for this trip but don't later complain i am being too long winded instead okay?? haha!! i shall not make this intro too long, let's get the photos below to do the talking!! :) | |
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13.12.2013 | 雜錦美食
[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1837] | ||||||||
我曾經講過啦, 我影咗啲美食相片通常都會收埋喺部相機或文件夾內, 知道有日真係冇嘢寫嘅時候, 就可以派上用場, 哈哈!! 所以今日隨意揀咗下面四張相片, 開始看圖寫故事, 啊, 真係講故事而唔係談論食物哦.. 希望大家會喜歡, 祝大家有個開心愉快嘅週末~~ :) | ||||||||
as i have said before, the food photos that i have taken are usually left inside my camera or folder, until one day when i have nothing to blog about, they come in handy, haha!! so here i have randomly picked four photos and started to write some stories about the food, errr, it's story telling and not really foodie post wokay?? hope you enjoy it and have a great weekend ahead~~ :) | ||||||||
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