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31.12.2013 | 回顧一三

[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1845]
真係眨眼都冇咁快, 2013年嚟到最後一日喇!! 每年呢一日我都會循例為呢個blog做個總結嘅, 喺每一個月中揀一篇比較「有份量」嘅post, 砌成今日呢個結論篇(順便恭喜自己順利達成今年200個post嘅目標!!).. 過程中發覺原來呢一年來都冇咩大事件發生, 全部都係廢話post, 不過平平淡淡又未必唔係好事嚟嘅, 最緊要係健健康康就好.. 好喇, 我都唔阻住大家去倒數喇, 哈哈!! 祝各位新年快樂, 黑皮扭也, 2014年活得更有意義!! 我哋明年再見~~ :)
it felt like time passed even quicker than winking my eye, it's already the last day of year 2013 today!! every year i will do a summarize for my blog at this time, pick one more meaningful post every month and combine them into this concluding post (at the same time congratulate myself for accomplishing the 200-posts goal for this year!!).. while picking the posts, i realised nothing big actually happened throughout the year, all were my nonsense posts only, but being still and stable may not be bad at all, at least we have lived our days healthily and happily.. okay, i shall not take much of your time since you need to rush for countdown, haha!! wishing everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR, may year 2014 be more wonderful to everyone!! see you again next year~~ :)
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  1. I love how you summarise each month to make a reflection of all the 12 months of 2013 :-)

    Happy new year Ah Boy :-)

    1. Happy New Year Mak Glemer and Ah Boy!!! My Thambee sure pandai to make anything in the PC. He has such fine qualities to make a good hubby! I hope 2014 will bring his blog to greater heights!

    2. Happy new year ah boy, lina, anay and all.

      So what is the new year resolution for ah boy this 2014. Blog daily? Blog in 3 language?

    3. Hahaha, not bad!!! In 3 languages then I can learn back malays!!! =]

  2. let's hope for a better 2014!

    May our year be more interesting than 2013.

    Let's challenge ourselves for more! :-)

  3. Good morning, back from my cheat, oops, I mean back from my sick leave..

    Wah, today the opit "pak woo ying", all on leave lor.. I just counted, only 8 people in opit leh...

    Lastime leh, when I was with the ex-MNC company, they will declare we can go back at 3pm geh, but now, no need harap lor, still go back at 5.30pm one lor..

    1. I like the summary.. Was clicking one by one, and reading the description, and I was thinking "wah, I memang pui-fook SK lor, kam yau sum in everything, even blog also got summary at the end of the year wor.."

      Keep it up ya? I love, oops, I mean we love reading wat you post, regardless it's nonsen post or not..

      Nonsen or not nonsen pun, I am sure we all enjoy reading lor.. If not, takkan got so many ppl wana komen everyday right? You see your komen, always so many kan?

    2. You hing mm hing write resolution one? Lastime leh, I very hing think of resolution one.. Like, lose 10 pounds next year, or date more than 1 guy next year, kekeke..

      But after that, hing hing har, no more hing liao.. You leh? Wat's your resolution for 2014? Get married ahh?

    3. Tonite got countdown mou?

      Oops, I forgot you dont like going to crowded and noisy places..
      Yeah, me too actually.. Will just go home after work lor, again, like I said, it's another normal day to me lor..

      Happy New Year SK :)

    4. Look forward to bonus. Then increment. Then CNY. Hor?

  4. Morning!!! Morning!!! Is holiday tomorrow!!! And Happy New Year!!! Any countdown celebration today???

    1. Jan - Always sweet and fun to meet up with bloggers!!! =]

    2. No more four clovers, turns to snowflakes now!!! Symbolized like new day, new year, and new hope start!!! =]

    3. Feb - Wow, your CNY was like Christmas, received so many gifts, the doraemon pillow so cute lo!

    4. March - Seven years? Mine just six years…looking forward another seven years from you ya!!! =]

    5. April - Bet less people would look handsome or pretty on their ID card, especially student ID…don't know why the face looks so "stupid"!!! =[

    6. May - Your friend must be very happy you flew all the way there to attend their wedding, you're so lucky la, get to experience different cultural wedding!!! =]

    7. June - Age doesn't matter, as long as is birthday…still great to receive gifts!!! It's super fun!!!

    8. July - Did you get the doraemon soft toys from KFC, the one with santa claus costume on???

    9. August - Is like that lo, those marketing people must always think of something new and fun to attract costumers then who knows another group of people take the advantage of it!!! =[

    10. Sep - Hahaha, you went there everyday, and also must be there very early, since they just giveaway 1000, if be there something like evening…might be no more already!!! =[

    11. Oct - As chocolate always brings happiness to people (or maybe for me) hahaha, I always grab a big pack of m&m eat while I was sad…oh no later get diabetes….!!! =[

    12. Nov - Get use to them already…..have to care of face….can't show people their actual problem at public…but they don't know it's no longer a secret to everyone here!!!

    13. Dec - Twice to Japan in a year, super nice…hahaha!!! Guess more to go on year 2014, right?

  5. Yes, last day of the year! Thank you for the compliment in my blog.. hahahaa.. I bet you go back and read what you have written after this.. hahaha... See, I hahahaha every now and then... so lets hope our 2014 will also bring joy and laughter in our blogs!! Happy Happy New Year to all...!!!

  6. 1..... Oh goodness me! I look so old today after seeing the January's photo. I think I need to rest more and go for another trip soon for complete rest without any frills. Perhaps Cayman Island can be considered since my classmate lives there and operates a motel, restaurant and convenience store. Everything should be free for me. (Anay so thick skin pula)

    1. 2............ Pillow? Who gave you this pillow? Now wonder your bed was flooded with pillows until #6. I heard Ang Pow too! You are hinting something ka? It should be your last year as a recipient okay?

    2. 3.....Oh my Goodness! My SK Thambee is a world class blogger now! You certainly have come a long way with so many loyal fans today and I sure sound older for being the oldest surviving spammer of yours! I have survived so many blog wars and holocausts too. Muahahahahahaha

    3. 4....... Hmmmm.. I should change my Identity Card too since I look so fat and fugly in my present card. I should feel happy each time I dig out my ID to show someone. Maybe I should comb karipap and have a light liposuction on my cheek to look like K-Pop stars!

    4. 5.... You damn lucky devil to visit Japan twice in a year!! Even the busiest President Obama and Najib didn't visit Japan twice in a year like you!!! Now you believe me how lucky my Thambee is. You need to make merits to replenish your merits spent.

    5. 6........ Errrr Did I give you any pressies on your birthday? Oh no, I was not even invited to any of your birthday bash!!! Why ask? Phiak my own face!

    6. 7......... The saying goes about same frequencies that spoke "Birds of Feather Flocks Together". If I look at Minions or Doraemons too much, I might look like one someday. Scary dei.

    7. 8..... I saw a newly opened Doraemon Boutique in Chengdu and everything was so bloody expensive and costs so high! I dare not buy anything for Ah Boy lah unless you could settle for Hello Kitty stuffs which are cheaper by many folds. Why on earth has Doraemon stuffs got to be so expensive when they cannot even talk? You might want to know expensive? Well, a small porcelain Doraemon was tagged almost RM300. Siao boh?

    8. 9........ A Bottle A Day Makes Ah Boy's Happy Day!.. I remembered your kiasu and greedy actions to queue up everyday for that tin cannister! In the end, you just decorate them on your shelves! Give me la and I will use it!

    9. 10..... I should have gotten myself that discount card since I am so sweet toothed and feast on ice cream & desserts so often. Aiya, next year you can get me one lah! Jot down in your 2014 List of things To Do!

    10. 11........ Oh well, you should read the newspaper today about JB's mural interests is escalating now. They have more and more stuffs there. Like you mentioned earlier, it was not JB that created this as the first in the world but many did think so. I actually saw more impressive 3-D wall murals in Chengdu that included real antique bicycles and even sewing machines being mounted onto their ancient walls since years ago.

    11. 12..... Have you finished posting all the photos of your Osaka's visit? You seem to have visited more places in 3 days than my 7 days in China. Sigh!

  7. Happy New Year 2014... Interesting year 2013~

  8. wow, interesting! Happenings for each month! I recognise the first one immediately. I will come back tonight to read the others. I got to go work now. Have a nice day!

  9. Happy New Year! What a year! Best wishes for yet another wonderful, wonderful year! Cheers!

  10. Sobs!!! Sobs!!! The first time we met ever...and it did not make it to your list. I'm sooooo broken-hearted. Think I'll just go and kill myself now... :(

    1. Go kill yourself? Sai mm sai ahh?

    2. Don't worry la. He won't kill himself yet la. Son-inlaw tea he have nit drink yet.

      However if got news that ah boy getting married, he might go into depression la :p

    3. Depression? Why? He wants SK to be his son-in-law izzit?

    4. Fate will arrange SK to be the rightful son in law be it in Sibu or India la.

  11. Last day of the year ..so fast. Love the way you summerise each month

  12. Ah jan...I missed that gathering. Lol...seems no yuen with wenn. Go ipoh also didn't get to meet wenn

    1. Mama Kucing, i still have not meet u yet, hope to meet you... hehe....

    2. me no go singapore you no come kl...haiz...nevermind if one day we have fate we will meet

  13. Feb shirt month but sure happening with so many gifts and cards

  14. March...got buy rm7 for number 1686 or not?

  15. April...yikes I hv been meaning to change ic since your post but till now yet to do.new year resolution. .change ic

    1. Cont'd May...hari tu interupted half way

      May - i was fun seeing your post on that. Baru got to know of the purchasing food coupon and the fresh seafood market

    2. June- Piak! You so old meh....

    3. July- ya lor..me also got cxrazy about minion and the funny thing is that the minion quality not even up to their normal toy standard

    4. Aug- Got put in a glass and frame up or not like those in the petrol station. It would look good.

    5. Setp - still laughing a your word "unexpected"

    6. Oct- also bought...didnt managed to use till 31 dec they mcd we went to say machine rosak

    7. Nov- it's gone now right? entah what they so scared about the mural till wanna erase it

    8. Dec- can go some more mah...kira as a preview lor this trip

  16. May..syok jugak see Japanese traditional wedding from your photo

  17. Greetings to everyone, in about 1 hr 55 mins, it will be 2014, Happy New Year to everyone...

  18. January - U get to meet up with Wenn when she was in KL... The other time i meetup with her is in Changi Airport, too bad she can't come out, we can only meet thr the intercom for a while...

  19. February - The doraemon pillow u receive is so cute... hehe...

  20. March - Happy to know you thr blogging, but i have not meet you yet, hope have the chance to meetup with you one of the day... :)

  21. April - In Malaysia, can change IC if you want to?

  22. May - Japan is a nice country to visit and the foods there are very fresh...

  23. June - The one with the Uncle, is it given by your niece/nephew?

  24. July - I did not manage to get hold of those Minions as it was sold out very fast...

  25. August - hi 5, i also like doraemon, hehe...

  26. Sept - If it's long Q, i won't go grab for it..

  27. Oct - I have a sweet tooth, hehe...

  28. Dec - U didn't go longer as 5 days, first day is flight day, last day also flight day, left 3 days, is like quite short trip...

  29. Okie, I'm late here.... very late. Happy New Year to SK and everyone

    1. Mark down all the memories from Jan until Dec 2013... that is very interesting and meaningful SK.

  30. Happy New Year! May the year be filled with joy and laughter.

  31. Replies
    1. Happy New Year, 2014, Simple Person! Cheers!!!

  32. Nonsense post...?
    So this year 2014 please blog on non nonsense post...

  33. HAPPY NEW YEAR! May it be a prosperous one:)

  34. Great 12 months fruitfully spent. Happy New Year

  35. Same question as Sharon, in Malaysia, you can change identity cards as and when you like? Happy 2014 to you!!! You have a great blog here and I enjoyed reading your blog, and thanks for leaving comments in my blog too, I enjoyed reading your comments, you are another joker other than TM and SP LOL

  36. Good morning to SK, today, my first day working in year 2014. I wish a very Happy New Year. Every year, my resolution is only losing weight and staying happy, this year also the same.

    1. Looking at all your 12 posts, indeed nothing big for your 2013. Nothing big is better than having something big la! Like me, dropping my half year old smart phone inside jamban is really something big for me in year 2013.

    2. By the way, you get to go Japan twice a year can be considered as something big and happy in year 2013.

      And for me, losing 3 kg in year 2013 is really something happy too. I wish to lose more in year 2014, I am greedy right?

    3. Ok, once again I wish all bloggers here have a wonderful year in 2014. Always stay happy and healthy.

  37. Hi SK,
    How was your NYE celebration? HNY and I wish that you will enjoy your working days much better than last year, no MC or less EL and higher bonus hahaha

  38. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!! :)

  39. Wah! 200 posts in a year? That's an achievement!! Congrats!!

  40. Out of all your posts in 2013, I can remember that the Smart Phone dropped into Jamban post the most. Hehehe, that was actually my most upset day in 2013. My heart sank inside Jamban immediately together with my smart phone. Though I have got a new one now, I still can remember that bad day vividly. You blogged it here as a reminder for all your readers, hopefully they are not as clumsy as me. Hmph! Anyway, it is not bad at all if I can give you the inspiration on what to blog, SK.
