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30.12.2013 | 秋葉心意

[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1844]
日本京阪之旅嘅延續, 大家可以放心, 我唔係要再寫遊記轟炸大家, 而係(扮晒慷慨)想要送啲「手信」俾讀者們啫.. 話說呢一次嘅京阪の秋, 其中一樣本人非常喜歡嘅嘢就係啲紅紅黃黃嘅秋葉.. 所以就喺大阪難波宮跡同大阪城一帶, 不顧路人目光, 喺地面執咗啲紅色嘅楓葉.. 之前有讀者問我有冇執啲楓葉返嚟做書籤, 梗係有啦, 不過唔做書籤咁行, 而係做咗呢幾幅楓葉畫.. 係喇, 就係送出呢幾幅本人親手做嘅楓葉畫, 送俾喺我四篇京阪之旅遊記留言最多嘅四位讀者(我知冇咩人會欣賞, 所以做四份得啦)!! 雖然係隨手執街邊嘅落葉, 唔係咩值錢嘅手信, 不過都一擔心機, 全天下獨一無二呀, 雖然紅色葉已變成褐色葉, 呵呵!! 希望得到嘅讀者千其唔好嫌棄, 最多再送多兩盒喺日本買返嚟嘅糖果囉, 希望你哋會鍾意!! :)
呢兩次日本之旅, 我都送禮物俾喺遊記留言最多嘅讀者.. 我覺得應該公平啲, 絕對唔會有幸運抽獎.. 因為我覺得既然大家都有留言, 就應該係俾最努力(最支持)嘅幾位讀者, 而唔係睇邊個幸運抽中個random number而不費吹灰之力就能夠得獎.. 呢個係我送獎嘅方式, 世上冇免費午餐, 要得到就要付出, 付出最多就得到最多回報~~ 長話短說, 即係話大家咩都唔好諗, 喺我個blog度拼咗條老命係咁留言就啱㗎喇!! :D
a continuation for my Ōsaka and Kyotō trip, no worries, i am not going to write another travelogue to blast everyone, but to (pretend to be very generous to) giveaway some "souvenirs" to my readers.. during this trip in the autumn, one of the things i like must be those colorful autumn leaves found almost everywhere.. hence when i was around Naniwa-no-miyaato (難波の宮跡) and Ōsaka-jō (大阪城 Osaka Castle), i ignored people who might be staring and picked some red maple leaves fallen on the ground.. some readers asked if i picked any leaves back home to make them into bookmarks, of course i did, not make them into bookmarks (which is so common) but these pictures as shown above.. yes, these are what i am going to giveaway, to the four readers who have left the most comments in my recent four posts written about this trip (i know not many will like this hence i just did four)!! though something i picked from the street and not valuable at all, but i spent buckets of effort to make them, they all are surely unique and none the same as others, though the red leaves have turned brown now, hehehe!! hope those who got it will not find me cheapskate, alright alright, i'll add on two boxes of candy bought from Japan then, hope they will like it!! :)
i gaveaway prizes to the top commenters for my two recent trips, i think it should be fair that there is no "lucky draw".. to me, if everyone comments, then the ones who show most support with most number of comments should get something, and not the ones who didn't spend much effort but are lucky enough after some random numbers picked.. this is my way to give prizes, there is no free lunch, i believe that if we want something we must work hard towards it, the one who gave most effort shall have the most returns.. to make it short, you don't have to think much, just put lots of commments here in my blog and that's it!! :D


  1. Good morning! Nice picture of leaves.

    1. Congrats to the winners, lucky recipients of these handmade, imported raw material, money-cannot-buy souvenirs - made with much care, and love too, SK? :p

    2. He cares for all the readers actually. He makes something suspense and make us full of surprises all the time! Just that we don't know all this while.

  2. Replies
    1. Congratulations to the winners... Got prize or no prize, i will still continue support your blog...

  3. Morning!!! Morning!!! Happy Monday!!! Is the last Monday of 2013!!! One more day then is one day holiday again!!! Yeah!!! =]

    1. Ya Ya, congrats to you! 小影

    2. Thanks, angeline!!! And congrats to you too!!! =]

      I didn't click on it in the morning….until I received it this morning!!! What a big surprise lo!!! =]

    3. Thanks for the big surprise…before opened it I was wondered why the envelope so big…plus stated as "Please Do Not Fold" some more!!! So scared I fold it accidentally lo, hehe!!!

    4. Also have to say your artwork is way more nicer than mine….feel like those I made are like kindergarden's works only (I'll try harder on my artwork next year, hehe)

      The white frame make it so clear and simple!!! Very impressive artwork!!! =]

  4. way so nice... :-)

    Definitely LouizYee, Angeline & Hayley will be one of the recipients. :-)

    1. So I was correct!

      Congrats to the four ladies! :-)

  5. Oops, got list already kah? I cannot see yet. Press press my phone screen still tak nampak. :-P

    1. Good morning. ...am at mcd again. You tarak enable pop ip screen in your phone ?

      Congratulations to the winners :)

      Uniqie hand picled leaves by sk leh . Must treasure.

  6. 我正有呢個概念,將啲楓葉框起嚟當畫,都幾靚幾特別。

  7. Congratulations to the 4 winners!!

  8. Ah boy. I find it much nicer if you will put the winners name creatively on the leaves or canvas. You know..something like writing on the rice.

    1. Hahaha

      You all give so much pressure to Ah Boy on how to do gifts la!

      Later he sure get sleepless night perfecting all his giveaways and presents. He is a perfectionist, after all. ;)

    2. Hahaha. It is a surprise to receive from him. I didn't aspect that, not at all.

  9. wow, that's nice! I also collected some maple autumn leaves but they were given to my girl. She simply loves them.

  10. congratulations to the four ladies,
    You deserve it!

  11. Good afternoon, am on medical cheat today...Oops not medical cheat, its medical cert ... Eh I am one of the winners? I pressed 'list of winners' in my hp nothing popped up leh..Same as Lina..

    1. Wah hand-picked leaves from SK wor... sure precious lor... Made with heart and love wor... Someore the leaves cannot be found here..The leaves kena sit aeroplane back to arrive here wor...

    2. Eh of coz we wont think u r cheapskate la...gifts from SK wor..somemore u r a perfectionist, watever you give out sure nice and presentable..nevermind about the value of the gift, its the heart thst counts... wah i cant wait !! me ahh excited dou....

    3. I think I will mm seh tak eat the candies..hehe..will hug the candies to sleep...wah I still cant belif SK really give me something leh...To receive something from SK who is a perfectionist really nan dak..hehe...

    4. Congrats to you, you deserve it!

  12. Congrats to Angeline, Hayley, LouizYee and 小影. SK is so thoughtful and sweet. He always thinks of his readers wherever he goes. All SK's DIY gifts are precious. So, please treasure those DIY gifts when you ladies receive it.

    If SK went to Osaka and Kyoto in year 2012, then the winners list would be totally different. Muahahah! Lina and meow, please don't jibe me. The winners list would be lina, meow, ah hua and yannie la!

    1. Anyway, once again congratulations to the winners,

      Happy New Year 2014 to all bloggers.


    2. I should thank you all, include TM also. Not because of him, we can't be the winner this round... hahaha. Just joking lar. We are all here to support and not aiming for any prizes. We comment on what we feel to write. Not in purpose but really enjoying while reading his blog - especially his Japan travelogue.

    3. Happy New Year 2014 to you Yan!

    4. Yan, surely we will treasure this gift! I have mentioned more about it below, it doesn't matter what the gift is, the most important thing is the thought and heart. Same goes to me when I give presents to my readers. I hope my readers think this way too!
      I know SK spent so much effort in DIY-ing his gifts for his readers ;) That's why he has so many supporters!!

  13. Well, I was busy this morning. Didn't realized that I have a special document left on my table after lunch. Oh is from SK. I wonder what he got for me this time. Excitedly open it and found these dry maple leaves which I had mentioned in my comment that Sk should brought some back as bookmark.

    1. He really brought back for a good reason beside keeping it as a bookmark for himself. He brought back for us - special and custom made for us! Hehehe... of course we are not aspected who will be but his effort of doing it really makes my heart feel so touching.

    2. 体贴!!! Millions of thank you!

    3. Here again congrats to Hayley, 小影, and LouizYee

    4. Congratulations to you too Angeline! Also to LouizYee and 小影!We the ladies ruled!! Wahahaha xD

  14. I am not too sure whether SK will have a new post tomorrow, I definitely won’t have one. I am going for my New Year eve shopping spree in Penang with my loved ones.
    Here I wish SK have a very Happy New Year 2014. Do forget the upset and ugly part of the year, and only cherish the happy and beautiful part of the year.
    Since I am not going to have a New Year post, so I just write my feeling of year 2013 here. Hope you don’t mind SK. Though I am not one of the winners this time, I think I manage to put in my comment at least one in all your posts in year 2013. So, I can consider as one of your hard core spammers still.
    I don’t have anything regret in year 2013, but I did have some unhappy moment, like I dropped my half year old Smart Phone into jamban and I grew two giant acnes on my chin (luckily, it had vanished.) Other than that, all things are good for me in year 2013. What about you, SK? May be you can share with your review of year 2013.

    1. Yan, nice to read this from you! In fact, nice to know that you still got some times to spam SK's blog, though you already gone missing in my blog, heh heh ;)

      Sorry to hear about your smart phone, RIP Yan's smart phone ;)
      But, 所谓旧的不去新的不来,so, never mind, at least you got another smart phone now (I guess?)
      I miss you ladies la! Hopefully we can meet up during CNY.
      Enjoy your shopping spree! Happy New Year 2014 to you and family!

  15. goood morning, maple leaf seems great!

  16. Good afternoon SK ah boy and everyone!! It's a gloomy Monday here, looks like it's going to rain......
    And yep, I'm here to 报平安.I have received this hearty gift from you! Actually it was sent to me last Saturday but no one was at home, so I went collected it this morning, at the same time I wonder who sent me what? ;) (I brought Aden along to the pos laju office and he tak sabar sabar wanna open the envelope when he sees it, LOL)
    Thought of emailing you to tell you but since you blogged about it today, so I might just comment here la! ;)

    So you did brought back some autumn leaves!! Hmm yea bookmark is very common (but useful) so your frame is so special la honestly, I was indeed surprised to see this! Simple but feel very artistic, can consider to display it at the living room when I have my own house next time, hehe =)

    Thank you very much ya SK! It's so thoughtful of you! And nope, this isn't cheapo at all, I always think effort and heart come first when sending gifts.

    1. Hmm, I never thought of winning anything from your Osaka and Kyoto travelogue, I just spam like usual only. But you're right, I did spent some times reading every posts in your travelogue and also click through every photos, and think of what to comment ;) But those are just easy jobs la! :p
      So again, this frame is truly a pleasant surprise for me. I really appreciate that! And you even typed some wordings at the back, I can totally feel your sincerity so please don't be humble by saying this is a cheapo gift ok! ;))
      Thank you once again! 谢谢!多谢晒!Arigatou! Terima kasih! Kam siah~ ^^

    2. As for the candies, they are sweet! But the lemon ones are a bit sourish, haha xD But I like both la, Aden too! He loves candies, no joke, haih, we always say he sure gets tooth decay very soon =_="
      Anyway, I think I have tried the coffee ones before ;)
      Erm you said got 4 winners but why in the photo got 3 sets only? Where's the other set? Tengah making keh? :p

  17. I love autumn. The golden brown colour, the carpet of leaves on the ground...so romantic!

    1. Oh? Was there a contest? Didn't even notice... Wah!!! All the ladies won kah? Hmmmm....

  18. Whoa! Where is my Maple leaves which makes a perfect tea nectar for me to drink & usher the New Year 2014 with style?? Adoi! My name hilang of fallen from the lists!!! Gross!! I am going to sulk in the corner now...... Sobss!!

  19. I have lost my position in this round of spamming comments! Today is last day of the year 2013 and it's do or die now!!! Help me Thambee!!!

  20. Blogwalking from 小影's blog, because of your handmade souvenir, nice design! It's unique when saw blogger writes in cantonese haha...

  21. You are not cheapskate, these autumn leaves are so precious and the DIY gifts made with love and heart. Congrats to the 4 winners and happy 2014 everyone!!!
