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09.12.2013 | 針錶電錶

[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1834]
我相信好難可以搵到個完全唔需要睇時間嘅人, 你一日之內會睇幾多次時間?? 無論係睇掛鐘/手錶/手機/電腦(甚至好似古人咁望天打掛)?? 唔係, 我唔係好似張相咁戴兩隻錶, 其實只係為咗影張切合是日話題嘅相啫 - 針錶還是電子錶?? 唔好意思呀, 都係啲cheap錶獻醜, 冇能力擁有隻勞力士呀, 哈哈!! 對我而言, 電子錶就可以更加有效地報告準確時間啦, 而且個日期係自動更換唔需要自己較.. 而針錶就可以更加清楚地掌握時間, 尤其係當要預計時間嘅時候, 睇住錶面啲數字再劃圈圈, 視覺上係比腦裡做加減數嚟得容易.. 各有各好處啦, 所以我戴邊一款錶就決定於咩場合喇.. 較正式嘅場合就會戴針錶(睇落會專業啲), 而休閒場合就通常都係電子錶喇(睇落會活躍啲).. 係呀, 我其實仲有隻集針同電子於一身嘅手錶喎, 冇俾到大家睇啫.. 大家其實會比較喜歡, 又或者比較習慣戴邊一款錶咁呢?? 都幾難決定呵?? 我嘅答案好簡單又直接: 唔駛自己出錢買嘅錶囉, 哈哈!! 星期一快樂, 同埋預祝大家有個愉快嘅一週~~ :)
i guess there is hardly anyone who would not look at the time, how many times in a day do you look at your clock/watch/phone/computer (or even the sky like ancient people did if you could) for the time?? nope, i don't wear two watches like you see in the photo, just for the sake of taking a photo related to this post - analogue watch or digital watch?? sorry ah, just cheapskate watches only, cannot afford Rolex ah, haha!! to me, digital watch lets me tell the precise time more effectively, and the date changes automatically without the need to wind.. analogue watch lets me have a better gasp of the time, especially when i need to estimate time, by looking at the numbers and drawing circles or half-circle tend to be easier to visualize than adding digital numbers.. both have their own advantage but it will depend on the occasion to which type of watch i will be wearing, formal one would be analogue (looks more professional) and casual one would usually be digital (looks more sporty).. huh, i actually have another watch which is both analogue and digital, but i didn't show it here.. so which type of watch do you actually prefer or more used to?? hard to tell isn't it?? my answer is very simple and straight-forward: FREE watch, haha!! happy monday and a great week ahead everyone~~ :)


  1. Morning SK!

    Morning everyone!

    Happy Monday morning. :-)

    1. uiks...FC wor...

      Good morning Lina.

      This time HS not FC. Hmm....this year HS long time not FC liao.

    2. Me also terperanjat.

      So long haven't been FC also.

      Pity didn't go buy 4D. lol

  2. I wear analogue watch for normal daily wear and a digital watch when I'm out running. :-)

    1. My analogue watch matches with my office uniform, sport attire, formal dinner and casual wear.

      I only have one watch, dei~

    2. is time to ask MM for Christmas present..

    3. Can buy what...

      No need to ask for presents.


      For me, what I want, I go buy myself la. I earn salary. why must mintak from people. Later have to balas budi also! Wakaka

    4. I agree with lina so much. We earn our money, we can always things that we like and we can afford. No need to ask man to pay for it one.

  3. and yes, I also like free watches, like you. Hihihi

    1. Once upon a time, Ah Hua wore free digital watch from McD..... Hello Kitty one. So childish and cheapskate, right? But never mind, I felt so young wearing it, bwahahahaha!

    2. me too like free watch...hint hint....

      thatday wanna buy McD to get the paul tu monkey "free" watch but out of stock :(....haiz.....nasib nasib

    3. now spamming Lina....ohhh...now i know where ah boy get inspiration for this post already...hahaha...terkejut i see the post

  4. you are more suitable on digital because look young...

  5. All things considered, my preference is still for an analog watch. Good sunny Monday! At last we're getting sunshine and blue skies after so many days of overcast weather.

  6. Happy Monday blue to everyone. Today is about watch, I see. Nope, I don't wear any watch one wor..

    1. Used to wear watch lastime during my school days, up to college days.. Then stopped wearing..

      Lastime very "hing" G Shock and Baby G brand during school days.. Then Swatch brand the all-time "hing" brand, keke..

      Now "hing" what brand also I don't know.. I saw some very colourful "jelly like" design in shopping malls when I walk pass by watch shops, but I never stopped to look at them..

    2. But if you ask me, I prefer analogue watch lor.. Can't explain..
      I don't like numbers or anything digital maybe, hah. I think watches always look nicer and cuter in analogue.
      Digital ones will look more "mature".. IMHO la.. hehe..

    3. " G Shock and Baby G brand during school days" ah...now i agak agak know your age already....very young wor...hahaha

      yup G shock and Baby G very popular during that time. Many wear to the office too. Very hing

      then after that is the colourful watch that become "hing" ma...Swatch.

      Now seems to Hing those bulky watch lor.

      For me i like the smaller watch . Like bracelet type. Can be two in one mah.

      But now me tarak wear watch. Just see time from phone kau tim

      one time I was in the office....suddenly way too many project coming in. Tarak wear watch also. no need to see time. go in office , make coffee the start work jor. lunch time go conference room sit there continue do work while eating...straight till night time. that was really crazy. really no need to wear watch at all coz no difference. hungry then go eat. wanna go toilet then go toilet. work work work. phone ring let the clerks handle the calls. crazy but was fun time . Everyone pitch in. Ah...the good old days

  7. Good morning, SK!!!! Good morning, Minah! Good morning, everyone!

    Surprise to see me here? I'm surprised as well because it's been looooooong since I last dropped by~~

    1. I prefer analogue watch on my wrist.... I'm an old aunty from the dinosaur era.

      But I like to see digital clock on my mobile phone or monitor screen. Analogue clock on screen looks awkward to me :p

    2. OMG! I am shocked to see your ghost here! Muahahahaha

      Why you and Yannie only know how to come here? Is this a shrine that you must come to pay respect?

      Time and Tide Waits For No Man

    3. Wait, I will leave my footprints and poo-poo over your site later. Need to catch up a lot with the blogworld~

    4. Make sure you read back all HHBC posts one by one until the last one you missed. It is your duty to repent lah!!!!

    5. Wah!! This will takes at least 7 days x 7 nights to finish all! But yes, I will repent myself for mistreating all my HHBC members.

    6. lol ah hua is here..
      TM you need to buy Toto today......

    7. wei...what happen to you ah. Long time no see you. Now you on year end leave ka so you can come in and chat? The boss so bad meh.

      Digital watch on monitor screen....Big big one or a tiny one at the bottom?

      you making me suspect your bosses are slave driver leh. Hence you gotta look at time always .

  8. Good morning bloggers!

    I look at the time every hour. My whole working routine revolves around appointments, meetings and rushing to meet deadlines, so I am stressed by the time always. I hate to be on the rush always as it could give me headaches.

    1. Good morning, annay!! I'm so missing this big bro! My bad for went disappearing for such long period of time >.<

    2. Welcome back Ah Hua. You ditched all of us for so long with all the long and unacceptable excuses!!!!! Gross!

      Anyway, you are forgiven as Christmas and New Year 2014 is coming soon!!! Bury all the pasts of 2013 and usher a happier & healthier new year!! Time is ticking away, waste not yoyr life watching so much dramas!!! Adoi, come back to blog lah!! No blog, no friend!!!!!


    3. Now the Big Cheese is away in the meeting, office is so quiet with only 1-2 souls around because everyone is clearing their leaves. So I can do whatever I like, yahoo!!!

      I never had such moment for the longest time ever! My days were hectic and stressful and boring. Time passed fast for the last half year and Xmas and New Year is coming soon.

    4. Welcome back, Yvonne!

    5. so now you will take revenge and comment kau kau..

    6. Anay...you work hard but you play hard also la. So kira balance out lor. At least you take vacation to recharge.

      Mild stress is good but if a lot of stress can go gila.

      Oh Ah Hua is in the office ah. I thought you on annual leave so can spam kau kau

      Ya wor, ah hua. come back and blog la. long time no see you blogging

  9. I have many watches, cheapo ones which were gifts to me but I only wear the one given by my wife over 10 years ago. Her watch is a good reminder of the 10 years we have been together, riding the waves of the ocean.

    1. Is there a "loike" button here which I can click?

    2. Since SK is so IT-savvy, maybe can ask him think of something and create a "like" button..

    3. awwww....so sweet...10 years and going strong...

      i agree with Louiz. Ah Boy should create a "loike" icon here.

      also must email Letchumi to read this line. Sure she will melt kau kau. So sweet of anay to publicly delare his devotion to his one and only true love...Letchumi :)

  10. I like both watches - Analogue and Digital ones. Both have their advantages!

    Anyway, I only like the old fashioned alarm clock that uses battery to ring out loudly to screech my ears! That is the only way to wake me up. Those soft beep-beep and tooot-tooot alarms from the digital clocks will lull me to sleep longer.

    1. All Tans think alike, I have a big rectangle analogue alarm clock on my side table to wake me up every morning. I dislike using my phone alarm and usually turn off my phone at night.

    2. Now no more, I used my phone as my morning alarm.

    3. I don't even turn off my phone too, 24hours on. I only set to silent mode when I sleep. That's all. But we still have an old fashioned alarm clock at a corner beside our bed.

    4. ewwww......those terribe alarm clock ah.....scary man...can cut lufe short by a few years. every morning RINNNNNGGG o loud then jump out of the bed. Terkejut la.

      Not good leh. Heart suddenly beat faster. can weaken the heart and get heart attack leh.

      How about getting one of those bedside alarm clock that play music from soft to louder and louder tone? wouldn't it be better to wake up with nice music playing in the air instead if the loud RING...now not so young already leh. Not good for the heart. do consider this option la

  11. I prefer Digital because well...like you said it is more precise. :D

  12. Besides I think Digital Watch can be more durable compared to analogue ones. :)

  13. I like to buy watches but many won't last long as they were cheap stuff. few years ago, I got an automatic one from my boss as a birthday gift. I wear till now. It's so convenient as I don't need to worry about its battery life. It moves when I move. Otherwise, it will be dead. I love this only watch. I wear it to anywhere and everywhere.

    1. Ya, I have one automatic watch too. I don;t have to worry so much about the battery.

    2. yes, it's so convenient but when you don't wear it for some time, it will drop dead but it can be revived by just wearing it. :)

  14. I dont own a watch... My hp is my watch ..that is why i cannot leave home without it but i left it in my car when i went to sg last time... Haha

  15. ooo where is comment?
    SK deleted it?

    1. I had a Rolex and got it from PS boutique...
      Looks good and still working...

    2. When I see the name Simple Person, I clicked to double confirm is it the SP I know? Haha, where have you been!!
      Wah SP orang kaya, got Rolex!! But you should not announce it here, later people go curi from you la! xD

  16. I have neither... Just look at the time on my ancient handphone.

  17. Good afternoon SK and guys!
    Another Monday! Time flies huh? Soon we'll say bye bye to 2013 already!

    1. Hmm, first I have to say you got quite nice watches! They are pretty simple but who cares simple or not right? As long as can function, kekeke~
      I actually have quite a lot of watches before this, during schooling time to be exact. That time I used to buy watches, just to match my outfit, like sporty look, elegant look and etc, wahahaha~ But don't feel shocked, those are very cheap watches, I think below RM 30 each =)
      But now, I keep only 4 watches, the rest, don't know mana pergi~~

    2. Anyway, though I have 4 watches, I don't usually wear them every time I go out. I think with hand phones these days, we can easily track the time even without watches. Of course wearing a watch is easier to read the time la~

      But I do wear watches to certain occasions like wedding dinner and during vacations oversea.
      By the way I have a tendency to adjust my watch to 5 mins in advance than normal time, just feel I can always be prepared and won't be late with this habit, hehe!

    3. Hmm to me, I prefer to wear analogue watches, no special reason, just that I used to read time with that method, that's all, of course reading analogue or digital time brings me no issue also la ;)
      So having said that, it means the 4 watches I have now are all analogue! I do feel that digital watches seems a bit like kiddo, just my personal opinion la! Either way, it's all depends on individual.

    4. Clocks at home are all analogue also, I guess those elderly are more comfortable reading analogue styles =)

      Haha, aiyah Rolex is not necessary la! Cheap or expensive also makes not much difference la! To me, as long as the watch works fine, and the design suits our taste, branded or not doesn't matter!

  18. Good afternoon SK and everyone... For me, i wear a analogue watch and digital time, i look at the handphone...

  19. for me, i would prefer analog watch than digital watch~

  20. Good Evening everyone!!! Is Monday again…can the time just stay on weekend and Monday never come??? Hahaha….dreaming~~~

    1. Since my primary school, I always ask for digital watch cause…I found that digital watch was much more cooler than analogue!!! Always wants to different from others so like when girls around were wearing pretty, cute cute princess analogue watch but only me…hehe!!!

    2. But when grown up, my sis start to criticize I'm too guyish….keep nagging it to change it!!! =.=!!! So then have to change to analogue watch!!! =[

    3. Also after than kept on received analogue watches from my dad, so now the only left is analogue watch, even now I really hard for me to find a nice digital watch, cause I'm very picky on watch since I must have my watch with me once I left my house…Can't stand for a moment without watch…felt so uncomfortable if my watch wasn't with me…

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Don't need to have expensive watch, is just a "thing" for us to check on the time only…plus, not safe to wear expensive watch around here, dangerous!!! =]

    2. Ya, later chop off your hand right? hahahaha... Tai Kat Lei Si

  22. I dont wear a watch anymore. I see time on my phone :)

  23. I cannot do without a watch i like the beauty of analogue watch maybe i am more of a conservative and traditional person???

  24. Last time when i was working in the media and advertising line i have to check every now and then because we have a lot of deadlines to meet

  25. Tm comments are so funny

  26. Welcome back yvonne hope to see you update your blog

  27. Same as 小影feel very uneasy without a watch cos sometimes we need to check whether it is time to knock off but cannot be too obvious to the boss so need a watch haha

  28. 我鍾情於針錶多啲,咁大個人好似都未戴過電子錶。。

  29. I prefer to have analogue watch. People who wears digital type one, I feel they are very sporty and useful to them. I think it is much to our own preference. Like us normal people usually will wear analogue.

    1. Time is very important for me. I can't go out from my house without my watch. Looks like TM and SK is on their holiday mood ady... sounds quiet here....

    2. My son is learning how to see and read the time from the analoque type. He sometimes get wrong. Of course it is easier for kids to read from digital watch. They able to read it easily.

    3. I thought probably you want to mention about kinetic and automatic watch. hehehe

  30. Last time when I was small, I like to wear watch on my right hand wrist. After that, slowly I change to left hand wrist. Funny right?

    1. Talk about Rolex, not all range from Rolex are pricey and valuable. You can have Rolex around RM10K which I think Tag Heuer also got watches around this range. Sama saje. What brand also doesn't matter. As long as the watch you wear give you the best accuracy of time, right?

    2. My aunty wears a watch cost her around RM39.90 from Petaling Street long time ago until now. Still in very good condition. Once a while just chnage the battery only.

    3. I like to be punctual. So time is very important to me, most of my watches I set 2-10mins earlier in order for me to get ready earlier and no rushing.

    4. Last time I love to collect Swatch watch, but now no more ady. Last time, I have sports watch lar, watch to school lar, bla bla bla... waste money too for having so many watches.Now, I left 2 good watch to wear. I guess it is enough already.

    5. For sure no Rolex, I don't like their design either. Unless if really affordable then get those with stones and diamonds one. I think cost more than RM45K... crazy right? That money I rather to get a Saga car. If really wanted get a good watch, it is better to get watch maker brand rather than those DKNY or ESPRIT.

  31. " FREE watch, haha!!"

    that is a good one. ya lo...me like free watch too la. Hahaha

    three watch ah you have.so the third one wear for what occasion? If analogue watch is for formal occasion and digital is for informal occassion then the third one? Semi formal occasion?

    Since you go to gym often, why not get one that can track your heart beat , pace and etc. One friend asked me to buy before but I didnt but. He also selling a type of analogue what but no need to wind. Said it jalan accord to the wearer. said pulse on the wrist will make it jalan. What i dont understand is , if take out from the wrist then how? will need to adjust the time again each ocassion wanna wear? Entah la.

    Next year J will have to start wear watch to the kiddy. Cikgu instruction. said to teach the kids to tell time. Must get the analogue one not digital type. Have already bought him one.

    Me too like analogue watch better than digital. coz can agak agak what time do what

    1. J school is good la.

      Correct also. Wear analogue watch to learn to tell time better.

      My son pulak, never bother to wear watch.

      I pulak wear watch also only becuse it's a habit. Tarak see the time with it and depend more on handphone.

      I can wear a "mati" watch also. Not for time but for gaya. LOL

  32. I have two analogue watches and 1 digital watch. Both analogue watches are more than 10 years, only the digital is newly bought. I don't really look at the watch when I am not working. I used phone as my watch. When I am at work, I look at my computer clock as my watch. So, I am not really using my watches to tell me the time.
    Heheheh! Another thing, my alarm clock is my jin jin.
