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26.12.2013 | 高床暖枕

[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1842]
好喇, 我啲日本遊記應該都夠晒皮啦(好嘢!!), 大家係時候回復睇我寫廢話嘅日子喇, 呵呵!! 各位, 呢張就係我張床喇, 如果我冇喺張相片上面標明啲號碼, 大家都應該察覺唔到有咩騎呢嘢.. 哈哈, 冇錯喇, 我諗世上應該都冇乜人會好似我咁, 獨攬六個枕頭再加一個攬枕喺張床上啩?? 其實呢六個枕頭唔係一下過就喺度嘅, 開始嘅時候係得兩個, 之後四個, 到最近先係六個嘅.. 枕頭用耐咗, 我就會去買新嘅, 不過舊嘅我又唔捨得就咁丟, 所以先留返喺度墊住新枕頭.. 就咁累積起嚟, 不過多幾個枕頭, 睇落張床都另舍舒服嘛, 唔係咩?? 唔知我仲會收多幾多個舊枕頭呢?? 到啲舊枕頭足夠砌多層「床褥」為止?? 哈哈.. 睇到呢度, 我覺得有人應該會話我鍾意自己(滲滿口水嘅)舊枕頭陣味, 冇咗「有味枕頭」係唔會瞓得覺!! 其實又唔係, 我又冇咁嘅譬好.. 反而係我要攬住個攬枕入睡, 所以如果出外旅行住酒店, (冇攬枕)通常都會瞓得唔好.. 點都好, 雖然自己張床唔係最貴又唔係最好質素, 不過對我嚟講係最舒服嘅一張床囉.. :)
okay, enough of my Japan trip (hooray!!) and let's get back my normal nonsense, haha!! this is my bed folks, and if i didn't label those numbers in the photo, you may not actually find anything unusual about it right?? haha, true enough, i think no one will ever have six pillows and one bolster on their bed huh?? the six pillows didn't come at once, but started with just two, then four and now six.. i bought new ones when the old ones worn out, didn't throw them away but rather keep them on the bed while i sleep on the new pillows.. and so they accumulate, but it does actually look a lot more comfy with more pillows right?? now i wonder how far could i go?? when the pillows form an extra complete layer of "mattress" on the bed?? haha.. at this point, i guess some of you must be thinking that i must be so obsessed with the smell of my old pillows (drenched with saliva) that i couldn't sleep without them, not really, i surely do not have that "fetish".. but i do need a bolster to be hugged to sleep, and probably that's why most of the time i could not sleep well in hotels (without bolster) when i travel.. but i have to say, though not the most expensive and best quality bed, mine at home is still the most comfortable one to me.. :)


  1. Morning!!! Morning!!! How was your Christmas celebration yesterday?

    1. Morning 小影, how was your Christmas yesterday? and what about SK and the rest here?

    2. Morning angelina, I spent whole day shopping, hehe, bought a lot!!! =]

    3. I have three pillows, one is 竹炭pillow good help for sleep!!! Another two for decorations, hehe!!! =]

    4. I won't keep too many pillows on my bed cause.....it has already covered by all my books, always love to read before sleep!!! =]

    5. If everyone got one extra pillow is good enough already. Too many very "chor deng"... If you have a big bed, only one pillow and a bolster - too plain ady...

    6. Which is quite true also, most thing happened is all the pillows got kicked out from the bed end up all on floor on the next morning, hehe!!!

  2. Morning.. Am hogging the pc right now as there is nothing to do right now.. More than 3/4 people in the office is on leave today.. Including me, I think less than 10 people in the office only.. Anyway, how was your Christmas yesterday?

    1. Haha, back to your "normal nonsense"? No lah, you don't write nonsense lah.. Even if you do, we will still layan all your nonsense-ness right.. keke.. We will always have something to comment nomatter how nonsense that post is..

    2. Oohh, so today is about your bed ahh? Wah, I feel like going back to sleep already.. Weather cold cold dei.. Really boh syiok coming to office.. But what to do, still need to come to work ler.. No more leaves liao..

      Hmm, I feel like taking MC next week... Go to doctor say head giddy or migraine, sure can get MC.. Wait, let me check my calender and see how many days I took MC liao this month.. Wait ahh...

      Yahoo! Just checked my calender and I didnt take any MC this month. Ok set, I take 1 day MC next week just to laze around at home..

    3. Sorry ha, I also komen about nonsense here.. Hehe, not related to your pillows and bolster pun..

    4. I also have more than 4 pillows.. Started with just 2 pillows and a bolster (normal la).. Then slowly, added 1 more pillow, then another one, and 1 more bolster timmm.. So, I have 2 bolsters and 4 pillows timm...

      I guess those with children and small kids will have more than that... They need extra pillows as "safety rail" to cover the corners to avoid from the head ter-hentam the dinding there ma..

      I hate it when it comes to changing bed sheets and doing the laundry.. I change 3 bed's punya sheets la.. if 1 bed got 4 pillows, imagine 3 beds how many.. And have to change back new sheets, thats the most sien...

      And....... I have mild OCD, so I change bedsheets every week.. Call me crazy..
      Wah, sien dou...

    5. By the way, I wonder how to hug 6 pillows and a bolster to sleep..

      Ok, let me imagine..
      1 pillow on your head
      1 pillow behind (to support) your back, ok, make it 2
      1 bolster for you to "kiap" with your legs (that's normal)
      Maybe another pillow for you to "kiap" with your legs after the bolster..
      Balance: 1 more pillow wor.. Where will this go?

    6. Haha, Louiz you dare dare write here you take MC to laze around at home, not scare your boss will read about it, LOL

    7. But not wrong if take MC and be online and chatting with friends, right?

      Don't take MC then go shopping and bump into Boss la! LOL

  3. Good morning everyone. Oh dear, nothing else but pillows and bolster plus your bed time story eh? After looking at your photo, I feel very sleepy leh...

    1. My eyes wanna shut ady. I really feel like going back home or applying emergency leave here. But kenot wor, I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon. All I have to do is dreaming by looking at your bed (as if is my bed right now)....

    2. Myself I have two pillows defnitely and a bolster. When kids are around, more pillows and bolsters then. Big and small, everyone cuddling together shiok tau when it is rainy and cold season. Sleep until the sun shines on our butt also kenot wake up.

    3. Same here, feel like so blue after holiday....luckily I'm on leave tomorrow, hehe!!! Off with family local trip!!! =]

    4. Good for you 小影...Happy holiday oh!

  4. For a moment, I thought you had so many sleeping with you in your bed. Add one more and you'll have enough for the Seven Dwarfs. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    1. I hate having more than two as the pillow cases will not be enough...and mixing and matching isn't for me. I'm very kotak one. :D

    2. ...and I hate it when after washing, the cases don't get to go back with the sheets and in the end, they all get mixed up, all different patterns and colours. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

    3. Hey! There are seven already, enough for your Seven Dwarfs...but you'll need one more for yourself...and you can be Snow White. Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

    4. Snow White!!! Such a creative and great imagination!!! Hahaha...

    5. Choose the best material it is much easier for cleaning. Nowadays, we try to choose lighter bedhseets, so it gets dry easily and free from crumbs.

    6. They are people went to get a bedsheet will asked how many thread counts are they...do you?

    7. I always look and read thread-count. WHo want a 280 thread count sheet? Keras la!

      Of course cannot afford Egyptian cotton so I settle somewhere in between. hihihi

    8. I didn't count the thread count too... for what? the more it is also I can't afford to buy one - so expensive right? If is not because of money, buy it so expensive for what? Not worth it lar... as long as comfortable enough lor. Don't waste the money just to buy few hundreds of dollar bedsheets...

  5. Aaaaaaaa??? Japan post sudah habis ka?

    Oh man...

    Why i feel like it's not enough ah? ;-)

    1. I haven't finish his Japan trip post, but still feel like same as you felt not enough!!! =[

    2. I feel phai seh to ask SK just now... Since you all also feel not enough. I also want some more...encore encore encore encore encore encore encore! Muahaha....

    3. Yup!!! Yup!!! Encore...encore...encore!!!~~~

    4. yea, more is better. I need them so that I am more prepared when I go for my japan trip.

    5. Never get bored reading it.

    6. it's always good to share as sharing is caring, right?

  6. My hubby and son have more pillows than I do.

    I have only 1 pillow but I seldom use pillow when I sleep. :-P

    1. Wah! First time I heard someone sleep without using pillow!!! Teach me how to do it??
      If I don't use pillow, I will get stiff shoulders and migraine. I suspect this Mak Lina has a big kepala batu that can act as a pillow itself. Muahahahaha Jangan marah, anay lawak...

    2. maybe she use the tin type like my grandma used to have? Just joking :)

    3. No pillow, can sleep anywhere mah...

      If go camping or sleep outdoors, no need to cry-cry cannot sleep when there is no pillow. teeheeeheee

      Actually, I like firm pillows compared to soft ones. Those filled with down and soft & fluffy.... I cannot sleep with those!

    4. true..no need to worry when we go camping or so.

  7. SK, you're a down to earth and a very neat person. I noticed you like checkered things lor. Is it just lately? And the bedsheet design you chose are all about the same range of colours - light and bright colours. Of course not to ask you to get flowery or cute cute one like angry birds, doraemon bedsheets right? That will only for my son, not for me either. I prefer plain and simple. By all means, bed is the place for us to rest and relax. So choose the best design and colours are very essential right.

    1. 7 items on your queen size bed and only meant for you alone. That's alot. My imagination will be like this;

      1 will be your companion, hug and sleep peacefully. Just like you're hugging STP...

      2 & 3 - will be your pillow guard for both side, just in case you might fall down after you've dreamt of Mak Lina chasing you the whole padang. "Run, run run. Run for your life SK!"

      4 & 6 place at one side and 5 & 7 at another side. I said this because maybe you sleep with two pillows, could it be? Just like you said, it gives you extra cushion as a supporting and more confortable. Monday, Wednesday and Friday - you feel to sleep at your side side. Then, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday sleep at your left side. Plus, Sunday you might feel to sleep at the middle.

    2. My imagination starts again. Eh hem, how or what if.... I say only lar...don't get angry k?
      What if, SK sleep between STP and TM on this bed? Pillows definitely enough for them. Sorry ya STP, TM and SK! Hahaha, I just wanted to laugh with my silly imagination.... sorry

    3. wahahahaha....your imagination is way more funny and creative lo!!!

    4. haha, you are so cute with your wild imagination.

    5. Looking at his checkered bedsheets and pillow cases, I suspect he recycled his grandfather's sarongs!!!

    6. TM, no lar SK won't do that leh. New one. He said he bought new pillows sure got new bedsheets...

  8. Gooooood morning bloggers!!

    Of course you cannot blame me for having wild imaginations that this SK must be hamsap and have orgy sessions on his bed with so many people or soft toys!!! Bwakakakakaka!

    1. haha, you are so cute! You made me smile!

    2. A bed full of pillows so "chor teng" la.. How to have group sex there? Dump the pillows first!

    3. Good morning TM!. SK feels much more protected with so many toys here.

  9. I only sleep with one pillow and one bolster but I change pillows very often because they get flattened very fast. My head is heavy like a lorry.

    I think all guys need to sleep with a bolster to air the space in between their legs otherwise didi will suffocate, right?

    1. haha..it's good to use bolster so that our legs won't get stuck together!

    2. Yeah bolster is for the legs to rest and better blood circulation too

    3. I don't mind if I don't hv a bolster but a firm pillow is a must.

  10. SK you didn't elaborate in details how you use the 6 pillows!! One for each hands and legs besides your head?

    1. I elaborated for him, now waiting for result only.. I tried to imagine using 6 pillows and 1 bolster, but I still cannot get it.. Still got 1 pillow left..

    2. I am wondering, 6 pillows and 1 bolster, wah, not "chor teng" meh?
      Changing bedsheets that time, mafan dou...

    3. my mum would change the bedsheet for me and she would nag if I had so many pillows on the bed. She would say, so messy!

  11. I just use a pillow and a bolster. I can't sleep without a pillow especially. And I need firm ones. Too soft is not too comfortable for me.

    1. SK, what about blanket? Don't you have a piece? I can't sleep without a blanket too.

    2. I must need a blanket to sleep too!!!

    3. I need blanket to sleep too. Same here 小影...

    4. Wenn, SK's blanket is under neath the bolster.

    5. I prefer bouncy and firm type of pillow, not too soft.

    6. oh ya..normally we just fold it and put it near the pillow.

  12. 其實數落我都有4只枕頭,同你一樣都喺唔捨得丟舊嘅。其實真正有用到嘅就只有兩只,不過多啲圍喺身邊安全感好似多啲咁, 容易入睡啲。嘻嘻~~

  13. Good morning SK and everyone... Happy Boxing Day...

    1. I will need a bolster, if not, can't sleep, lol...

    2. Happy Boxing to you and the rest here. I guess many of them are still in their holiday mood, cuddling on the bed, cover with blanket and having afternoon nap right now.

  14. I also cannot sleep without a bolster... it gives me sense of security and comfort...

  15. LOL at STP's comment, seven pillows for seven dwarfs to sleep together with you LOL

  16. I prefer soft pillow as I will get stiff neck if use hard and firm pillow...

  17. How was your Christmas SK, happy boxing day to you!!!

  18. I went shopping during Christmas Day but I bought nothing instead my mom bought something which she likes very much, was happy for my mom though...

  19. I find all the blogger friends here very cute, just a bed, a boster and 6 pillows can come out so many things and comments, LOL

  20. I used to have many pillows too until I got married and settled with only a head pillow and a bolster ... if not enough pillow to hug can always hug the hubby :D

  21. Good day SK!

    So this is your bed? Blue checkered bed set, very 'guy-style'! ;)
    But it surprised me to see a single guy with so many pillows!! Why you need so many pillows?? Hmm is it because you feel more secured surrounded by pillows when sleep? Or is it because you're 一只公 at the moment so you need to hug more pillows? :p

    Just kidding la! As long as you get your own ways of feeling comfortable, nothing else matters ;)

    1. Haha at first I was thinking you din't throw away the old pillows is because of the smell! xD You know babies have 'lovey' like stinky pillow, it has their smell so they must have it with them whenever they sleep (we think they're smelly but to them, it's heaven! :p). Aden also has a stinky pillow, but I do wash it regularly to get rid of the unpleasant smell, luckily he is still ok with it even though his own smell is gone after wash :p

      So I think it's normal even us adults have lovey pillow ;)

    2. I too need a bolster to hug to sleep, its my habit since many many years ago! Though I can fall asleep without it too but if it's at my own home sure I'll make sure the bolster is around.
      And sometimes when sleeping in the hotel or other people's house, there're no extra bolsters, so I'll use the pillow and 'kiap' it between my legs, treat it like a small bolster, haha xD

      I just feel much nicer and comfortable with a bolster around ;)

    3. Anyway, I'll only need a pillow and a bolster and a blanket when sleep (and a bed of course, 废话!Haha xD).
      I don't need so many pillows like you, cause it'll occupied the bed and 'shrink' my sleeping place. Plus I'll need to clean up the bed and those pillows when waking up (I cannot tahan to see pillows stacking up on bed, I want everything to be neat, hmm is that a 洁癖? xD), extra works, so definitely not recommended for me to have so many pillows.

    4. But actually some hotel provides 4 pillows for the guests (on a double bed, usually). 2 for each person (consider 2 person check-in), 1 is for the head, 1 is to put under our knees when sleep. The latter pose is important to help blood circulation when we sleep. I learn about this some times back, no wonder some hotel provides so many pillows!
      But I'll treat the extra pillow as bolster, instead of placing it under my knees :p

  22. I thought I use too many pillows, but now I know you use more than me. I use 2 for my head, one to cover my eyes. So, altogether is 3 pillows and one bolster.

    Hahahah! But I agree with you, our own bed is the best bed ever in the world, even 5 star rate hotel room isn't as nice as our own bed. I sleep the best on my own bed. I always claim my room as my 5 star hotel room, my house is home sweet home. I will miss my room and my bed when I go to stay in hotel.

    1. It is nothing wrong to use 6 pillows all to yourself, but I think when comes to the time to change pillow cases, it is a lot of work, because need to wash 6 old pillow cases. I am very lazy, right?

      Aiyoyo, SK you use 3 pillows la! Another 3 pillows are belong to Kamala la!

    2. Aiya ah boy no need to change pillow cover leh...kamala will do it for him

      I think you are partial right..should be two pillows for ah boy two pillows for kamala and two for fing fing.

  23. 枕头多到king size床变queen size去了 ~.~

  24. 6 pillows...lol....where got place to sleep ah...later Fing Fing kena kick down the bed la.

    1. By the way, got go and sun the pillows or not?

      I read from somewhere that pillows have to be sun and every year have to change pillow coz of the germs accumulated on the old pillow. May lead to respiratory problems if the pillow is not changed.
