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04.09.2012 | 雞啄唔斷

[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1527]
我成日都睇到某些人可以無時無刻咁將電話, 任何地方包括正在廁所內都可以講返餐飽.. 對我嚟講, 你係唔會見到我煲電話粥, 因為我唔會, 或者應該話我做唔到.. 我可以喺電郵呀, 短訊呀, 甚至blog度「暢所欲談」, 但係一講到講嘢, 我好可能即刻變成一個怕醜同好靜嘅人.. 有幸見過我嘅朋友, 大概都會有同樣嘅感覺?? 呵呵!! 可能我嘅性格就係咁, 雙子座有雙重性格?? 同唔係太熟嘅人喺埋一齊, 我會好自然變得怕醜同好靜, 所以通常啲人都誤會我係個好cool嘅人, 生人勿近嗰種, 哈哈!! 不過如果熟絡咗, 就當然係另外一回事啦, 我啲老朋友就知道我鮮為人知嘅一面喇.. 其實呢, 我係個頗友善同nice嘅人嚟㗎, 好唔好?? :p
i always see some people who seem to perpetually talk on the phone, basically in every possible place including inside the jamban (thanks to the HHBC bloggers who taught me this word meaning toilet).. to me, i just won't talk like a chatterbox over the phone, or i shall say i can't because i seem to be often the quiet one on the phone.. i may be able to type a lot in emails or messages or blogs, but i could probably be a shy person in real.. bloggers who have met me may find that true perhaps?? haha!! maybe that's just me, geminis have dual personality?? i seem to be shy or little reserved when meeting with people i'm not closed to, so people perceive i am a cool person they may not want to get near, haha!! but if we ever get closer, that will be another story, my close friends are those who have seen the other side of me.. i am actually a very friendly and nice person, wokay?? :p


  1. Good Tuesday morning, SK, everyone!

    1. I still number, Happy Surfer, I want to strangle you now.

    2. Cool cool Yan.

      wait for Saturday. sure will be able to win HS

    3. Yan, see, give you chance, you dowan. I would have stepped aside if I had known you were waiting in line. Okay lah, Saturday.

      Small Kucing, LOL at your comment. Sure or not?

    4. Wah....Happy Surfer, I see during weekend you always give chance for others to be first commenter one

  2. Good morning everyone, Happy Tuesday Morning. Wish everyone has a good day ahead.

    1. Good morning Yan

      Not good day for me.

      This morning the boy woke up with rashes. Sigh.......

      The boy damn pandai. Ask me "call doctor la". Not scared of going see doctor punya!

      went and check with doctor already. Maybe some sort of allergy or virus.

    2. Good Afternoon Yan, Pussy cat, SK Thambee, Hamsap SP, STP, Lina, Wenn, Yvonne, HS, Hayley and etc

    3. hello dato annay kim..
      need to roll red carpet for you to come in..
      so how is your BIG business going on...

    4. CB! What a horrible title you call me! I am just an employee working for a boss who has no guts and balls.

    5. wah DATO title also horrible?
      apa you mau? Tan Sri Annay Kim? kakakaka

  3. happy tuesday morning..
    It is another brand new day...

    1. Yup another brand new day. No kore monday blues. How is the auditor fella? gone away ya? you can check in here so soon geh

    2. not so soon le..
      he is here for a week. tough week for me..

    3. I am so busy with work until cannot breathe! Meeting with 3 developers today. Crazy!

    4. I have 3 mobile lines and talk so much! I hate it, man! I prefer to be quiet and save my chi.

    5. wah lau ehh..
      Mr Annay Busy man.. sure lots of $$$ going inside liao....
      3 developers and 3 phone.... big time business man liao

    6. How I wish it is my own business and money. There is so much corruption out there too.

    7. aiye .. that is how the world goes around..
      you cannot escape it. you think they smile with you and treat you like brothers huh?
      money talks man...

    8. Now I know Tan Sri Annay Kim talks so much over the phone, face-to-face and here, blogsphere.

      He's one talkative man! But wait, the other day meow commented TM is a shy guy, hiding behind Letchumi during the drum performance - kiabor?? So, who is the real TM?

    9. For business he sure have to be talkative la, Yvonne. Else how can he be Tan Sri Dato Anay Kim?

      at home he sure dont wanna waste breath and let action do the talking lor.

      The drum performance he sure saving his energy . High liao can go home become star fish la. No need to talk much :p

  4. Morning everyone!

    Tuesday morning. 3 more days to weekend.

    LOL I'm already counting the days for the weekend.

    Who cares about working day? ;p

    1. hahaha..
      there are lots of things for me to complete for the this week....
      hey I apply the IGB reit already through maybank2u..

    2. Berapa? 1 million? kekeke

      I seriously mata serong already handling all these Dato' Dato's bank draft. Fork out a few million like I'm writing a RM100 cheque! @.@

    3. Fuiyo...got two orang kaya here.

      Best of luck. Hope you get. Lina cfm will get one la.

    4. aiye Lina sure dapat one..
      staff benefit le. another raya bonus to you. kakakakaka

    5. Next year Raya bonus you mean?

      REITS where got so soon go up? Tunggu dividend to be declared lah....

  5. well I always multi tasking..
    and one of it talking over the phone and do something else..
    in office & at home too

    1. Yes, I actually do that. Doing my work and talking on the phone at the same time. But I don''t talk long on the phone. Can talk longer when face to face.

    2. wah...yoiu can multi task ah, SP.

      Me cannot. If i multi task sure the things kaput. Talk on the phone after hang up will forget what i talk about.

    3. Mostly women are good in multitasking. I can chat with ah hua, spam SK, and eat tarts, all at one time.

    4. Yes I agree. Some women are born to be Starfish with so many hands to do multi tasking! Kakakakaka

    5. TM, SP is starfish. We ladies are octopus, kakaka! I can chat, spam, eat, listening to nearby gossip and clip my nails at the same time.

      Talk on the phone and spamming SK is one of my specialty XD

    6. Betul what Yvonne say. Women cannot be starfish la. can only be octopus. 8 hands also not enough to multitask leh

  6. SK,
    You and I cannot chat on the phone lah...

    Later only static noise heard on the line.

    I also don't talk much on the phone.

    One reason - I sometimes have trouble hearing. Pekak badak. wakaka

    1. Sometimes it's really rather difficult to talk on the phone as the line could be noisy. So I just cut it short or I will call back later.

    2. Oppsie...am one of those who can talk endless over the phone.

      Courting that time, hubbi phone bill goesup to RM700 leh kekeke...overseas calls some more :p

    3. Wah! So romantic Meow and her husband could chat so long over the phone. lol!

    4. hahaha .. RM700 for phone billss..
      I remember that time I use public phone and change lots of coins ...

    5. My bills used to be over RM400-RM700 too, like over 10 years ago. After my wife sub-line to me minus dataplan, my bill dropped to less than RM80 monthly and she pays!! Money saved can go makan angin lah!

    6. keng chow..
      I never paid for my phone bills and I don't even know how much i use? it is a company phone... well I seldom use also.
      mainly is for business call...

    7. Meow, RM700 for phone bills during courtship, wow! I don't know how much my hubb spend on phone bill then, but now I can confirm it's less than RM10 monthly.

      We chatted over the phone everynight back then. Now no more la, can directly talk to his face, kekeke!

    8. Fuiyo...TM so keng chow....can get Letchumi to subline ah. From RM400-RM700 drop to RM80. What is the secret oh..subline eventhough pay RM10 for the line still need to pay for calls wor. How to reduce so much ah???

      SP syok la no need to pay for phone bill

      My company last time tarak pay for phone bill leh. The boss also asked the assistant to check the company phone line bill...see if anyone making personal call. Kena pay backthe company if making personal call leh

    9. My company also check one.

      But only those calls that kena flag lah, because talk so long, outstation or cost more than rm10 per call made.

      Not only kena pay back, if haapen a few tomes, get love letter frm hr and year-end bonus will be affected wor...

  7. at home when I come back home I will call my mum and at the same time water my plants..
    so more effective mah.. at least that I don't just waste my time standing and watering the plant..

    1. SP, you water your plant with your hose everyday kah? And talk to your mum at the same time, such a filial son.

    2. yes I water my plant everyday.. except if I went for dinner and came back very late...
      hehehehe .. aiye free call.. must use to the maximum le..

    3. Wah!!! Mummy's little boy!!! So old already, still have to call everyday kah? Hehehehehe!!!!

    4. When I water my plants, I go online on my mobile - check Facebook, see any comments in my blog etc...

    5. I water my plant from bedroom window using OSIM vibrator, ooopsss! Sorry, using hose from the bathroom.

    6. errr..."...at the same time water my plants.." using water hose or at the same time shh shh? 3 tasks at one short.

    7. I wonder if SP uses his water hose from his bedroom too... Muahahahahaha!!!!

    8. No need to ask SP. He is sure watering from bedroom too. That's why his vibrator always run low out of battery.

    9. Hamsap SP, when you grrrr grrrr you also can watsap and call your mum??

    10. SP is the only guy who is very talented in multitasking.

    11. SP is a funny man, always happy and have a heart like a young kid.

    12. no le .. where got hand?
      in that case I have to use Handsfree le..
      my hand is busy with other purposes.. kakakaka

    13. LOL....hand free sure can use or not ah...later get crossed line then lain cerita lo.

      As bad as calling wrong name leh

  8. SK admitted himself is a shy guy now. I like shy person. My husband is a very shy guy too.

    1. My hubby is a reserved guy.

      Cannot say he is shy because he can be rather naughty sometimes. ;p

      He's leaving us girls to yak when I'm in Taiping. He refused to be near us! LOL

    2. I also a very shy boy also you know..
      don't always talk with girls one. kakakakaka

    3. Me too!!! Also very quiet, very reserved one. Hehehehehe!!!! I think TM very talkative one, loud and talkative! LOL!!!

    4. I thoink most of us are like that la. When baru meet then dare not talk much. Mana tau tersalah say something leh. First impression mah

      But after meet a few times will talk nonstop la. So i won't discount the fact that SK will be very talkative if meet more times la. Just see his HK photo with his friends. I can imagine he yak and yak and yak there non-stop leh

    5. I think so ..
      I call annay TM over the phone that day.. kakakaka

    6. You two had a date? Wink! Wink! LOL!!!

    7. SK is shy, STP is shy, SP is shy and TM also said he is shy. You really shy one or fake one?

    8. I am shameless! I am not shy! Wakakakaka

    9. After I went inside that Japanese bath alone, I realised I am not shy! I am a man!!

    10. Wow! After showing your crown jewel to so many Japanese men, you are now a real man. That's why Prince Harry wanted to go nude in the party. Heheheh!

    11. Eih... I shy to talk to strangers... but I'm not shy walking around nude one - at onsen la, bukan everywhere. How? ;p

    12. wah lau ehhh...
      from today onwards..I am sure a lot of ppl will spying you with binoculars ..

    13. This Lina is really modern lady!!!!

    14. annay tm you haven't been to a public shower room before?
      In china there is a lot of these places ... not those hanky panky stuff..
      the best thing is that those chinese people could play chess and drink chinese tea while naked.. crazy...

  9. SK is very good.

    He immediately put in use new words that he learns.

    He is such a good student!

    p.s. You e-mailed me already kah?

    No promises but I'll see whether the IT Boss is free and bat-bat eyelids at him. kekeke

    If pass straight to the IT execs, sure they keep only lah.

    1. Cannot believe, our IT genius, now only learn this word jamban. I learned that when I was in my Kindergarten. What love letter SK sent to you lina? Why didn't send to me? I jealous.

    2. Dia IT genius mah... only use English techie words... Mana ada word Jamban in engineering/IT/MBA studies one. kakaka

    3. ya lor. jamban and KM words are not in his hi-tech definition :p

    4. This jamban word is part of Northern Hokkiens too. Kaneeneh also from Hokkien people???

    5. KNN literally translates to TNM in Cantonese.

    6. This HS is Vulgar Queen too! Welcome onboard!

    7. wah wah wah..
      tan sri .. you cannot polute this small girl le... or is she a young girl or what?
      maybe a mature experience woman..

    8. But first, what does KNN has to do with jamban?? :p

      Happy is showing her true colour eventually, muahahaha~

  10. Mana TM....
    Midnight spam SK now still sleeping soundly kah?

    Tired of doing housework or being starfish? kekeke

    1. Both i thnk. Yesterday and today no sound from him. He tarak sign in here this chatroom lack of noise liao.

    2. Yeah I was damn busy with my last lorry of things! So tired that my hands swollen from mopping and sweeping. Then my dataplan went silent. CCB DiGi!!!

    3. You so kaya...why never employ Bangla or Myanmarese to do all the work leh? Later can give you massage some more... Wink! Wink!

    4. If I am so kaya and didn't hire them, sure I am not kaya lah. Pinjam duit from SP, he wanna lend rupiah!

    5. tan sri annay. i tot you were saying those money that I burn few days ago..
      I burn a lot gold, silver, & billions....

    6. TM, why it seems that you have never-ending house moving one? You've been moving since last week (or is it the week before?) and still got lorry coming in and out?

      Snaking while working and need to be starfish late at night. In between, slot in the mopping and sweeping. Do you turned into jellyfish now?

    7. Ya lor, moving house needs to so many lorries, what if he migrates, he needs aircraft carrier to move his things.

    8. Not surprising la TM need so many lorry. Big house wor. One or two lorry where got enough one.

      wei how come you moving house on the 7thn month ah? Now scared your friend move in with you ka.

  11. toilet too..
    I don't spend a lot of time in the toilet.
    but i rather bring something with me when i am doing my business.. either my Ipad, phone, or newspaper..
    rather than just sitting and waiting.. eventhough it takes a short time..

    1. Me too.

      I usually bring something to read. Sometimes just a brochure also can. ;)

    2. doesnt wanna waste time is it, Lina. Multitasking. Just dont after do big busness then use the brochure to wipe enough la

    3. Yeerrrr!! I will never touch SP's ipad or newspaper!!!!

    4. Ya lor! His iPad sure got a lot of shit and ahem ahem ahem one. Yerrr!

    5. hahaha.....
      I clean it properly after use.. so don't worry .. it is germless ...

    6. I don't bring anything in during jamban session. I prefer shorter time in there.

      Last time I used to bring in comic book and spent long time in there, until my mom kicked me out.

  12. Me too! Me too! I'm also very quiet one. Will never argue with people even though I disagree with their opinions. I'm such a nice guy. Hehehehehe!!!!

  13. I actually I also very shy girl, especially I need to talk to guys.

    1. Talk to phone ok! Not face to face, I can yak and yak away. I am very talkative one. When I meet SK, sure SK only listens quietly, as if I talk to the wall.

    2. When I was still schooling, I was a shy person and didn't talk much. I usually just listened to people. Now it's different as I need to speak to my customers.

    3. I don't talk much to people... but boy can I talk when I'm on stage when I was in school.

      Champion in elocution contest one. Can talk and talk on stage like nobody's business.

      But elsewhere, mulut clammed up. xD

    4. cham...every ladies here say shy and not talkative. Guess am the only mulut murai here hahaha.

      But i yak and yak only with my friends whom i know can take joke la.

      Got a few times didnt know someone cannot take joke terpijak the ekor :p

      Speaking of which, leaving comments in some blogs also had become very dangerous. Some bloggers easily get offended if salah put comment.

    5. I think I talk a lot with strangers more than friends!!! Weird me??

    6. I think I am very sociable and friendly also. Now, I am not so shy already, unless I need to talk to a man as good looking as Lee MinHo, whom can make my heart pumping really fast.

    7. yan only heart pumping?
      no making you hot and sweating meh...
      I also very kan cheong when meeting with leung lui..

    8. You may say I look snobbish if we firstly met up. I don't talk much to stranger but once we become friends I can talk non-stop until the vampires come out.

      Ask Yannie, if you don't believe me :)

  14. I don't usually talk loud in public. I only do it at home where I can talk as loud as I want and no one to disturb me.

    1. But my husband is different as he can even scold loudly on the phone. Everyone can hear every single vulgar words that he says.

    2. LOL...but sometimes i pekak badak over the phone. Kept "hello? Hello? hello?"

      Ya i have one neighbour will scold loudly till the whole building also hears. Scolding children, wife and even neighbours.

      Just yesterday the fella scolded the wife so loud and banging door while can hear the wife explaining things to him calmly in low tone.

      Guess, that is how a marriage works la. One have to be calm while the other tengah naik angin.

    3. Wenn, same here. My hubb will talk loudly and vulgarly when he's with friends or over the phone. But if he dares to do the same at home, I'll piak his head. Sometimes he tends to carry away with his phone conversation and when I hear him saying, CCB or KNN I give him a cold stare.

  15. SK, I'm surprised that "jamban" is a new word to you because it is commonly-used in Hokkien and Teochew with the same meaning. Anyway.. you have picked up a useful word here.

    1. Ya lor, i think the same too. I suspect SK was born in jamban, that's why he wasn't taught with this word. His parents pantang talking about Jamban.

    2. He was a slumdog born beside the Chennai Longkang that flows out to the Ganges River!!!! He didn't see any jamban!!! LOL

    3. Open to all some more...and when he did his business, he would bring an umbrella to cover his face so that anyone passing by and seeing his you-know-what would not know who it belongs to! LOL!!!

  16. What I don't understand is some people having to shout into the phone, cellphone or otherwise. They seem to have forgotten that the phone is just next to the mouth and the other party has got the phone next to the ear.

  17. Hmm, similar to you, I also dont like talking too long on the phone (Radiation ar!!)

    1. I really salute some people who can 'cook porridge' for hours! Dont their ears feel numb and hot??

  18. Nowadays, I do not have the luxury to boil porridge over phone. I am always in a rush to do my things be it at home or at work. Very seldom to have long conversation, unless I call my sister in Ipoh. It won't be long also. I am a busy mom.

  19. i also seldom talk to stranger, i guess pretty biasa kut unless you are social butterfly ==| talking on phone.. i guess only with old old friend can do, tapi nowadadys all also busy. whatsapp lo...

  20. I would think if you have the "click" with someone, you can just talk and talk non stop, but you do not have the "click" with that person. Just like tuning into a wrong channel, or like playing music to a cow.

  21. oh well, if I meet you, the world is sooooooooooooooo peaceful then :P

    1. on phone call, I rather to be more conversational because I would like to ask and seek how and why lol . . .

      if not, I will not phone anyone LOL!

    2. no worries SK, I believe that those word you typed out prove that you are very very keng person :P

      hahah :X

    3. by the way, still haven't got the chance to meet you :/ hope we will meet soon and see how quiet we are rofl!! :D

  22. Oh, I also don't talk much on the phone! I prefer to text and Whatsapp or Line hahaha!!

  23. You are shy? Where got? Actsy a bit got lah hahaha!!

  24. I am more of a listener than a talker haha. So you won't find me yakking on long hours on the phone!

  25. well at first i don't like calls that much but latel i found my self always talking on the phone

  26. iam also a quite person someone who jsut listen and smile mysterious for others but true to me

  27. the bad thing is people are quite intimidated coz they thought iam snobbish or something

  28. i hope we can get to see each other in the future too but i bet its gonnna be a silent meet up jk lol

  29. have a great day and happy blogging

  30. I'm surprised that SK doesn't know the word jamban. I learned this word even before I entered kindergarten. It's the most commonly used word in my kampung. Usually we would say, "Aiks, chop, ki jamban sien (go to toilet first)", when we were playing guli during our childhood.

    1. ya ya...i used that word too when I was a child. It is a very common word. [SK], what word u used to represent toilet when u r a child ?

  31. 嘩,描述到好似人格分裂多啲喔。不過我本身都一樣,喺唔熟嘅人面前通常都唔多講嘢。可能喺自我保護嘅一種表達。

  32. I think a lot of ppl are like you. Shy in the outside (appearance) but friendly in the inside (heart). haha...

    1. I can talk a lot in emails too....but in person, I chose to listen more than talk.

    2. Sometimes when argue with hubby, I prefer to sms him instead of talking directly coz the word just won't come out from my mouth. hahaah.....sms better. I can plan and type whatever I want to tell him.

  33. Talking on the phone is fine if it is at the appropriate time and location, I seriously hate people talking to the phone while driving. I will give a very stern stare at those drivers. These were the people causing bad traffic jam on the road.
