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29.09.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1552] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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話咁快又一個星期, 話咁快九月剩下最後兩日, 之後我哋就進入本年度最後一季喇!! 真係快到你唔信.. 呢個星期嘅留言榜繼續有上有落, 上個星期(意氣風發)嘅冠軍話咁快又俾隻小野貓撼低喇, 又係她的貓天下哦~~ 大家係唔係好期望能夠成為九月份嘅留言之王或留言之后呢?? 下個星期三之前, 你仲有時間可以反敗為勝㗎噃.. 盡你所有吃奶之力, 不管七七四十九, 嚟盡情地留言啦, 呵呵!! 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 你哋真係非常之正㗎, 你知道嗎?? 又係週末喇, 希望各位可以享受個開心同愉快嘅週末啦.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
so quickly one week is over again, september has two more remaining days, and after that we will all be entering into the last quarter of the year!! it's really that fast you may not believe.. the chart for this week has a balanced mixture of climbs and slides, the (ego-spirited) champion last week was pulled down so effortlessly by that pussy meow again, and it's oh-her-catjesty-world again~~ so everyone is looking forward to become the new commenter king or queen of september?? you have until end of next tuesday to work your SSS out, just comment like there's no tomorrow, haha!! congratulations to the weekly chart toppers, you folks have been awfully awesome all the time, hehe!! happy weekend to everyone and have an enjoyable one.. :) |
28.09.2012 | 時空穿梭
27.09.2012 | 請問貴庚
26.09.2012 | 駛唔駛呀
25.09.2012 | 臨急抱佛
24.09.2012 | 最笨系統
23.09.2012 | 開心馬騮
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1546] |
我就係覺得最近呢個博客圈子, 好似流行互相送禮咁, 時不時都睇見有博客有禮物收咁嘅?? 都算得係個好現象啦唔係?? 我自己其實收咗唔少禮物, 但係感覺上就好似冇回禮俾人喎, 真係罪過罪過!! 不過施比受更有福嘛, 我其實別有用心, 幫緊大家積福啫, 哈哈!! 最近就收到太平雙妹嘜, Yan與Yvonne送嘅一大袋手信, 仲要托Lina千里迢迢帶返嚟俾我哋, 大家真係有心, 多謝晒!! 究竟袋嘢裡面係啲咩呢?? click入上面張相就自有分曉, 我好鐘意㗎!! 相中另外仲有其他博客送嘅禮物, 不過不便透露.. 有禮物收, 你睇下fing-fing幾咁開心?? :D |
i realized there is a trend in the blogsphere that bloggers are giving gifts to one another, often we would be able to see someone posting about receiving gifts from some other bloggers.. that is actually a nice thing to practice right?? i myself have also received quite some gifts from bloggers, but i don't recall myself giving them gifts in return, how bad i am!! but the chinese say, it is more blessed to give than to receive, so i am actually doing something good to help them get more blessings, haha!! received a huge bag of goodies from the Taiping Y&Y Sistaz Yan and Yvonne recently, brought back all the way to KL by Lina, i am truly grateful for that girls!! so what's inside that bag?? click on the photo above to find out, i really like that!! there are also some other gifts i received but i'm not supposed to disclose too.. anyway, look at how happy fing-fing is to have received so many goodies.. :D |
22.09.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1545] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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又係星期六喇, 大家對我一個星期嚟一系列嘅食物post, 有咩感想?? 哈哈, 其實我係想玩一玩嘢, 睇下各位讀者有何反應咁啫.. 得到一下結論:
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it's saturday again, what do you think about my series of food posts for the past week?? haha, i actually purposely did that to see how my readers will respond.. these are what i can conclude:
21.09.2012 | 芝士蛋糕
20.09.2012 | 中西合璧
19.09.2012 | 肉醬意粉
18.09.2012 | 早餐計劃
17.09.2012 | 武藏拉麵
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1540] |
噚晚突然心血來潮想食日本嘢, 一諗就諗到1U剛開不久嘅Isetan.. 本來想話行一圈先決定邊一間, 結果一去到呢間「麺屋武蔵」, 侍應非常熱情招客, 見到裡面都坐滿人, 所以就扑錘!! 其實餐牌唔係睇得好明, 就指住張相最大又以店為名嘅拉麵(RM26++), 想必應該係招牌吧?? 味道如何?? 當然係非常滿意啦, 豬骨濃湯夠鮮味, 拉麵爽口彈牙, 最重要係竟然俾咗三-大-片-的-豬-肉!! 同出面通常最多兩小片的豬肉比較, 完全感受到誠意同豪氣, 同廚房每煮好一碗拉麵之後大家就呼喝一次, 個氣氛確實都幾高漲, 呵呵.. 唯一投訴係個碗太細喇, 食起嘢嚟確實有點唔係好方便.. :) |
suddenly felt like having japanese for dinner yesterday, instantly i thought of the newly opened Isetan at 1U.. initially wanted to walk around before deciding which restaurant to go, but the waitress at this "麺屋武蔵" (menya musashi) was so enthusiastic and noticed quite a good crowd in there, decided this would be the place!! can't really understand the menu so i just pointed at the one with the largest picture and bears the name of the restaurant (RM26++), i assume that would be their signature.. of course i am very satisfied with that, very flavorful and thick soup, springy ramen, and most impressively there are three huge pieces of pork slices in there!! compared to the commonly two little pieces outside, i can sense the sincerity and the generosity, and each time one bowl of ramen is cooked you can hear the kitchen crew's motivation yell, the ambiance was then rather high, haha.. the only complaint i had was, the bowl used was a little too small making the eating a little inconvenient.. :) |
16.09.2012 | 忙碌馬騮
15.09.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1538] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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又係星期六喇, 一個星期渾渾噩噩咁就過咗喇.. 呢個星期嘅排行榜, 真係好大變動, 有一半上昇一半下跌, 好現象呀, 證明有讀者開始發憤圖強, 期望節節上昇更進一步呀!! 哈哈.. 不過如果要攀上王位寶座, 非要打沉「東方不敗貓貓」先得, 不過佢贏大家九十九條街咁多, 有難度噃.. 恭喜各位, 大家再接再勵, 希望下個星期可以再見到個個上昇嘅現象.. 係喎, 呢個週末又係long weekend喎, 大家好好享受一個愉快嘅週末啦~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's saturday again, one whole week have just passed so quickly i didn't even notice it.. the chart for this week has a lot of changes, we have half going up and half going down, that means some readers have started to work real hard and want to be better!! haha.. but if you want to take the throne i bet you have to fight with that "invincible oriental cat", pull it's tail and flick it down the tree top.. she's leaving behind everyone so far away, quite a challenge huh?? anyway, congratulations to everyone, keep up the spamming and we want to see everybody going up next week too right?? oh, it's another long weekend again, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend~~ :) |
14.09.2012 | 有害氣體
13.09.2012 | 錢錢錢錢
12.09.2012 | 夢露芳華
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1535] |
當我知道八月份留言榜三甲又係嗰三位「美女大嬸」嘅時候, 我就同自己講: 死喇, 又係同樣嘅人, 我好似已經冇晒idea要送咩俾佢哋喇!! 每次送同樣嘅嘢又冇乜意思, 同其他博客送嘅禮物比較, 我嘅又顯得寒酸.. 不過一張自制卡加上一份禮物仔確實又係我嘅作風喎.. 所以唔理得咁多, 一於樹立自己特殊風格, 呵呵!! 決定由張卡落手, 每個月有不同主題, 呢個月係經典性感尤物瑪麗蓮夢露, 嘩!! 絕對係襯晒三位美女大嬸啦, 大家話係唔係?? 哈哈!! 下個月如果係全男班嘅話, 我會考慮用特務007~~ :D |
when i knew it was that three "leng-lui aunties" who topped the comment chart for august again, i told myself: OMG, the same three person again, i'm running out of idea what to give them already!! i think it's not nice to keep repeating the same thing, and compared to prizes other bloggers offer, mine are really cheapstake.. but then a DIY card plus a small gift is actually my style, i don't care, i think i'll just establish this as my signature style then, hehe!! decided to play around with the DIY card, we shall have a different theme for each month, and this month we have the classic sex icon marilyn monroe, wow!! totally a match to the three leng-lui aunties right?? hahaha.. if it will be an all-guy winners next month, perhaps i can go for secret agent 007~~ :D |
11.09.2012 | 善後處理
10.09.2012 | 我愛贈品
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1533] |
早幾日收到博客wenn寄嚟嘅一個郵包, 多謝晒先!! 我覺得佢好犀利呀, 可能係包禮籃日子有功, 佢可以將咁多嘢好整齊咁擺入一個盒度, 完全冇浪費任何空間.. 打開個盒, 裡面塞滿晒嘢, 有杯啦, 有餐具啦, 有杯墊啦, 有個迷你LED電筒啦, 同埋幾包嘢飲.. 見到呢啲嘢我其實好開心, 因為平時去超市, 見到呢啲贈品, 我會因為贈品而買產品囉.. 師奶仔性格, 如果有精緻嘅贈品(唔理實用不實用), 係絕對可以輕易賺到我啲錢㗎.. 幸好最近醒覺自己有呢一個毛病, 所以儘量抑制自己, 唔好因為一時衝動呀, 哈哈!! :D |
got a parcel from blogger wenn couple of days ago, thank you so much for that!! i must say she's really good, perhaps she's so good in wrapping hampers, she can stuff in so many goodies inside that box without wasting a mili-inch of space!! i opened the box, it was loaded with goodies, a mug, a set of coasters, a set of fork and spoon, a mini LED flashlight and a few sachets of drinks.. when i saw all these, i was so happy, because when i go to supermarket i will always be attracted by the freebies.. and because of freebies, i probably buy the product, haha!! that's the "auntie" side of me, so it will be easy to earn my money if you have nice freebies (no matter practically useful or not).. luckily recently i realize this problem and try to avoid that, just can't waste money because of the impulse right?? haha~~ :p |
09.09.2012 | 大食馬騮
08.09.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1531] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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大家好呀, 又係星期六喇.. 大家工作嘅工作, 周休嘅周休, 不過對我嚟講既不是工作亦不是周休, 因為我仍然要繼續努力寫我份「嘢」, 唉!! 呢個星期嘅排行榜, 見到位置上上落落咁都幾有趣, 不過我哋有嘅依然係九條命打不敗嘅佢, 繼續稱霸榜首位置.. 三甲始終都係女士嘅天下, 男士們實在太有紳士風度喇, 呵呵!! 廢話少說, 又再恭喜入圍十大嘅朋友, 祝各位有個愉快的週末, 好好幫自己充下電喇~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
hello everyone, it's saturday again.. those who work are working, those who are not are enjoying.. but to me, it's neither working nor enjoying a break, cos i still need to continue writing my "that thing", haiz!! the chart for this week looks interesting with the ups and downs in ranking, but we still (seem to perpetually) have that invincible nine-lives taking up the top position for her second consecutive week.. and the top three are still the ladies territory, i guess the gentlemen are perhaps a little too gentleman already?? hehe.. no more nonsense, congratulating all who made it to the chart again, and wishing everyone a great weekend, remember to recharge yourself~~ :) |
07.09.2012 | 蚊髀牛髀
[Volume 7 Issue 9, #1530] |
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今年係多啦A夢誕生前100年, 據聞好多地方都掀起一股叮噹熱, 展覽陸陸不盡.. 咁我年頭就去咗雲頂高原嘅「多啦A夢世界」, 結果係一肚苦水回家.. 本來已經將呢啲不滿忘記得一干二淨, 但係最近喺香港舉辦嘅「多啦A夢創意展覽」反而令我更加激氣.. 我哋要俾RM35同幾千人爭住同少過10個多啦A夢影相, 人哋就有超過100個不同造型嘅多啦A夢免費任你點影都得!! 我哋呢個「全能國」, 做事成日都馬馬虎虎, 得過且過, 求其人有我有, 有錢賺就懶理大眾之聲.. 同人哋事事都要做到最好, 精益求精嘅精神, 真係蚊髀同牛髀囉!! 錯過咗呢100個1.3米高嘅多啦A夢, 早知我依家先去香港玩啦, 呵呵~~ :p |
this year is the 100th year before doraemon is born, and it seems like there's a doraemon fever with lots of exhibitions around the globe.. in the beginning of the year, i went to the "world of doraemon" in genting highlands, and came back with lots of disappointments.. supposed i've already forgotten about them all, but the recent doraemon exhibition in HK makes me feel more frustrated.. we have to pay RM35 to compete with thousands of people to take photo with less than 10 doraemons.. but they have more than 100 different doraemons for anyone to take photos for free!! this "bolehland" of ours, a culture to simply get things done aiming for just a pass, as long as there's money to go into the pocket, the public's voice is never heard.. compared to the attitude of others to get things done to perfection and always seek for improvements, we are like the mosquito's leg and they are the cow's leg!! missed this 100 doraemons each at 1.3m tall, i should have only gone to HK now lah, hehehe~~ :p |
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