感謝友人歌樂兒, 我諗佢一定係玩「報紙頭條」玩上癮, 正如我玩「雜誌封面人物」玩上癮咁, 哈哈..
大家埋嚟睇睇, 下邊呢份報紙就係佢嘅傑作喇, 好鬼抵死哦呵?? 其實係佢整咗直接擺上佢自己個blog度, 我一見到就非常之中意, 第一時間去download咗佢落嚟, 擺喺度同各位分享.. 好有心思囉佢, 我諗佢應該係搵勻晒我成個blog先搵到僅有嘅呢幾幅靚相, 仲祝賀我個blog二週年紀念(3月13)添, 認真唔話得喇, 多謝晒..
份報紙叫做"The Lives of Others Daily" 《別人生活日報》, 好戇居.. 哈哈~~
Wow...really scared me, i thought something bad happen to you, that's why ur blog is on the headline...
ReplyDeleteIndeed, this is a great gift to celebrate your 2nd year anniversary....Keep it up...
oh wow.. can i consider you a rare visitor here? or a regular but the first time to leave a comment?? hehe, thanks anyway, this is a real pleasant surprise..
ReplyDeletehey, think good laa.. if i ever got into the headline, that is something good and to be proud of!! hahaha..