同友人閑談之間, 天南地北講到我係一個超愛食麵包, 蛋糕, 餅乾, 粉麵之類啲嘢嘅, 總括嚟講任何用麵粉整成可以食嘢嘅, 我都應該唔會抗拒去試食, 如果係覺得好食嘅話, 就更加會食不離口, 物不釋手.. 所以呢一類麵粉食品堪稱得上係我嘅死穴喇, 譬如話下邊呢一大碟嘅BBQ Chicken Bowtie Pasta (前日喺Tony Roma's 食嘅set lunch, 成個面盆咁大個碟裝住成座山嘅pasta)..
同某些友人比較熟落, 好清楚知道佢哋嘅死穴係乜, 該款食品一旦擺喺佢哋面前, 一定無法抗拒其中誘惑.. 有個廿幾年老朋友第一死穴係咖哩, 任何偏咸片算偏辣嘅嘢佢都一定死於味下(你自己知我講緊邊位啦).. 又有個好close嘅朋友, 死穴係煎炸嘢, 任何上粉後油炸嘅嘢佢永遠唔會言倦(你自己知我講緊邊位啦).. 亦有朋友鐘情於蛋料理, 唔理點樣煮法, 總之係蛋就一定啱晒佢口味(你自己知我講緊邊位啦)..
好多時候聽友人口口聲聲話要diet, 但係一見到以上各自死穴, 一定把持不住, 通通事情先拋諸於腦後, 一於食咗至算(你自己知我講緊邊位啦).. 不過最有趣嘅就係, 我好中意扮演魔鬼嘅角色, 兩分推三分氹五分誘惑, 「食啦食啦你睇佢幾咁好味喺度向你揮手?? 你忍心拋棄佢咩??」,一定要友人破戒為止, 見佢哋個又愛又恨嘅搞笑神情, 真係「幸災樂禍」地戥佢哋高興啊, 哈哈~~
yeeeeee...... hou sui ge nei!
ReplyDeleteeat la .. eat la .. eat more la ...
哈哈!! 大家認識咁多年, 知你者莫若我啦..
ReplyDeleteWell... In India, the food is very nice. I enjoyed it very much for the 1st few days... but now I start to get fed up with it... as the food is too oily and I grew lots of fat around my waist just for the past week.
ReplyDeleteI see the food you paste on your blog, the looks reminds me of the Indian food... i had enough and going for straight fruits diet for the next 4 days here.
where were you in india?? i don't remember i had oily food in India last time when i was there.. and furthermore most of the food are vegetarian..
ReplyDeletehuh?? that pasta reminds you of indian food?? hahaha, that's interesting, perhaps you had very bad experience..
吃得是福,无所谓啦!Tony Rama 我中意!等我跑完我的KLIM过后一定要慰劳自己一番!
ReplyDelete對你來講可以說是福氣啦, 對我來講就是發福的福氣囉, 哈哈..