- 死慳死抵啲零用錢, 瞞天過海偷偷地用嚟買零食口垃圾..
- 買零食至緊要係神不知鬼不覺, 一於收藏喺父母唔會搵到, 極度隱蔽嘅地方..
- 買咗返嚟嘅零食, 一定係趁父母唔留心情況之下, 匿埋起嚟偷偷品嘗..
- 無驚無險享用晒包零食之後, 包裝袋放返書包拎去學校揼..
- 一切戰局處理妥當之後, 雙手一定要洗乾淨, 不可留低零食啲色素任何明顯痕跡..
可能就係因為咁樣偷偷地嘅刺激, 所以越係覺得食過返尋味.. 如果當時父母好大方咁準我哋經常食嘅話, 可能就一啲都唔會珍惜囉.. 仲記得cheezels, mamee, twisties, chickadees之類嘅零食嘛?? 其實事到如今, 我都仲係好中意食架, 不過成30歲人, 已經唔駛偷偷摸摸, 可以光明正大咁大啖食啦.. 哈哈~~
let me try ... BTW Oya is da best la!
ReplyDeleteand Oya has a few other innovative products now, flavours i actually mean.. original, pizza, sweet 'o' cheese and BBQ cheese.. but i think nothing beats the original, hahaha!!
ReplyDelete那你以前真的很幸福, 有個那麼開通的媽媽.. hahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteI heard this conversation from 2 married men in a flight recently:
ReplyDeleteA: The Starbuck coffee is expensive to me but not my sons.
B: Cos he is not spending on his own money. Treat yourself better when u can afford.....otherwise you will not able to enjoy your earning but others are .
but parents always save the best for their children.. this is something quite true and inevitable..