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17.09.2007 | 愛上我的blog

最近又開始對自己個blog愛不釋手喇, 每日除咗會抽時間寫嘢之外, 就會諗吓點樣幫佢扮得靚仔啲.. 應該發覺最近我個blog多咗好多嘢, 又counter又時間又播歌, 應該不至於係畫蛇添足啩?? 唔知啊, 最近就係中意攪啲嘅嘢, 時不時轉吓顏色(雖則有人投訴唔好用黑底白字), 時不時播返啲唔同嘅歌, 起碼都應該會新鮮啲啦.. 唔知你係唔係熄咗個music player唔聽, 但係我仍然會經常update架, 但未必係大hit歌曲, 而係一啲自己曾經好嘅歌, 覺得如果有知音人就最好喇, 嘿嘿.. 其實都覺得呢個blogger越嚟越好玩, 可以任由你加你中意啲嘢入你個blog度, 實在係personalised至極啦.. 突然間喺度諗, 既然乜嘢都擺得上去, 咁都有可能擺埋啲spyware同埋virus上去架噃?? 唉呀, 死喇, blogger應該會識得分好同壞啩?? anyway, 如果你擔心睇我個blog會瀨嘢, 咁你又放千萬個心, 一嚟我唔識整埋啲spyware或virus, 就算識都唔會咁黑心, 驚報應啊.. 我始終都係愛我自己個blog嘅, 哈哈.. 聽聞之前有個咩最受歡迎同最佳blog選舉, 雖然質疑佢個權威性同可靠性, 但係如果有個咁嘅銜頭都應該唔錯吖, 可以賺錢架, 哈哈..


  1. i guess you have found another passion :D very good... as for me, i havent really updated my blog lah... just sometimes...

  2. you have been busy with work maa.. or shall i say *frustrated*?? hahaha..

  3. I in fact have the same feelings with ah Tee....getting more and more addicted to my favourite blogspot! Everyday rush back to write the blog! However, blogspot is not accessible in China! So, friends in China might not be able to view my blog.... :(

  4. SH, i also like to read you blog maa.. but don't know your trend/frequency of updating.. sometimes i wanted to read but never updated, sometimes i just browse through and found out there are too much to catch up.. haha!!
