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15.09.2007 | 又嚟一鑊!!!

繼四個月前喺上海畀人扒咗銀包之後, 今日好不幸地喺火車上畀人扒咗部手提電話.. 接二連三嘅失竊事件, 我開始懷疑我是否衣著太過光鮮招搖, 以至招惹扒手向我落手.. 扒手真係扒手, 手法高明到我一啲都唔察覺, 仲以為部手機安然無恙咁喺個褲袋入便.. 越諗就越係扯火, 恨不得將啲衰人捉去打靶不得善終!! 真係黑仔喇, 其實我都set咗個開機密碼, 鬼唔望個衰人連開機都開唔到啊..

當發覺唔見手機後, 好彩路經公司, 所以即刻上公司上網揾揾要打咩電話去個電話公司報失.. 講起個automated assistant就火都嚟埋, 首先國語按1字英語按2字, 跟住後付按1字預付按2字, 跟住輸入電話號碼, 跟住普遍疑問按1字... 大佬, 我打嚟報失要block咗張SIM card架嘛, 十萬火急之下, 你個automated assistant竟然仲係度長話連篇, 我等咗三分幾鐘先至輪到個報失嘅option, 喪低B!! 應該第一個option就係報失吖嘛..

不過算啦, 見服務都幾唔錯, 我過後飛奔去個分行領取新SIM card, 服務快捷而且竟然不收取我一分一毫喎, 實在令我喜出望外啊.. 不過就頭痛究竟要買邊一部新手機喇, 無啦啦要破財真係唔抵.. 算啦, 當係畀自己一個理由換部新手機啦.. 部又殘又舊, 又花晒又甩晒漆嘅手機當係施捨畀個可惡小偷啦, blerrr!!!


  1. So malang !! But it's time for you to get a new phone :>

  2. Poor you.
    Talk about the automated assistant. It always pissed me off especialy when i am in hurry... what he H*LL.

    Hey, why you changed your layout of your blog again. I thought one of your friend has commented that this layout tends to make our eye tired. I totally agreed with her. Change a better one la.

  3. Like I usually say: 旧的不去,新的不来

  4. Oh, I am the 00000624th visitor to your blog.

  5. choonsie: yeah, somehow given me a damn good reason to spend money to get a new phone.. afterall, the old one was more than a year old..

    grace: yeah, that stupid automated assistant!! i have nothing more better to comment on that..

    b4fun: you are right, i've decided to have a change laa.. first impression of the phone is - cool!! hehehe, 624th visitor, that is so coincidence with your bday woh.. must go buy toto + magnum + damacai laa..

  6. man, where is your office????
