- *芒果sorbet, 唔覺有芒果味
- *火腿雜菌芝士gratin配熱辣辣新鮮出爐軟綿綿麵包, 全場至掂就係佢哋喇
- 雞肉田園沙律, 冇乜驚喜
- *烤日本袖珍菇(淋燒汁), 幾好味, 同事唔食菌類, 所以食埋佢份
- 魚翅瓜藥材湯, 唔係魚翅+瓜, 真係有種瓜類叫做魚翅瓜, 好鮮甜, 選擇中湯因為清淡啲
- 陶氏焗牛扒, 唔係煎嘅, 裡脊肉焗得軟肕度恰好, 肉汁冇流失
- 秘製朱古力慕絲蛋糕, 賣相精緻, 唔會太甜, 唔錯
- 柚子茶, 飲返杯可以降低個飽肚感
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08.09.2007 | 坡記飯局
上一回提到個training certification前一晚, 同兩個新加坡靚女同事飯局.. 去咗間叫做Tao's(中文係陶)嘅餐廳, 應該係食fusion food嘅因為個餐牌係簡單得令人開心, 一版英文一版中文攪掂, 唔駛花多眼亂十五十六楂唔到主意.. 呢間餐廳最特別地方就係佢得一個8-course meal, 個個人都係嗌呢個set架喇, 唔同嘅就係其中幾個course可以任你由四五樣選擇上揀最合你口味嘅dish..
由welcome drink開始計起到甜品, 足足八樣嘢排住隊等你慢慢品嘗, 雖然每樣份量唔多, 但係食到最後都真係飽到趴喺度.. 呢八樣嘢依序係(*者為必定course):
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i heard singapore is very expensive with food!!! man... SH told me she has spent a lot there... on FOOD!
ReplyDeletegenerally i think it's cheap if you compare dollar to dollar, not after currency conversion of course.. and why SH thinks it's expensive?? because she goes to expensive places.. hahahaha!!
ReplyDeleteWell, ShangHai is too cheap for nice food. In Singapore, because of the rental and decoration of posh restaurants, and the spending power of oversea expatriates working in singapore, sure the price is high. But for normal food like mixed rice at district like Geylang, is is so cheap. I had a Chap Farn for only SD2, 3 dishes some more.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think my body started to react very agressively againts Mc.D food. I ate a Double Cheese burger, then next day a pimple appeared. Then I took another Mc.Chicken that day, on the next, another pimple appeared... wow... have been eating too healthy and clean recently... and reacts with food high in oil and salt...