中意部靚仔係因為佢13mm超薄, 平時放入褲袋都唔會顯眼.. 個外觀設計簡單得嚟又不失高貴(簡直係minimum and clean典範啦).. 仲有個屏幕解析度去到1600萬鬼咁sharp啦啲圖像.. 大家認為點啊?? 今晚有排玩喇部新手機, 其實有新gadget嘅心情真係好開心架噃, 連畀人扒咗部舊手機啲火都好似熄鬼晒咁濟, 哈哈..
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16.09.2007 | 靚仔駕到..
部舊手機仲喺我身邊嘅時候, 其實就已經畀呢部靚仔所吸引住喇.. 所以今次都唔駛點樣去煩究竟要買邊一款手機, 因為心裡已經有個preference喇.. 噚晚拎咗個新SIM Card之後就順便喺個商場打聽價錢, 跟住就返屋企上網睇睇個手機啲review.. 結果啲review都一面倒的好, 個價錢又喺我預算之內, 而且仲平過部舊嘅添.. 於事就扑錘, 一於係你喇靚仔!!
今日下晝提定現金去買部靚仔, 覺得自己從未有過咁闊卓咁豪爽, 雖然都有行混晒啲電話鋪比較價錢, 但係揀啱咗至低價嗰間, 就好似大陸闊太去尖沙咀買LV咁--唔該畀呢款我睇睇吖, 唔錯噃, 就要呢款, 幫我包起佢啦唔該, 我畀現金.. 個sales都好開心可以做我生意--送埋個screen protector同埋download埋啲靚歌畀你啦.. 一個大家都鬼咁開心嘅交易, 就喺區區15分鐘內完美結束喇, 佢笑住收銀我笑住離開..
中意部靚仔係因為佢13mm超薄, 平時放入褲袋都唔會顯眼.. 個外觀設計簡單得嚟又不失高貴(簡直係minimum and clean典範啦).. 仲有個屏幕解析度去到1600萬鬼咁sharp啦啲圖像.. 大家認為點啊?? 今晚有排玩喇部新手機, 其實有新gadget嘅心情真係好開心架噃, 連畀人扒咗部舊手機啲火都好似熄鬼晒咁濟, 哈哈..
中意部靚仔係因為佢13mm超薄, 平時放入褲袋都唔會顯眼.. 個外觀設計簡單得嚟又不失高貴(簡直係minimum and clean典範啦).. 仲有個屏幕解析度去到1600萬鬼咁sharp啦啲圖像.. 大家認為點啊?? 今晚有排玩喇部新手機, 其實有新gadget嘅心情真係好開心架噃, 連畀人扒咗部舊手機啲火都好似熄鬼晒咁濟, 哈哈..
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"views of the heroes are similar" - awful translation but you get what i mean -- i like this model too when i first saw it, but not the time to change any mobile phones based on 'want', there is no such need yet, my leng lui is still very healthy and strong. If I ever do, this will be by first choice :>
ReplyDeleteenjoy your lengjai.
so... you are going to get a new phone??? and is this the one??? i actually prefer HTC/Dopod
ReplyDeletechoonsie: we always 英雄所見略同 laa.. haha!! i like this phone a lot lorr, despite some flaws in user-friendliness (which i think will overcome after getting used to), its sleek and posh design is real cool - matches me a lot maa.. haha!!
ReplyDeleteJC: i have actually got this new phone the next day of the incident laa.. haha!! i prefer sleek phones than bulky all-purpose-in-one gadgets actually..